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Albanische Wirtschafts Nachrichten

Around 155 small businesses, already bankrupted
Shkoder- We achieved to get from the Tax Office of Shkodra district some figures on registered small enterprises in Shkodra.The whole municipal territory of Shkodra, which now is a city that does not have any clear distinction between formal and informal inhabited areas, resulted to have registered around 2589 small businesses. There are not included the peddlers considered by the Municipality as small scale businesses. Nevertheless, they have a slight distinction on retails quantity with those 1000 registered businesses that the municipality charges taxes for their activity. However, out of 2589 businesses, 219 have interrupted their activity, while 155 have completely bankrupted, closing down their businesses. Subtracting these inefficient activities, it comes out that 2215 businesses are actually working and out of them, 526 do not pay taxes to Shkodra Municipality. However, we have to mention the positive side of the situation, because one year before there were only 1120 businesses that paid taxes to the municipality. Nexhat Grezda, the director of taxes’ collection department in the municipality said that only during last ten months, the taxes’ collection plan was fulfilled with 124 percent, increasing the balance in this regard. Nevertheless, out of 31 thousand families living in Shkodra, it is aimed to collect taxes from 17 thousand families, but it is still considered the most problematic municipality in the country regarding the taxes’ collection. Shkodra municipality is trying to avoid the tragic epidemic of taxes’ payment, despite severe social difficulties that Shkodra is facing since a long time regarding employment, poverty etc.
Die Albanische Fischerei Flotte ist bankrott

Durres fishing fleet toward bankrupt
Durres- Fishing industry in Durres city is going toward bankrupt.The rise of gas price from ARMO Company and other speculative oil traders as well as custom agents that enable the oil contraband in favour of hefty bribes are leading the fishing fleet toward a secure bankrupt. “Out of 100 fishing boats in possession of the fishing fleet, only 10 to 15 of them actually operate,” – says the head of the fishing management department, Qemal Beu, because, according to him, ARMO, to adapt the prices to world oil markets, has raised the price from 40 lek per litre to 70 lek, which creates serious difficulties for fishermen. Meanwhile, oil smugglers buy the oil in Italy for 0.37 cent per litre and sell it in Albania for a far higher price. Those fishermen, who are able to get supplied with oil and repair their fishing boats in Italy, have somehow resolved the supplying problem. This concern is also known to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection and the director of the fishing department in this institution has publicly expressed his concern on the cases when oil has been sold to a third part, which raises the prices further. Fishermen say the trip to Italy for getting oil there is full of surprises and you can risk the life in certain cases, especially when the weather is bad. They think that there exists a covered collaboration between ARMO, contrabandists and custom agents that has led to asphyxia the fishing fleet, where, while the oil price constantly raises, the fish price stays the same.

Überflutungen in Süd Albanien

Saranda fields turned into lakes
Saranda- The other day found Saranda, Delvina and their settings under water. The roads in almost all district’s fields were flooded up to Gjirokastra.The national road was completely flooded and the water level was more than one metre. Saranda-Tirana line’s busses, together with the travellers turned back where they departed from. Rivers of Bistrica and Kalasa ran off their banks and flooded the surrounding fields from Ura e Kranese to Butrinti Lake, where the draining station is. Even though in alert, Cuka draining station has worked only four hours, while it was closed for twenty hours. As consequence, yesterday it was flooded and now risks being out of operation for a longer time. The reason for this situation is the lack of electric power. A heavy situation was noticed also in Vrina region where the draining station functioned for some hours only. The floods have created an endless sea. There are 800 hectares of flooded lands. There, where the waters of Pavllo River merge with the waters flowing from the steep slopes of surrounding mountains, the depth was over 2 metres. This situation has harmed the crops and fruit-trees of all over Vurgu field’s space. The floods in this zone cover a surface of 1200 hectares.


Pollution in Vlora, 1000 times more than the norm
Vlora- It was told the settings around Vlora PVC chemical factory was highly polluted by chemical wastes used earlier here.It was told these wastes, in case of heavy rains and floods could spread up to Vlora centre. But recently, it was published an official report that scientifically ascertains this pollution. The figures published in this report on the pollution in these settings are extremely scandalous and awful, 1000 times more than normal. Sources in the Institute of Public Health inform the existence of this report is not a secret anymore for health and local institutions, but it is not rendered public, because of the alarm it could raise such extremely high level of mercury in the air. Such report was also handed to the representatives of Ital-Albanian Petrolifera that have taken over to undertake constructions in these settings, like massive oil depots. These scientific results are achieved through assessments that an American environmental association carried out in this zone, acknowledging meanwhile the local institutions with these findings. The toll of bell for such situation means “undertaking of measures to prevent what could be prevented as soon as possible.” Families that “fled” from the fresh air of Skrapar, Tepelena and Korca forests and came to shelter in the settings of this industrial complex have been complaining for years about various health disarrangements and numerous premature distorted births, but no one has so far listened to them. Now that a scientific and trustworthy report is on hands of people competent to solve this situation, something could probably be done. Although we must say that wherever we went to enquire on the matter, we got as response just shrugs that in Albanian can be translated, it is not on our hands; we lack the required funds to undertake such enterprise. Environmental associations that are not limited in Vlora town, should now protest not only against the construction of the giant industrial park, but they should also initiate a massive action for cleaning- up the site from these highly active and hazardous wastes.

