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Albanien, während der osmanischen Unterdrückung

  • Ersteller Ersteller ardi-
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Wenn du nicht normal diskutieren kannst dann wende dich an amphion.
Ich habe dir auszuege aus einem Buch gepostet. Das bedeutet gar nichts genauso bedeuten arbers buecher auch nichts.

Da du mir jetz mit vetian greek war kommst machst du das ganze laecherlich ode rdu hasst keine ahnung uber venezia byzanz oder der Zeit uber die wir reden.


epirotarum, nicht albanum oder was auch immenr. Und nein epirus nicht gleich albania.

Früher war der Epirus nur Albanisch,das musst du sogar wissen.

Das steht auf Gjergj´s Helm:

* IN * PE * RA * TO * RE BT * (Jhezus Nazarenus * Principi Emathie * Regi Albaniae * Terrori Osmanorum * Regi Epirotarum * Benedictat Te)

Also ist sein helm sein wort.;)
epirotarum, nicht albanum oder was auch immenr. Und nein epirus nicht gleich albania.

Doch :
Unter der nummer 1 :
President of S.Patrick's College


Mein Post ist nur in etwas humor und ironie verpackt,aber trotzdem ist er ernst.
Schau dir den Link an: Albanian

Da steht wer gegen wen kämpfte,da war Gjergj auch dabei,aber da er grieche war und für griechenland kämpfte,
habe ich mich gefragt ob es einen Greece-Venetian krieg gab oder ob dieser KRIEG,FREI ERFUNDEN IST.

Kannst mich gerne aufklären.
Und das mit dem Doppeladler haben wir ja geklärt.

Alexander der Große

So darum gehts vertehste? All diese threads und provos und nicht ob specific kastriotis grieche oder albaner war.
Früher war der Epirus nur Albanisch,das musst du sogar wissen.

Das steht auf Gjergj´s Helm:

* IN * PE * RA * TO * RE BT * (Jhezus Nazarenus * Principi Emathie * Regi Albaniae * Terrori Osmanorum * Regi Epirotarum * Benedictat Te)

Also ist sein helm sein wort.;)
frueher wr eprius komplett griechisch.
Doch :
Unter der nummer 1 :
President of S.Patrick's College



The struggle of Georgios Kastriotis were struggles of an Orthodox Christian leader against the Turks in order to it keeps the Province free. He was Epirote Greek, as irrefutably declares the following Historical Sources, that they constitute monumental documents :
• The Marini Barletii, his first Biographer from the Skodra (beginnings 16th AD), him calls "Epirote prince" and "Sovereign of Epirus", while entire biography is reported only in Epirotes and never in Albanians.
• Also, himself Georgios Kastriotis addressing to the sovereign of Taranta Ioannis Antonio and giving out his origin and his genuine feelings, writes(in greek of course): "my forefathers were Epirotes from which Pyrrhus rose that only the Romans could push back “.
• Similarly as a descendant of Epirotes and not of the Illyrians he mentions in his letter to the Italian Ursini in 1460.
• Still to the King Alfonso, monarch of Aragon, Naples and Sicily he writes(in greek of course): "The shining and mighty king Alfonso, monarch of Aragon, Naples and Sicily Skenderbeis hails and wishes well ".
• Speaking in the presence of the Pope Paul B he stresses: "After the subjection of Asia and Greece, after the slaughter of her hegemonic spawns of Constantinople , the Trapezounta ... and the desolation of biggest part of Macedonia and Epirus, against the savage conqueror that seeks to ruin the cross the cross, and elevate on the Capitol the crescent and fulfillment of slavery of all the world ... alone i stand with the relic of my soldiers and with my small territory...".
• He had Greek Education and spoke the Greek Language, after by his Letters were sent written in the Greek language.
• Moreover the All Turkish biographer of Ali, Ahmet Moyfjt, writes for Georgios Kastriotis: "in the year 1443 he escaped from the Ottoman camp of Morava the Greek sovereign Kastriotis and went to the seat of his ancestors, the Kroia".
• Italian, English and Swedish reports consider Georgios Kastriotis a Greek. Thus Italian A. Salvi in the tragedy of (1718) he mentions him as a Greek (Greco Georgios Kastriotis). The English C. Randall in 1810 him calls Greek Hero (Grecian Hero) and the Swedish Barrau initially and Rudbeck later (1835) considers the Georgios Kastriotis a Greek.
• The History of French of historical Paganel (Paganel: Histoire de Scanderbey), that was published in Paris in 1855 about him says he is evidently a Greek.
• Want also a Albanian admission of Greek Epirote origin of Georgios Kastriotis The Albanian stamp of 1968, supplementing that year 500 years from his death, presents the cover of mentioned before History of Barletii, that is entered in this clearly, that was Epirote prince (Epirotarum Principis) and not Albanian or Illyrian. It writes the cover: "HISTORIA DE VITA ET GESTIS SCANDERBEGI EPIROTARUM PRINCIPIS".
• Consequently, equitably Danish Franz Nte Zesse'n, military correspondent of the newspaper "Le Temps of" Paris, doubts for the Albanian origin of Georgios Kastriotis, stressing in his lecture: "Question is, if also this Georgios Kastriotis is able to be considered Albanian, after he was son of Greek of Ioannis Kastriotis and of a Serbian princess ". Finally

