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Albanische Wirtschafts Nachrichten

Gjergj schrieb:
Herzlich willkommen Atleti i krishtit.
Schön das noch'n Albaner gekommen ist.

Mirë se ke ardh.

Finde ich auch gut, das mehr Albaner jetzt kommen!

Ein enormer Schaden für die gesamte Albanische Wirtschaft ist das derzeitige Energie Problem. Europa redet von Hilfe und Fortschritt, aber durch die Unfähigkeit des Westens, werden im Moment die letzten Arbeits Plätze zerstört.

Blackout 2005: Electricity crisis deepens

TIRANA, Nov. 2 – Albania’s power shortage deepened this week with drastic power cuts seen in the entire country, including the capital, were some neighborhoods were without power for an average of seven hours per day.

The government decided on Wednesday to allow state-owned Albanian Power Corporation to spent EUR 8.5 million in emergency funding to buy electricity in Romania and Bulgaria for the last two months of this year. The government used a direct procurement contract, which means the sale wouldn’t get bogged down in the tender process.

KESH and Albanian Minister of Economy and Energy Genc Ruli had earlier told the media consumers should expect drastic power cuts due to falling levels of production at home and inability to import electricity while demand soars.

Trouble importing energy

KESH says it is unable to satisfy domestic because it has been unable to import the needed electricity due to a series of technical and legal problems.

Ruli told a parliamentary commission last week that the energy crisis will deepen if Albania doesn’t find additional import sources immediately.

The Albanian government decided to purchase power anywhere it can, but the task is proving difficult because other countries in the region are also facing energy shortages, Ruli said.

The price of electricity has also gone up 30 to 50 percent since the beginning of the year, according to Ruli.

Importing energy was made more difficult by the fact that the current law says that more than one bidder needs to be present in order for the cooperation to buy energy from abroad.

Four previous tenders to buy electricity from abroad have failed in recent months.

Ruli said the previous government was partially to blame for the crisis because it did not plan to supply the country with electricity for the whole year.

Domestic production falls

Other reasons for the crisis include lack of water at the Fierza Hydroelectric Plant, lack of payment by consumers as well as lack of investments in the sector.

Fierza Lake, which also serves as a regulatory body of water for two more hydroelectric plants downstream, is fast approaching the level where production has to stop.

Domestic production was expected to get a boost with the end of repair work at Vau i Dejës Hydroelectric Power Plant, one of Albania’s largest. It had suffered damage after a fire there in June.

Ruli says the only real way to overcome ongoing energy crisis is to invest EUR 1.5 billion in constructing 10 new electrical plants

An ongoing problem

Power cuts due to technical failures or lack of needed resources to satisfy demand are a common occurrence in Albania, although things have improved in recent years.

Albanian businesses often cite electricity interruption as one of the main challenges of doing business in Albania.

Albania’s electricity demand increases by 10 percent annually, which has far outpaced the ability of Albania to produce electricity in its dilapidated hydroelectric plants.

KESH, a state-owned energy monopoly, will probably be privatized in 2006, and the first stages of the process have already started.

Eine Amerikanische - Canadische Öl Firma, hat sich die wichtigsten Öl Felder von Albanien, ohne Ausschreibung ergaunert.

Bankers Petroleum

Bankers Petroleum Ltd. (TSX: BNK, AIM: BNK) is a Canadian-based oil and gas exploration and production company with significant exploration and development opportunities in the Palo Duro Basin of west Texas and a 100% working interest in the Patos-Marinza oilfield in Albania. The Company commenced operations in the oil and gas sector in July 2004 and has raised approximately US$50 million since that time.

The Company's Common Shares and the 2009 Warrants are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") under the stock symbol "BNK" and "BNK.WT" respectively. The Company's Common Shares and 2009 Warrants are also admitted for trading on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange ("AIM") under the stock symbol "BNK" and "BNKW" respectively.


