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Albanische Wirtschafts Nachrichten


Hier kommen nur Wirtschaftliche Infos hinein, was sich in Albanien oder im Albanischen Raum tut.


Nur 53% der Albaner haben fliessend Wasser in ihren Häusern und Wohnungen.


UNDP: Only 53% of Albanians Have Water Supply in Their Homes
Tirana, March 30, 2005 - According to a report, prepared by UNDP only 53% of Albanians have water supply in their homes. The water for 16% of Albanians is accessible outside the house, Albanian media announced. The report reads that the number of people who still don’t have any access to drinking water is still high.
Source: FOCUS News Agency
Der EU Botschafter in Tirana: Lutz Salzmann bezeichnet das Albanische Parlament als Club der Wirtschafts Kriminellen.

Ebenso das Europa nach den Parlaments Wahlen, nicht mehr Abgeordnete aus der Organisierten Kriminalität im Albanischen Parlament dulden werde.

E Shtune, 16 Prill 2005


Edlira Prenga

Ambasadori i Komisionit Europian ne Shqiperi, Lutz Salzman, deklaroi dje se Parlamenti shqiptar duhet te jete larg botes se krimit ekonomik. Nje qendrim i tille i tij vjen ne nje moment kur shume nga partite politike tashme i kane te percaktuara kandidaturat e tyre per zgjedhjet e ardhshme parlamentare. Duke i cilesuar zgjedhjet e ketij viti si testi i fundit qe mund te rrezoje Shqiperine nga treni qe po ecen per ne Europe, nje rendesi te vecante i kushtoi perzgjedhjes se kandidateve nga partite politike, si kusht per te patur zgjedhje te besueshme nga te gjithe. "Ajo qe eshte e rendesishme per zgjedhjet eshte besueshmeria. Ky eshte edhe celesi i zgjedhjeve te ardhshme. Fillohet qe nga besueshmeria e kandidateve qe do te kandidojne. Ne shpresojme qe kandidatet qe jane shpallur nga partite politike te kene nje distance nga interesat e tyre ekonomike dhe pa bsueshmerine e kandidateve qe propozohen, votuesit nuk do te kene besim". Keshtu u shpreh dje shefi i KE-se duke kerkuar ne kete menyre nga partite politike te bejne kujdes ne perzgjedhjen e emrave qe do t'i perfaqesojne ne Kuvendin e ardhshem ne menyre qe te mos flitet me pas per nje parlament te inkriminuar. Megjithate ai vuri ne dukje nga ana e tij se BE-ja per momentin nuk ka informacione per kandidate te vecante dhe nuk u takon atyre ta bejne nje gje te tille. "Per momentin ne nuk kemi dijeni per kandidate, te cilet jane perfshire ne veprime kriminale dhe nuk i takon BE-se te beje vleresime te tilla. Por, ne jemi te shqetesuar per fenomenin e krimit ne Shqiperi. Ne presim qe te gjitha partite politike te vene kandidate qe nuk jane te ndikuar nga keto lloj marredheniesh", vuri ne dukje ambasadori Salzman.

Salzman pohon letren e Rehn

Shkas qe ambasadori i Komisionit Europian te dilte dje ne nje konference per shtyp u be letra e publikuar ne media, shkruar ne adrese te kryeministrit dhe qeverise qe ai drejton, nga Oli Rehn, komisioneri europian per zgjerimin

"Omiros" Opens Its Gates in Korca

TIRANA After 80 years, the first private AlbanianGreek school, called "Omiros", was recently inaugurated in the city of Korca, southeast of Albania, in the presence of Orthodox Archbishop Anastasios Yannoulatos, by the ministers of education of both countries, Luan Memushi and Marieta Yiannakou Koutsikou respectively and the Greek DeputyForeign Minister, Eupiridis Stylianidis
Die Europäische Entwicklungs Bank will Kredite für Klein- und Mittelere Unternehmen fördern.

Aber das ist wie die Erfahrung zeigt, Alles Propanda und die Gelder werden für hohe Gehälter der West Manager gezahlt.