Schwere Überschwemmungen in Albanien

Albania Flooded, Army and Police in Motion

The situation has been more serious in Gjirokastra, Elbasan, Durres, Lezha and Tirana areas. National roads blocked, families in danger evacuatedTIRANA - As a result of the bad weather conditions, the situation in several districts of Albania, such as Gjirokastra, Elbasan, Durres, Lezha and Tirana has been problematic


lupo-de-mare schrieb:
Schwere Überschwemmungen in Albanien

Albania Flooded, Army and Police in Motion

The situation has been more serious in Gjirokastra, Elbasan, Durres, Lezha and Tirana areas. National roads blocked, families in danger evacuatedTIRANA - As a result of the bad weather conditions, the situation in several districts of Albania, such as Gjirokastra, Elbasan, Durres, Lezha and Tirana has been problematic



3 Menschen sind angeblich durch die Fluten ums leben gekommen

Tirana. Floods in southern Albania killed at least three people, RIA Novosti reported. It is supposed that a woman died when her car was swept away by the risen waters. A couple died under similar circumstances.
Hundreds of villages in the region of the city of Duras, 80 km away of the capital Tirana, suffered large material damages and tens of thousands of people were isolated because of the floods.


Bei Durres ist die Situation besonders schwierig, nachdem die Illegalen dort schon vor Jahren, die grossen Ablauf Kanäle zuschütteten und darauf illegal bauten! Die haben schon die Situation selbst verschuldet und weil die Stadt Verwaltung vollkommen korrupt ist und war.

Die Haupt Verbindung und National Strasse in Richtung Kavaje ist ebenso teilweise unpassierbar.

Protestë e të përmbyturve
DURRES – Familjet e përmbytura në zonën e Plazhit kanë dashur dje që të bllokojnë rrugën nacionale Tiranë-Kavajë, në shenjë reagimi për situatën e kaluar. Dhjetëra banesa të kësaj zone u mbuluan nga uji gjatë ditës së enjte, pas reshjeve që nuk pushuan, ndërsa nga ana tjetër kanalet që bëjnë kullimin e ujërave të shiut kanë qenë të bllokuara. Kjo papërgjegjshmëri e ndërmarrjeve përkatëse, sipas banorëve, ka sjellë përmbytjen e tyre të pazakontë. Tentativa e tyre për të protestuar në mes të rrugës kryesore është ndaluar nga nënkryetari i Bashkisë së Durrësit, i cili u ka premtuar zgjidhje të situatës. Ai u ka deklaruar banorëve se bashkia do të ndërhyjë shumë shpejt me anë të projekteve konkrete për normalizimin e situatës në këto zona. a.xh
Ab Mite 2006, werden die STeuern in Albanien reduziert.

ax Reduction to Start Only by Mid-2006, Economy Minister

At the beginning of next year, a deep reform will be launched in the fiscal administration to make it possible for the reduction of tax evasion as well as corruption among the employees TIRANA - Tax reduction as promised by the government will start by the middle of the next year, while the fulfillment of the promises to completely manage to reduce the fiscal burden will be made possible only in 2007.
Schwere See und Stürme verhindern das Auslaufen von Schiffen in Durres

Shqiperi, Deti 7-8 balle, alarm ne Portin e Durresit. Kapiteneria: Nje fortunal i fuqishem po kalon. Anijet mos te dalin ne det

Ora 11:35
Nga Daniela Bonollari

DURRES (6 Dhjetor)-Moti i keq ka nderprere lundrimin e anijeve ne Portin Detar te Durresit. Deti Adriatik eshte perfshire nga kushte atmosferike te veshtira, duke shkaktuar probleme per levizjen e trageteve dhe anijeve te peshkimit. Kapiteneria detare ka vene alarmin ne Port pasi nje fortunal i fuqishem i cili ka nisur qe ne oret e para te mengjesit te sotem po kalon ne brigjet shqiptare dhe si pasoje deti perben nje rrezik te madh jo vete per anijet ne lundrim por edhe per ato te ankoruara. Sipas burimeve te mesiperme, dallget e detit kane arritur permasat 7-8 balle, ndersa shpejtesia e eres 26 meter per sekonde. Mesohet se trageti "Grecia" eshte perplasur me peshkarexhen "3 Deshmoret e Kavajes" dhe ate te quajtur "Jaho Kodra", fatmiresisht pa deme ne njerez. “Anijet e vogla nuk lejohet te dalin ne det, kurse tragetet kane mberritur me vonese ne Port”, ben te ditur Kapiteneria e Portit te Durresit, duke keshilluar mosdaljen e anijeve ne det, per shkak te dallgeve te fuqishme dhe marrjen e masave nga ekuipazhet per me shume siguri.

. (/BalkanWeb)
Berisha in Italy: Foreign Investments, Priority of Government

He made this statement in his meeting with the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Pier Ferdinando Casini in Rome TIRANA - Albania's Prime Minister, Sali Berisha met Tuesday with the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Pier Ferdinando Casini in Rome. Berisha presented the results of the work of the government over almost 100 days' period, which are made public also for the international community.
Berisha, Fini, Give Priority to Corridor 8

All the procedures would be accelerated in order that a very important working group would be set up to plan, promote and develop Corridor 8 TIRANA - During his visit to Italy, Albania's Prime Minister, Sali Berisha met with the Italian Foreign Minister, Gianfranco Fini with whom he discussed encouragement and attraction of Italian investments to Albania and the support that Italian and Albanian governments should provide with regard to these investments