Der Kredit Analyst Ervin Sula, der Deutschen Pro Credit Bank in Tirana, wurde verhaftet, weil er zuviele getürkte Kredite (sprich Bestechung) vergab.

apet hajduti, vidhte
bankën ku punonte, u jepte
kredi edhe të burgosurve

6 Nentor, Ora 02:00
Nga Gerti Xhaja

TIRANE (6 Nentor)- Po unë jam Ervini që kërkon. E di pse keni ardhur, por unë nuk kam asnjë lekë në shtëpi..., të gjitha paratë siç i kam marrë i kam lënë në baste sportive”. Ervin Sula, e priste prej muajsh trokitjen e agjentëve të antikrimit ekonomik të Drejtorisë së Policisë së Tiranës. Që prej gushtit, kur Banka ku punonte zbuloi “sekretin” vjedhjes së kredive me vlerë totale 50 mijë euro dhe e pushoi nga puna, ai e dinte që arrestimi nga policia do të ishte vetëm çështje kohe. Bëhet fjalë për 50 mijë euro që analisti i kredive u kishte vjedhur me anë të riciklimit të dokumenteve të kredive të mbyllura. Në fakt, agjentët e antikrimit kishin kohë që mbikëqyrnin lëvizjet e 29 vjeçarit, duke mos i lënë atij asnjë shteg për t’u arratisur. Shërbimet e nisura për ekzekutimin e arrestit e kanë gjetur në banesën e tij, në rrugën “Beqir Luga” në Tiranë. Sulës nuk i ka mbetur asgjë tjetër, veç të marrë rrobat e trasha të cilat ndoshta i kishte përgatitur me kohë. Vetëm sa ka përqafuar vajzën tre vjeçe dhe ai ka ndjekur policët që e shoqëronin në ambientet e izolimit të Komisariatit numër 4, të Policisë së Tiranës.
Në fakt, hetimi i antikrimit ekonomik ka nisur në fillimin e muajit gusht, kur Banka ku punonte denoncoi analistin e kredive Ervin Sula për vjedhje me anë të shpërdorimit të detyrës. Hetimi është kryer në bashkëpunim me ekspertët e bankës. Sipas burimeve ekspertët kanë këmbëngulur të ruajtjen e sekretit të hetimeve për vetë sigurinë e veprimeve financiare të bankës. Të njëjtat burime, konfirmojnë se bëhet fjalë për një dosje “Top secret”, me rreth 100 faqe që përshkruar skemën e plotë të veprimeve pirate të Sulës, por që mbahet e mbyllur në kasafortë për arsye të sigurisë së brendshme të bankës. Kyçe për faktimin e vjedhjes veç informacioneve të vjela nga banka, kanë qenë edhe të dhënat që siguroi policia lidhur me aktivitetin e 29 vjeçarit jashtë orarit të punës. Oficerët e antikrimit kanë siguruar informacione nga të gjitha pikat e basteve sportive dhe rulotat, ku Sula kishte shpenzuar shuma marramendëse, që nuk justifikoheshin nga rroga e tij te Banken ku punonte.
Me provat e siguruara nga policia, hetuesit nuk e kanë pasur aspak të vështirë për të siguruar masën e arrestit nga gjykata e faktit në kryeqytet. Burime thanë për Gazetën, se autorësia e Sulës ishte faktuar qysh në javët e para pas denoncimit të bankës. Ajo që e ka zgjatur hetimin, ishin verifikimet lidhur me pozitën e sportelistes dhe arkëtares, që kryenin veprimet për dhënien e lekëve kesh të kredive të miratuara. Banka i pushoi ato menjëherë nga puna duke i vënë në dispozicion të drejtësisë për gjetjen e së vërtetës. Pirateria e vjedhjes së kredive, dyshohet të ketë funksionuar për të paktën dy vjet duke shmangur të gjitha veprimet e inspektimit nga ana e bankës.
Berisha wirft den unfähigen Zoll Direktor von Albanien raus.


Nentor 10, 105

Ministria e Financave asnjë njoftim zyrtar. Pritet emërimi i Ymer Nokës
Berisha shkarkon Bajraktarin
Drejtori i doganës do të marrë një post të ri në financa

Artur Korriku


Lirohet nga detyra drejtori i Doganës së Durrësit, Arben Bajraktari. Vendimi i aprovuar nga Kryeministri Sali Berisha i është bërë i ditur Bajraktarit dje në mesditë. Nëpërmjet një telefonate kreu i Doganës së Durrësit është ftuar për një takim urgjent në Drejtorinë e Përgjithshme të Doganave, ku edhe i është komunikuar vendimi për lirimin nga detyra.