EBRD is Helping Private and Public Enterprises in Kosovo

ECIKS 25 April 2005

UNMIK and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed yesterday a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by which the Bank will provide loans for small and medium sized enterprises, as well as public and socially owned enterprises. The memorandum was signed in Brussels by UNMIK chief Soren Jessen-Petersen, and the president of the EBRD, Jean Lemierre. The EBRD said it was prepared to support the development of the public, and especially private sector, with loans. The bank will primarily approve credits for small and medium private enterprises. The projects considered for loans must be low-risk and high-profit, with a strong inflow of cash, UNMIK stated in Pristina after the signing of the document.

For more information about the economic situation in Kosovo, visit the web-site of ECIKS http://www.eciks.org/
Die Kosovaren wünschen sich vor allem Griechische Investoren.

Es gibt dort etliche Geschäfts Möglichkeiten. Von Griechischer Seite aber betrachtet man den Kosovo als gefährlichen Ort, wo man ausgeraubt wird und Mörder überall warten bzw. sich als Geschäftsleute tarnen.

Ghttp://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/news/economy__KathiLev&xml/&aspKath/ec onomy.asp?fdate=07/05/2005

Kosovo wants Greek business

Visits continue as independence prospects set the scene for more foreign investment

By Stavros Tzimas - Kathimerini

Kosovo is the only Balkan market without a significant Greek business presence, though Pristina is only a three-hour drive from Thessaloniki. The hostile attitude of Greeks to the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia and their largely indiscriminate support for former Serb leader Milosevic's policy, combined with the uncertainty marking the new political order in Kosovo, fed a longtime and mutual suspicion. As a result, a climate conducive to development of investment and business initiatives never materialized. Greek commerce was influenced by a media-fueled picture of widespread disorder in Kosovo and a complete lack of access channels. That left the field open to an invasion of Italian, Turkish and Slovene firms that imported mainly food, cheap clothes, fruit and building materials. However, the ice now seems to be thawing. Following the recent visit of Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis, who enjoyed a warm reception by Kosovo's leaders and media, a mutual interest for the development of trade relations began emerging. In Athens on Thursday, Kosovo's Energy Minister Etem Ceku met with Deputy Development Minister Giorgos Salagoudis. On May 16, Kosovo's minister for trade and industry, Bujar Dugolli, is expected to arrive in Greece with Kosovar businessmen. They will meet with Deputy Foreign Minister Evripidis Stylianidis and Greek business leaders. The Kosovars want access to the port of Thessaloniki and, striving for independence, are building bridges toward Athens. The truth is that, for the time being, conditions in this Serbian province are not at all attractive for serious investment schemes, mainly due to the very inadequate credit system. Despite the existence of seven private banks, investors do not feel secure and believe there is low purchasing power. However, developments seem to be leading to the establishment of Kosovo as an independent nation, where those businessmen already with a foothold in the country will have the advantage. In that aspect, Greeks are lagging behind and must run. Greek products, such as fruit, juices and other foods, do arrive in Kosovo but through the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which resells them, taking advantage of the favorable bilateral customs agreement. Although on the basis of the available data alone Kosovo may be described as the poorest region of Europe, this does not mean that all Kosovars are also poor. On one hand, the World Bank may say that 50 percent of the population lives on 2 euros per day, but this is a half-truth. It does not take into account the large sums of money sent home by emigrants and money made in the underground economy. Diplomats and businesspeople acquainted with the region argue that the average Kosovar's income is sufficient to cover basic needs. Greek business should explore this neighboring market. Business leaders say it would be a good outlet for several industries. Consider the thousands of tons of apples, peaches and kiwi fruits that rot in Macedonia every year, due to a saturation of the traditional markets for them. Or the small clothing businesses closing in droves due to poor sales and lack of demand. Or the building materials sector that appears shaky when Kosovo has one of Europe's highest construction growth rates. The road to Kosovo is, indeed, open to Greek commerce. But the move requires boldness and putting aside stereotypes and fixations that imagine robbers and murderers await every Greek passing the border post at Blace.
Viele Leute haben eine Lebensmittel Vergiftung in Durres, weil der Zoll die Einfuhr von uralten abgelaufenen Lebenmittel erlaubt. Ablauf Datum teilweise in 2001 und 2002.

