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Albanische Wirtschafts Nachrichten

Und schnell noch die Alb Telekom privatisieren vor den Parlaments Wahlen und einige Millionen auf das Bankkonto vom kriminellen PM und dem Mafia Boss Malaj!

Property Compensation to Be Put Off, High Cost

TIRANA - The process of property restitution and compensation should be postponed for a long time. This was declared on Thursday by Minister of Finance, Arben Malaj, who confirmed that this is the only financial alternative discussed even with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He said that if not this alternative followed, the financial bill of this process would put the state budget in a crisis. More...

Albania Sells 76% Stake in Albtelekom to Turkish Group

TIRANA - Albania will sell 76 percent of the Albanian state phone company Albtelekom Sh.A. to a Turkish consortium in a deal worth $151 million, the government said Thursday. The consortium, consisting of Turk Telekom and Calik Enerji Telekomunikasyon AS, was the only international group offering to buy the Albtelekom.
Es gibt ein neues Post System im Kosovo. Pristina hat jetzt den Code 10000!

Kosovo Adopts New Postal Codes; Belgium Pledges Assistance With Reforms


PRISTINA, Kosovo, Serbia-Montenegro -- Kosovo adopted a new system of postal codes on Tuesday (31 May) to speed up mail delivery. Pristina will now use 10000 as its new code instead of the old Yugoslav code of 38000. The new system has been approved by UNMIK's legal office.

In other news, during a visit to Pristina on Tuesday, Belgian Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht pledged that Brussels would provide financial assistance for the implementation of local government reform in Kosovo. De Gucht met with UNMIK chief Soren Jessen-Petersen as well as Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova and Prime Minister Bajram Kosumi. (AP, Tanjug, KosovaLive, Beta - 31/05/05)

Also ich finde sowas lächerlich. 10.000 Zahlen, das ist ja wohl übertrieben. 5 stellige Ziffern hat jetzt Deutschland und vor 10 Jahren waren nur 4 ziffrige Codes!

Sollen das schon Codes für Gross Albanien über ganz Europa sein.
method schrieb:
was werden blos albaner aus kosovo machen,....mhhh afghanistan?

Das sind die westlichen Standards, denn wo der Westen auftaucht mit "Beratern" wie Alles im Schnellgang in Top Korruptions Modelle umgewandelt, dank der Westlichen Berater und Profiteure.
Ein Tranformator einer Hydro Anlage an einem Stausee bei Skhoder ist explodiert.

Shuhet zjarri ne Vaun e Dejes, transfomatori i djegur do nderrohet javen tjeter (UPDATE)
Lajmi i ores 11:45 AM

Pamje te sotshme nga Vau i Dejes
SHKODER (22 Qershor) -Zjarri qe shpertheu ne mengjes ne hidrocentralin e Vaut te Dejes eshte shuar. Drejtori i Pergjithshem i KESH-it, Fatmir Hoxha, tha sot per median, se zjarri i rene mengjesin e dites se sotme ne transformatorin Nr. 2 ne hidrocentralin e Vaut te Dejes, u shua rreth ores 10.00. "Me pas ka nisur menjehere puna, per rivenien ne pune te turbinave te tjera ne HEC-in e Vaut te Dejes, rilidhjen me qendren Dispecer, me nenstacionin elektrik te Vaut te Dejes, me qellim rifillimin e furnizimit me energji elektrike per Shkodren, Lezhen dhe Malesine e Madhe, brenda pak oresh", tha Hoxha. Masat e marra nga KESH-i per evitimin e zjarreve permes sigurimit te mjeteve te emergjences qe ndodheshin ne kete HEC, si dhe mberritja ne kohe e makinave zjarrfikese nga Shkodra, Lezha dhe Tirana, evituan cdo demtim te mundshem ne njerez. Sipas Hoxhes, brenda javes, transformatori i djegur do te zevendesohet me nje tjeter te ri, qe aktualisht, ndodhet ne mjediset e ketij hidrocentrali. Por dalja nga prodhimi i ketij transformatori, nuk do te cenoje furnizimin me energji elektrike per zonat e veriperendimit te Shqiperise, qe furnizohen me energji nga HEC-i i Vaut te Dejes. Rezervat energjitike prej rreth 1,8 miliarde kwh, qe jane aktualisht ne liqenet e HEC-eve mbi lumin Drin, sigurojne furnizim te panderprere me energji elektrike per vendin, tha drejtori i pergjithshem i KESH-it, Fatmir Hoxha. Transformatori Nr.2 ne HEC-in e Vaut te Dejes, i vene ne pune qe ne vitin 1967, ishte i vetmi qe ende nuk ishte nderruar, nga 4 transformatoret e tjere, gjate procesit te rehabilitimit te ketij HEC-i, qe eshte pjese e projektit per rehabilitimin e kaskades se HEC-eve mbi lumin Drin. db/db(/BalkanWeb)
Ein Tranformator einer Hydro Anlage an einem Stausee bei Skhoder ist explodiert.