Në një prononcim që ka dhënë për Gazetën Shqiptare, Bajraktari nuk bën asnjë koment personal rreth vendimit për lirimin nga detyra. Ai megjithatë pranon të tregojë disa detaje rreth bisedës që ka zhvilluar me eprorët. "Nuk shprehën pakënaqësi për punën time të deritanishme në drejtimin e doganës së Durrësit. Më komunikuan se mbas kësaj detyre do të më ngarkojnë një detyrë të re, po në strukturat e Ministrisë së Financave", thotë ai.

Ministria e Financave nuk ka dalë me njoftim zyrtar për largimin e drejtorit të një prej doganave më të rëndësishme në vend. Ende nuk ka gjithashtu një motivaciacion zyrtar për shkakun e kësaj lëvizjeje të drejtorit Bajraktari. Lajmi konfirmohet nga burime të rezervuara në Ministri, të cilat bëjnë të njohur gjithashtu se në vend të Bajraktarit mendohet të emërohet, Ymer Noka. Noka është një emër ende i panjohur në këtë fushë dhe mësohet se deri më tani nuk ka punuar në sistemin doganor shqiptar. "Një konfirmim të saktë për një gjë të tillë mund ta mësoni brenda kësaj jave, sepse edhe kjo kandidaturë nuk ka marrë firmën përfundimtare të emërimit nga Ministri i Financave Ridvan Bode", u shpreh dje në mbrëmje burimi ynë.

Vetëm dy muaj ka zgjatur qëndrimi në detyrë i Arben Bajraktarit. Ai erdhi në krye të doganës së Durrësit në fillim të muajit shtator të këtij viti. Por dhe kjo kohë e shkurtër ishte e mjaftueshme që Bajraktari të bëhej i njohur sidomos mbas aksioneve të ndërmarra prej tij për bllokimin e mallrave të ardhura në llogari të kompanive shqiptare që rezultonin me borxhe të pashlyera ndaj doganave. Brenda një kohe të shkurtër, ai mundi që të realizojë planin deri në masën 140 për qind. Kjo gjë krijoi edhe atmosferën e pagimit vullnetar të borxheve të prapambetura ndaj shtetit. Biznesmenë të ndryshëm kanë paguar madje dhe borxhe të trashëguara prej vitesh.
Aksioni i parë që u ndërmmorr ishte bllokimi i një sasie prej 2 mijë ton vaj kompanisë "Olim", e cila i kishte 3.3 milionë USD detyrime të pashlyera Doganës së Durrësit. Çështja ndërmjet dy palëve tashmë ka kaluar për shqyrtim në Gjykatën e Shkallës së Parë të rrethit. Po për këtë çështje Dogana është hedhur në gjyq edhe nga kompania holandeze që solli mallin në llogari të "Olim"-it. Më 22 shtator, kompanisë greke "Global Petroleum" iu bllokuan 300 ton benzinë pasi nuk kishte shlyer një borxh prej 81 milionë lekësh ndaj Doganës së Durrësit. Ndërsa më 27 shtator "Kappa Oil"-it iu bllokuan po për të njëjtat arsye 30 ton vajra lubrifikante. Të dy këto subjekte i paguan borxhet

Emri i ri
Në Ministrinë e Financave nuk japin motivacion për shkarkimin e drejtorit të Doganës Arben Bajraktari. Vetë ai pohon se I është premtuar një lëvizje brenda strukturave të të njëjtit digaster, por pa përcaktuar se ku konkretisht

Ymer Noka duket se do të jetë emri I ri I drejtuesit të Doganës së Durrësit. Ende Ministri I Financave Ridvan Bode nuk ka firmosur për emërimin e tij. mësohet se ai nuk ka punuar më parë në sistemin doganor

Vaji Olim
Tashmë po njihet si një histori telenovele. Akuza dhe kundërakuza. Procese që nisin dhe nuk mbarojnë për motive të ndryshme; dogana kundër kompanisë, kompania kundër doganës dhe pronarët holandezë të vajit kundër shtetit
Neue Genehmigungen in Albanien für Öl- und Gas Bohrungen und deren Förderung im Raum Durres.

