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Albanische Wirtschafts Nachrichten

Immer groessere Elektrik Probleme in Albanien

Power cuts hinder the works in Durres Port
Durres- Durres KESH branch officials are not capable to justify the hours of darkness in Durres city and its surroundings.The energetic crisis overcame in declarations only, appears to be much more evident. Nearly a month ago, when the power cuts were declared to be 10-12 hours, everyone comprehended KESH (Albanian Energetic Corporation) for being in crisis. But, it was KESH itself to declare the energetic crisis was overcome and there will be no more power cuts. But, Durres city passed even the Christmas day in darkness and under generators’ roaring. Power cuts have created chaos even in Durres Port, where many immigrants are coming back to Albania to celebrate Christmas and New Year. The passengers had to deal with this problem since their disembarkation, as soon as they headed to check points. The check in has been almost impossible due to power cuts, causing a justifiable irritation to immigrants, as even the weather was not in their favour. Forced to wait in such conditions for hours in row, they protested in ferries’ yard for the procedures’ acceleration. The situation was normalised only after Port’s official contacted with Durres KESH branch to get supplied with power. However, it is possible that KESH promises non-stop power supplying also for the New Year night, as it has so far promised during previous celebrations, where the electric power completely lacked and it justified with defects occurred in downgraded lines. Such situation was put forward, at a time the state is spending 85 million euros for purchasing energy for a year and the local hydro plants overcame the critic point, and on the contrary, they are reaching maximal levels and where, at the same time, according to KESH, the import power lines are supplying with approximately 9 kilowatt/hour per day.
Albanien erhält für die nächsten vier Jahre fast eine halbe Milliarde Dollar Finanzspritzen aus dem Ausland

Weltbank unterstützt Albanien mit 196 Millionen Dollar

Tirana. DPA/baz. Albanien kann in den kommenden vier Jahren mit einer finanziellen Unterstützung seitens der Weltbank in Höhe von 196 Millionen Dollar (161 Millionen Euro) rechnen. Diese Mittel seien für die Schaffung neuer Arbeitsplätze im Privatsektor sowie für Umstrukturierungen im öffentlichen Sektor bestimmt. Das gaben das Finanzministerium und das Weltbank-Büro am Dienstag in der Hauptstadt Tirana bekannt.

Das Balkanland erwartet in den nächsten vier Jahren insgesamt 430 Millionen Dollar (354 Millionen Euro) ausländischer finanzieller Hilfen, zitierte die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur ATA Finanzminister Ritvan Bode.


Albanien checkt auch ab, ob es möglich ist Algerischen Gas zu importieren.

Albania Looks Into Possibility of Gas Supply from Algeria

The energy, hydrocarbon and mine sectors were considered the most significant on which Algeria and Albania could cooperateTIRANA - Algeria can become an important partner for Albania in the field of mines, energy and hydrocarbons, the Albanian Minister of Economy, Trade and Energy Genc Ruli said after his recent visit to Algeria to meet his counterpart Chakib Khelil and the Finance Minister Mourad Medelci.

Der Korridor 8 ist ein Projekt von 1990 und fast Nichts wurde verwirklicht.

Salih Berisha sagt das der Korridor 8 durch Albanien gehen wird, was natürlich sehr wichtig wäre.

Es wird halt viel geredet und geschwätzt, fast so schlimm wie bei Deutschen Politikern schon.

Berisha: Corridor 8 should pass through Albania

During the session of debate held yesterday in Brussels in the Foreign Policy Commission, the Albanian Prime Minister asked that corridor 8 should expand to Albania as well, as it was foreseen before.“I would like to stress that Albania is facing serious difficulties, with an inappropriate infrastructure. In this context, the approval of the IPA and its increase is a huge help for us, and I would estimated the large European infrastructure projects like corridor 8 go through even our region,” said the prime minister during his word. The head of executive made this declaration, while speaking in the frame of reforms and achievements that government has reached in the economic field. “The tax of the small-size business was halved; the social insurance tax was reduced with 31 per cent; taxes for the imported machinery were abolished; the registration time was reduced from 42 to 8 days, and the registr Berisha: Corridor 8 should pass through Albaniaation cost was reduced as well. We reduced the price of the electric power for the business by 33 per cent. So the preliminary results are promising. There is a significant increase of demand. The economic growth is going up to 6 per cent; the crediting level is expected to increase 120 per cent,” he said. On the other hand, Berisha said the Balkans region, with the commitment of the USA and EU countries, is transformed from a region of war and cruel conflicts that was before to a region of friendship collaboration and regional and European integration. On the other hand, speaking about the reforms undertaken in the economic field, Berisha said the law on the legalisation is a great victory, which along with the new law that is to be approved soon for the compensation of ex-owners, gives an end to the ownership reform in Albania. According to the Prime Minister, this law opens the way to the market economy and immovable properties, providing a huge financial asset to the country’s economy.