Soltest du mehr buecher zum griechischen Kastriotis wollen dann melde dich.
The struggle of Georgios Kastriotis were struggles of an Orthodox Christian leader against the Turks in order to it keeps the Province free. He was Epirote Greek, as irrefutably declares the following Historical Sources, that they constitute monumental documents :
• The Marini Barletii, his first Biographer from the Skodra (beginnings 16th AD), him calls "Epirote prince" and "Sovereign of Epirus", while entire biography is reported only in Epirotes and never in Albanians.
• Also, himself Georgios Kastriotis addressing to the sovereign of Taranta Ioannis Antonio and giving out his origin and his genuine feelings, writes(in greek of course): "my forefathers were Epirotes from which Pyrrhus rose that only the Romans could push back “.
• Similarly as a descendant of Epirotes and not of the Illyrians he mentions in his letter to the Italian Ursini in 1460.
• Still to the King Alfonso, monarch of Aragon, Naples and Sicily he writes(in greek of course): "The shining and mighty king Alfonso, monarch of Aragon, Naples and Sicily Skenderbeis hails and wishes well ".
• Speaking in the presence of the Pope Paul B he stresses: "After the subjection of Asia and Greece, after the slaughter of her hegemonic spawns of Constantinople , the Trapezounta ... and the desolation of biggest part of Macedonia and Epirus, against the savage conqueror that seeks to ruin the cross the cross, and elevate on the Capitol the crescent and fulfillment of slavery of all the world ... alone i stand with the relic of my soldiers and with my small territory...".
• He had Greek Education and spoke the Greek Language, after by his Letters were sent written in the Greek language.
• Moreover the All Turkish biographer of Ali, Ahmet Moyfjt, writes for Georgios Kastriotis: "in the year 1443 he escaped from the Ottoman camp of Morava the Greek sovereign Kastriotis and went to the seat of his ancestors, the Kroia".
• Italian, English and Swedish reports consider Georgios Kastriotis a Greek. Thus Italian A. Salvi in the tragedy of (1718) he mentions him as a Greek (Greco Georgios Kastriotis). The English C. Randall in 1810 him calls Greek Hero (Grecian Hero) and the Swedish Barrau initially and Rudbeck later (1835) considers the Georgios Kastriotis a Greek.
• The History of French of historical Paganel (Paganel: Histoire de Scanderbey), that was published in Paris in 1855 about him says he is evidently a Greek.
• Want also a Albanian admission of Greek Epirote origin of Georgios Kastriotis The Albanian stamp of 1968, supplementing that year 500 years from his death, presents the cover of mentioned before History of Barletii, that is entered in this clearly, that was Epirote prince (Epirotarum Principis) and not Albanian or Illyrian. It writes the cover: "HISTORIA DE VITA ET GESTIS SCANDERBEGI EPIROTARUM PRINCIPIS".
• Consequently, equitably Danish Franz Nte Zesse'n, military correspondent of the newspaper "Le Temps of" Paris, doubts for the Albanian origin of Georgios Kastriotis, stressing in his lecture: "Question is, if also this Georgios Kastriotis is able to be considered Albanian, after he was son of Greek of Ioannis Kastriotis and of a Serbian princess ". Finally

Soltest du mehr buecher zum griechischen Kastriotis wollen dann melde dich.

Ja,zeig mal ein paar.
Und einpaar quellen,bitte.

Aber was ich mich frage,
wieso konnte griechenland uns Gjegj nicht klauen?
Bei anderen hat es doch auch geklappt.:confused:
doch nicht etwa weil alles schwarz auf weiß in rom oder vatikan steht?;)

Und wie erklärt sich dein Engländer das?(habe noch keine antwort von dir)
* IN * PE * RA * TO * RE BT * (Jhezus Nazarenus * Principi Emathie * Regi Albaniae * Terrori Osmanorum * Regi Epirotarum * Benedictat Te)

und wann gabs einen Griechisch- Venezianischen krieg?
Gjergj war dabei,griechenland auch????
Frag dein buch vom engländer.
Ja,zeig mal ein paar.
Und einpaar quellen,bitte.

Aber was ich mich frage,
wieso konnte griechenland uns Gjegj nicht klauen?
Bei anderen hat es doch auch geklappt.:confused:
doch nicht etwa weil alles schwarz auf weiß in rom oder vatikan steht?;)

Und wie erklärt sich dein Engländer das?(habe noch keine antwort von dir)
* IN * PE * RA * TO * RE BT * (Jhezus Nazarenus * Principi Emathie * Regi Albaniae * Terrori Osmanorum * Regi Epirotarum * Benedictat Te)

und wann gabs einen Griechisch- Venezianischen krieg?
Gjergj war dabei,griechenland auch????
Frag dein buch vom engländer.
War "albanien" an allen byzantinischen Kriegen dabei? und was bedeutet das genau?

Langsam rueckst du damit aus?

Was hat den gr alles geklaut?