Foreign Companies to Intensify Oil, Gas Researches in Western District

It is estimated that preliminary potential reserves in the Durres region reach around 28.3 billion cubic meters of gasTIRANA – Sweden’s Lundin Petroleum company declared lately that it is going to intensify its oil and gas researches in western Albania, daily Biznesi reported on Thursday.In fact, Lundin Petroleum has started oil researches in Albanian waters since May last year, when this company and Austria’s OMV signed a production sharing contract with the Albanian government for the exploration and production of oil and gas in a new offshore block called Durresi
Immer mehr Albanische Firmen gehen bankrott in Albanien, weil es keinen Strom gibt.

1280 businesses toward bankrupting
Berat- The generators’ roaring all over the territory of the town of Berat resembles to a severe winter that even without rainfalls is “flooding” the town’s life in its entire organism.All citizens, left or right wing supporters have now become members of the power of darkness. Now they are all facing a communal problem. There are 1280 businesses in the whole prefecture of Berat district, out of which 110 are big enterprises and 1170 are small and medium ones. These businesses are going toward a complete bankrupting due to power cuts. This hard situation has caused losses not only for their enterprises, but it could also create other social problems as the owners of the enterprises are about to sack many of their employees. Others, who are very exposed to power cuts, are the traders of dairy products, which as everyone knows cannot “survive” without electric power. In front of this hard energetic situation, the prefect of Berat district, Roland Bejko called an urgent meeting with representatives of the local government, KESH officials in Berat, businessmen etc. After listening the head of KESH branch in Berat, who reported over the difficult situation that Berat is going through, the participants in the meeting called to the Prefect to intervene near the government in order to increase the power-supplying quota for Berat as this prefecture performs a satisfactory bills’ liquidation toward KESH like families and enterprises as well.


Kinder gehen in eine Schule ohne Licht und haben Kerzen mit.
Pupils learn with candles
More than fifteen thousand pupils of the capital start the school at 13.00 and finish at 17.30. There are fourteen 9-year schools that are holding the lessons in shifts and as a consequence the pupils have to stay in darkness for a good bit of time.The delayed reconstruction of some schools in Tirana made twelve schools to “borrow” auditoriums from other schools. The schools that have handed out their auditoriums finish at 13.00 and then comes the turns of “borrowing” schools. Meantime 10 thousand pupils vary from seven to thirteen years old and all of them have to learn under the candles’ light they bring along. The nine-year schools do not have special power supplying lines therefore it is cut the same with other parts of Tirana. A great problem for them is also when they have to return hoe as the power goes off right at that time. “Although the pupils are transferred to schools near the places where they live, this situation has also its own disadvantages,” – said the Director of the elementary school “Kosovo”, Rezarta Krasniqi. According to her, this school held its lessons in the settings of the Artistic Lyceum for more than seven years. The school is being guarded by police and private guards, but after the incident in the school “Vasil Shanto” we have increased the security measures. Now the pupils have to be accompanied by the teachers even in toilet,” – Krasniqi said. After the new circular issued by the Ministry of Education and Science, the directors of schools ordered the pupils should not go out from lessons for any reason. They are also not allowed to trespass schools’ settings. Even though the schools are guarded by policemen, parents will keep being concerned over their kids.

Salih Berisha will den Bauarbeiten des Korridor 8 reaktivieren.

