Die Zentral Albanischen Öl Felder werden erneut erschlossen
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 17:54:50 -0500
Reply-To: Mentor Cana <[log in to unmask]>
Sender: Albanian News & Information Network
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From: Mentor Cana <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: News: Albania heavy oil field in redevelopment (fwd)
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http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/article_display.cfm?Section=ONART&C=DriPr&AR TICLE_ID=243354&p=7 Oil & Gas Journal Albania heavy oil field in redevelopment By OGJ editors HOUSTON, Dec. 8 -- A unit of Bankers Petroleum Ltd., Calgary, is redeveloping giant Patos-Marinza heavy oil field in central Albania under an existing license between state Albpetrol SHA and the National Petroleum Agency of Albania. Reworking and equipping wells with progressive cavity pumps brought production to 2,300 b/d from 57 wells in early December compared with about 600 b/d when Bankers signed the contract with state Albpetrol in mid-2004. Bankers unit Saxon International Energy Ltd. holds 100% working interest in all of the field's 2,500 original wells. Albpetrol separately produces 3,000 b/d from 600 wells in the field. Patos-Marinza, discovered in 1928 and placed on production in 1939, is producing 10-11° gravity oil from an estimated 1.95 billion bbl of original oil in place in the Driza, Marinza, and Gorani formations at 300 ft to 5,900 ft deep. Historical recovery rates have been only 6% of OOIP, Bankers said. Bankers plans to submit a final development plan to Albpetrol by yearend. That plan is to involve recompleting a total of 600-900 wells to western standards under primary heavy oil recovery techniques. Bankers exported 22,000 bbl of Patos-Marinza crude from the Adriatic Sea port of Vlore, Albania, to an undisclosed Italian refinery and plans a second shipment soon. Patos-Marinza is one of continental Europe's largest onshore oil fields in terms of OOIP. The 44,000-acre field peaked at 13,000 b/d in the early 1960s. Consulting engineers estimated P50 reserves at Sept. 30, 2004, at 35 million bbl proved and 98.2 million bbl proved plus probable. Click Here to Print SAVE THIS | EMAIL THIS | Close Check the box to include the list of links referenced in the article. ____________________________________________________________________ ALBANEWS is not affiliated with the Albanian Government, the Kosova Government, any association or organization, nor any information or news agency. Reports, articles and news items from various sources are distributed via ALBANEWS for INFORMATIVE purposes only. Opinions expressed/published on ALBANEWS do NOT necessarily reflect the views of the owner and the co-owners and/or moderators, nor any of their host institutions. ALBANEWS does NOT guarantee the accuracy of the reports, articles and news items distributed via the list. ____________________________________________________________________
China, Berisha’s priority
The road to Europe, according to blue government appears to pass from China.Berisha seems to have chosen Beijing as his priority, appointing there his closest man, Maxhun Peka. During the time the Democratic Party was in opposition, Mr. Peka was considered as one of Berisha’s faithful men, to whom he assigned every important duty. Later on Berisha included Peka in running his cabinet’s administration, but however, this was a temporary period as Peka himself preferred the carrier in diplomacy. It was the reason the Albanian Prime Minister saved his preferred man to appoint him in the diplomatic mission in Beijing, where Berisha himself has his priorities for perfecting further the bilateral relation. Peka’s appointment in China will doubtlessly strengthen further the economic and political relation between China and Albania. During the DP’s opposition period, blue leaders have launched a series of accusations against the socialist government about the attention the last mentioned paid toward relations with Beijing. So now, the DP government is committed to strengthen these relations up to where it creates the idea the road to Brussels passes from Beijing. Therefore Berisha therefore has insisted to appoint Maxhun Peka as the ambassador of the official Tirana in China. The parliamentary commission of foreign affairs discussed about the 2006 draft-budget, but only in principle as today is expected to be present the Foreign Minister Besnik Mustafaj. Apart from this, the commission discussed also about the draft-law for the “Ratification of Convention’s Protocol 14 on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms,” which changes the Convention’s control system.” The commission approved this draft-law without discussions. With its approval, the draft-law passes for discussions in the plenary session in the Albanian Assembly. Besides the draft-budget, there is expected to be discussed also the appointment of the three candidates for ambassadors of Albania in Bulgaria, China and Saudi Arabia.