Shuhet zjarri ne Vaun e Dejes, transfomatori i djegur do nderrohet javen tjeter (UPDATE)
Lajmi i ores 11:45 AM

Pamje te sotshme nga Vau i Dejes
SHKODER (22 Qershor) -Zjarri qe shpertheu ne mengjes ne hidrocentralin e Vaut te Dejes eshte shuar. Drejtori i Pergjithshem i KESH-it, Fatmir Hoxha, tha sot per median, se zjarri i rene mengjesin e dites se sotme ne transformatorin Nr. 2 ne hidrocentralin e Vaut te Dejes, u shua rreth ores 10.00. "Me pas ka nisur menjehere puna, per rivenien ne pune te turbinave te tjera ne HEC-in e Vaut te Dejes, rilidhjen me qendren Dispecer, me nenstacionin elektrik te Vaut te Dejes, me qellim rifillimin e furnizimit me energji elektrike per Shkodren, Lezhen dhe Malesine e Madhe, brenda pak oresh", tha Hoxha. Masat e marra nga KESH-i per evitimin e zjarreve permes sigurimit te mjeteve te emergjences qe ndodheshin ne kete HEC, si dhe mberritja ne kohe e makinave zjarrfikese nga Shkodra, Lezha dhe Tirana, evituan cdo demtim te mundshem ne njerez. Sipas Hoxhes, brenda javes, transformatori i djegur do te zevendesohet me nje tjeter te ri, qe aktualisht, ndodhet ne mjediset e ketij hidrocentrali. Por dalja nga prodhimi i ketij transformatori, nuk do te cenoje furnizimin me energji elektrike per zonat e veriperendimit te Shqiperise, qe furnizohen me energji nga HEC-i i Vaut te Dejes. Rezervat energjitike prej rreth 1,8 miliarde kwh, qe jane aktualisht ne liqenet e HEC-eve mbi lumin Drin, sigurojne furnizim te panderprere me energji elektrike per vendin, tha drejtori i pergjithshem i KESH-it, Fatmir Hoxha. Transformatori Nr.2 ne HEC-in e Vaut te Dejes, i vene ne pune qe ne vitin 1967, ishte i vetmi qe ende nuk ishte nderruar, nga 4 transformatoret e tjere, gjate procesit te rehabilitimit te ketij HEC-i, qe eshte pjese e projektit per rehabilitimin e kaskades se HEC-eve mbi lumin Drin. db/db(/BalkanWeb)
die Weltbank verhängt gegen Firmen und Personen Sanktionen, wegen der totalen Korruption im von der Weltbank finanzieretn Wasser Projekt Durres (Golem, Kavaje gehört dazu)