Berisha urges the reactivation of "Corridor 8"
“Corridor 8” must be reactivated. This was the main declaration of the Albanian Premier Berisha during the meeting with the Macedonian President Cervenkovski.The President of Macedonia came to Albania with the invitation of the Albanian President Alfred Moisiu. The focus of the discussion between the Prime Minister Sali Berisha and the Macedonian President was the intensification, extension and deepening the economic cooperation between the countries. The Albanian Premier reconfirmed the steady stand and will of the Albanian government that the excellent stage of political relations between Albania and Macedonia must be also reflected in excellent economic relations, as it is the will and the interest of both sides. The cooperation fields included the energetic sector, focusing on the projects over the transition of gas or oil between countries, two-sided investments, tourism and other fields. Considering that it is necessary to improve the infrastructure that connects Albania with Macedonia, Berisha stressed the joint project on constructing “Corridor 8” should be reactivated. According to Berisha, this is an important thing that will help in the development of further relations. “The reactivation of “Corridor 8” will open other developing perspectives,”- Berisha said. Both sides highly estimated the two-sided cooperation in the military field considering it as an achievement that will help both countries in their joint approaches for the integration in NATO. In the meeting, the sides discussed also about the region’s stability. Meanwhile, Macedonian President expressed his commitment and support on the cooperation in various fields like tourism, economy and culture. One of the coming joint projects between the Republic of Albania and FYR of Macedonia could be the construction of a full-capacity water-supply aiming the enhancement of energetic capacities.

Albanien erhält einen Haufen Geld, um die Wasser Versorgung am Ohrid See zu verbessern.

ALBANIA: Germany Lends Albania $9M for Canal Network Construction

2005-11-17 18:17:44

Germany loaned Albania euro7.68 million (US$9 million) on Monday to help improve the country's drinking water supply and rebuild an urban canal network in an eastern town, officials said.
The German funding will be spent on two projects at the tourist resort of Lake Ohrid in Pogradec, 140 kilometers (84 miles) east of the capital, Tirana, Albania's Economy Ministry said.
Germany has been one of the main donors to post-communist Albania, contributing more than euro330 million (US$387 million) to the Balkan country's development.

Source: AP


Der Verbrecher Georg Soros u.a. in Frankreich wegen Bestechung zu einer Milllionen Strafe verurteilt bei der Privatisierung der Bank: Credit Lynois, schwafelt gegen die Korruption in Albanien.

Der CIA Verbrecher Georg Soros hat echt eine Schraube locker.

Soros: Lufta kundër korrupsionit jo me metoda arbitrare

“Në Shqipëri po përjetohet periudha e revanshit për shkak të qeverisë së kaluar që ishte e korruptuar dhe është e rëndësishme që për ta luftuar korrupsionin të mos përdoren metoda arbitrare”. Kjo ka qenë këshilla që miliardieri Xhorxh Soros ka dhënë për qeverinë që po drejtohet nga demokratët gjatë një interviste për Top Channel. Ai ka vlerësuar takimet që zhvilloi me kryeministrin Sali Berisha si dhe me liderin e PS Edi Rama duke nënvizuar se “së bashku me ta pashë drejt së ardhmes”. Soros është shprehur se politika shqiptare duhet të jetë shumë transparente me popullin përsa i përket luftës kundër korrupsionit. Sipas tij vetëm në këtë mënyrë populli do të mund të kuptojë të gjitha iniciativat që duhet të ndërmerren. Sipas tij Shqipëria ka hyrë në rrugën e drejtë për zhvillim. Lidhur me cështjen e Kosovës ai tha se statusi i pavarsisë është i pashmangshëm dhe shtoi se gjendja e minoriteteve duhet të jetë kusht për pavarsisnë e saj.
Cabinet, IMF mission generally agree on further assistance to Albania


TIRANA, Albania -- The government and the IMF have reached a general agreement on further IMF assistance to the country via a new three-year programme, IMF mission chief Istvan Szekely announced at a Tirana news conference Monday (21 November). Common ground was found on the main macroeconomic targets for 2006-2008 as well as the reforms and policies to be implemented during that period, to guarantee macroeconomic stability, economic growth and development. Szekely also announced that due to the ongoing energy crisis in Albania, the GDP growth target would be revised downward to 5 per cent for the year, from the initial 5.5 per cent projection. (Albanian News - 22/11/05)
120 privat Boote sind jetzt in Durres registriert

Në Portin e Durrësit janë të regjistruara si të licencuara 120 mjete si anije, gomone, skafe, motoskafë dhe varka me motor, shumica e të cilave përdoren për peshkim. Dje, asnjë prej tyre nuk ka dalë në lundrim.