Expired foods flood the market
Durrës- The food products of the market risk to poison Durresi consumer. This declaration was issued yesterday by the office of the Food Inspectorate, near the Directorate of Agriculture and Foods at Durres and came after the controls made by the inspectors of this structure at several points where it is sold at wholesale and retail, and the blocking of 2 tons of food products like potato chips, candy, biscuits, floor, coffee, up to products like olive cans, with expiry date of year 2001 and 2002.According to inspector M. Nurcja “the risk has been increased after the expired food products have entered through customs from east and west, which the “experts” delete the real date and the year to enter faked ones that make possible the sale of these fresh goods. Only during this week we have blocked over 2.1 tons of such foods by closing 17 firms of wholesale, by sequestrating the goods and putting penalties”. Based on the different cases of intoxication of tens of citizens, these event that have happened after the purchase of the goods at various wholesale and retail outlets. The Food Inspectorate at DAF has increased the number of controls. According to the medic Ardrid Dume “the cases of emergency are caused by the foods, potato chips, biscuits, candies and many other products. The respective authorities should take measures because every day there are 10 to 12 such cases. The ice-cream remains problematic during this period. This market should be put under control. Last year were registered over 1400 cases of intoxications from food products”. But in spite of the appeal of the medical and inspectors of the Directorate of Food and Agriculture, the problem should be transmitted to our customs, where the goods enter the customs the controls are usually made only at the first 5 boxes.

Die Albaner erhalten halt wieder mal ein paar Millionien und dafür dürfen die Ausländer die Energie Wirtschaft kontrollieren.

IMF Urges Albania to Proceed With Reforms


TIRANA, Albania -- Wrapping up a two-week visit to Tirana on Tuesday (17 May), an IMF mission called for the country to keep up the pace of reforms in the run-up to the 3 July parliamentary elections. The international community expects guarantees from political parties that they will not depart from the economic policy agreed on under the three-year Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility programme, mission chief Julio Escolano said. The IMF praised Albania for encouraging high economic growth rates and pursuing "prudent fiscal and monetary policies".

Also Tuesday, the Albanian Economy Ministry and the German Embassy in Tirana sealed three agreements, under which Germany will extend a total of 15.8m euros in loans to Albania for rebuilding and modernising the country's water and energy sectors. The funds will be allocated for the construction of a power transmission line between Albania and Montenegro, as well as upgrading the power supply network, water supply and sewerage system in the southeastern town of Korca. (Albanian News - 18/05/05; AP - 17/05/05)

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Zbardhet vdekja e Drejtorit te Hotel Tiranes, ekspertiza: Vdiq nga shkaqe natyrore (UPDATE)
Lajmi i ores 1:10 PM

Peter Bartman
TIRANE (23 Maj) -Drejtori i Pergjitshem i Hotel Tiranes, Peter Bartman ka vdekur nga shkaqe natyrore, por vdekja eshte nxitur edhe nga perdorimi i tepert i ilaceve antidepresive. Ky eshte perfundimi i ekpertizes se bere pas vdekjes se gjermanit 58 vjecar Peter Bartman. Drejtori i Hotel Tiranes, u gjet i vdekur dje rreth ores 17 30 ne vasken e dhomes se tij. Pas njoftimit te personelit te hotelit ne vendgjarje mberriti menjehere policia dhe ekspertet mjeko ligjore. Dhoma ku qendronte gjermani ishte e mbyllur nga brenda, gje qe largon plotesisht dyshimet per pranine e ndonje njeriu tjeter. Ne dhome u gjet edhe nje sasi ilacesh antidepresive. Policia filloi menjehere hetimet per shkaqet e vdekjes dhe doli ne perfundimin se kemi te bejme me vdekje natyrore. Peter Bartman mori drejtimin e hotel tiranes pas privatizimit te hotelit. Bartman ishte i njohur ne fushen e menaxhimit te hoteleve edhe ne vend te ndryshme te botes. db/db(NEWS24/BalkanWeb)