Albania: World Bank Issues Sanctions in Water Supply Project

WASHINGTON, March 28, 2005 ¾ .The World Bank announced the debarment of 5 individuals and 6 firms for collusive practices in relation to the World Bank-financed "Water Supply Urgent Rehabilitation Project" (WSURP) in Albania. These firms and individuals will be ineligible to receive any new World Bank-financed contracts for the periods of their debarments, ranging in this case from one to five years. One individual was also given a public letter of reprimand. These actions are part of the World Bank's broad anticorruption efforts initiated by President James Wolfensohn in 1996. World Bank Country Manager Mr. Nadir Mohammed welcomed the ruling saying that "The actions of the companies and their directors were designed to deprive the borrowing country of access to competitive pricing in establishing bid prices at artificially high levels. The sanctions taken against the companies show our readiness to safeguard the procurement process in Bank-funded projects and to ensure that the Albanian people benefit from development programs and economic growth." The World Bank investigation was handled by the World Bank's Integrity Department (INT) and involved the collection and analysis of documents as well as the interviewing of many witnesses in Albania. The World Bank's Sanctions Committee issued notices of debarment to firms and individuals involved in fraudulent practices under the project. All of the firms and individuals were granted the opportunity to dispute the charges. The debarred companies and their respective directors were sanctioned for serious misconduct, in direct contravention of the World Bank's Procurement Guidelines. The companies engaged in collusion by agreeing with each other to submit fraudulent bids containing artificial, non-competitive prices. This collusion occurred in order to guarantee the success of Pacani Sh.p.k.'s bid for a contract to conduct maintenance and repair works on the Durres Transmission Main for the Ministry of Public Works in Albania. The Project's objective was to rehabilitate on an emergency basis the water supply system in the cities of Durres, Fier, Lezhe, and Saranda in Albania. Specifically, the project sought to improve the quality and quantity of water supply through provision and installation of specific equipment as well as through the creation of contracts for critical on-site repairs of visible leaks in the water distribution network.

List of Debarred Firms and Individuals

The firm and individual listed below are debarred under the grounds of Procurement Guidelines 1.15(a)(ii). Their ineligibility period is for 5 years from March 3, 2005 to March 3, 2010: Pacani of Tirana, Albania. Mr. Pjeter Pacani of Tirana, Albania. The firms and individuals listed below have been debarred under the grounds of Procurement Guidelines 1.15(a)(ii). Their ineligibility period is for 2 years from March 3, 2005 to March 3, 2007: Varaku of Durres, Albania. Mr. Shpetim Varaku of Durres, Albania. INA of Tirana, Albania. Mr. Ferdinand Caushi of Tirana, Albania The firms and individuals listed below have been debarred under the grounds of Procurement Guidelines 1.15(a)(ii). Their ineligibility period is for 1 year from March 3, 2005 to March 3, 2006:

Adriatik 1 of Durres, Albania

Mandi 1 of Mammurras, Albania

Mr. Dalip Kuqi of Mamurras, Albania

Project 2000 of Tirana, Albania

Mr. Illirjian Loka of Tirana, Albania

A letter of reprimand will be posted for one year with regard to

Mr. Ardian Mustafaraj, President of Adriatik 1.

Die Weltbank will jetzt ein Projekt finanzieren, um endlich Ordnung die die Küsten Grundstücke etc. zu bringen.

WB Supports Integrated Coastal Zone Management

TIRANA - The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors on Tuesday approved a credit of SDR11.7 million (US$17.5 million equivalent) to Albania to help finance the Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Cleanup Project for Albania. The Project is the first phase of a two-phase Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Clean-up Program, which will be implemented over 7 years
Und diese dürfte wohl das letzte Korruptions Geschäft von Fatosi sein.

Mit Lockheed Martin wurde ein Abkommen für die Luft Kontrolle unterzeichnet.

2003 war ja der Präsident von Lockheed Martin in Sarande und traf sich mit Fatosi.

Accord on Third Stage of Albanian Air Traffic; Project Signed

TIRANA - Albanian government signed on Wednesday with the U.S. company Lockheed Martin, the guarantee company Ex-Im Bank and BNP PariBas Bank the credit agreement on the third stage of the project for the management of the Albanian air space. The agreement, totalling $17m, is the first trade credit in the country which is used for public investment in the Albanian air traffic control