CA protests against TEC in Vlora
Vlore- Even after the Albanian Prime Minister Berisha declared publicly that it is not going to be built oil industry in Vlora, environmentalists gather in the Citizens Alliance for Vlora Bay Protection organised a protest in sports’ palace ‘Flamurtari’ under the slogan “Vlora in danger, lets save it”. Although it was predicted a higher participation, the environmentalists are determined to oppose Vlora’s transformation into a construction yard for the industrial park. In their word, Petrit Levendi, People’s Artist Liza Laska, the businessman Fatmir Hanxhari. Prof. Sazan Guri etc hailed the public declaration of the Albanian Prime Minister launched in the Albanian Assembly, but they still have some reserves in this regard.In their exclusive declaration for “SOT” newspaper, they declared the doubt over the accomplishment of this declaration stands over the fact that the previous government approved the construction of the industrial park and as far as this decision is not officially cancelled, we are expecting to see concrete actions.


IHCI is about to bankrupt
Pharmacies all over the country have not been yet paid by the state for the reimbursed medicines. During this period, pharmacies kept providing reimbursed medicines to all profiting categories, but the Institute of Health Care and Insurance have not yet liquidate them.Director of this institution, Elvana Hana admitted this fact stressing the Institute is going toward bankrupt. “There are about three months that pharmacies have not been paid and the debt is expected to increase with an interest of 0.1 percent everyday,” – Hana said. According to her, these figures are to be added to the debt of this institution inherited by previous officials, reaching the figure of 10 million dollars. But, hundreds and thousands of citizens are anxiously waiting to know what is going to happen with the reimbursed medicines. In return, pharmacies are threatening to stop the distribution of reimbursed medicines, unless the state pays the debt. Meanwhile, with the winter at the gates, the demands for medicines boost and it is known the main consumers of these articles are the pensioners, disabled people, infants, etc. To overcome this situation, Health Insurances Institute appealed to the Albanian Assembly to pledge an extra fund for the next year, as well as to revise the law on the 2005 budget. “As we have already publicised in media, our institute is facing an inherited extremely difficult situation. Despite the deficit of one billion leks, we also have a conveyed deficit from last year of 600 million leks, which weights everyday on the pharmacies that have a contract with Health Insurances Institute,” – Hana stressed. Meanwhile this institution’s specialists said the whole difference of 30 percent affects directly the Albanian taxpayers. “This part of the solidarity scheme among taxpayers that pay directly and indirectly from the state budget, the reimbursed medicines of the category in need such are pensioners, infants etc, are seriously questioned due to the financial situation,”- said the health specialists.


Kucova close to catastrophe
Kucove- About 10 thousand inhabitants are threatened from gas and oil products in Kucova. The most threatened parts of the town are “11 Janari” and “Polovina” quarters.The reasons of this situation are the illegal constructions within the oil-bearing zone. The squatters of this zone are in serious life danger as they have built their houses near oil and gas wells. Oil specialists admitted this fact arguing also about health consequences. According to official statistics, there are about 1500 illegal buildings near oil and gas wells. These buildings are generally houses and only few of them are shops are warehouses. All these buildings are not more than 5-6 metres from the wells, where according to rules, building must be 250 metres from the wells. “This distance can avoid any possible catastrophe from gas or oil explosion,” – said oil specialists of Oil Extraction Enterprise in Kucova. All these families have come from rural areas occupying the empty fields in Kucova’s oil-bearing zone. According to statistics, about ten thousand inhabitants of these quarters are endangered from gas effusion, mainly the children from 6 months until ten years old. According to doctors, also pregnant women are inclined to suffer from the gas risking premature births.” The director of Kucova hospital, Arqile Mjeshtri said for “SOT” newspaper that there are over one thousand patients, mainly from age 50 to 70, diagnosed with asthma, due to high pollution in these zones. According to him, there are registered 20 children, who are under intensive medical treatment.
