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Albanische Wirtschafts Nachrichten

In Gjirokaster wurden berühmte Ikonen gestohlen.

Unique value icons get stolen
Gjirokaster- Icons with unique values of Benja church in Permet have fallen prey of a robbery. According to the Autocephaly Church, all the stolen icons were some of the oldest objects as well as with unique cultural values, while icons of a recent age were not touched at all. In a statement for the media from the Autocephaly Church, it is stressed “this robbery is added to the long line of such bitter cases to the prejudice of orthodox community and rich Albanian cultural heritage. We steadily repeat our request to improve the security environment and the awareness that the society should prevent church abusers.”

Der IMF ist gegen die Steuer Kürzungen der Albanischen Regierung.

IMF advises against tax cuts in Albania


TIRANA, Albania --The IMF Resident Representative to Albania, Ann-Margaret Westin, warned on Thursday (8 December) that the government's decision to cut taxes in half for small business might have a negative effect and reduce budget revenues. She explained that the proposal might make the tax break so attractive to big companies, they might report lower output, so they too would be classified in the small business category. (Albanian News - 09/12/05)

German Ministry for Cooperation and Economic Development offers assistance to small Albanian enterprises

06 December 2005

The assistance provided by the Ministry for Cooperation and Economic Development of the German Republic was used to set up the Economic Development Unit with the Tirana municipality. The German Ministry assists a special programme for supporting of the small and medium businesses in Tirana through the cooperation with the German agency GTZ.

The Economic Development Unit will assist small and medium enterprises not only with guidelines and informative advises, but it also takes over covering a part of initial expenses required to establish these businesses.

Sokol Mici, coordinator of this programme says the office serves to those citizens who want to establish or extent their business.

“The office provides the necessary information that has never existed before in Tirana. For instance, we orientate the new business toward more reasonable rents and offering optimal conditions” stressed Mici.

“We also have our free economic zones for those who start up a new business. We are always in contact with the entrepreneurs and if a certain business proceeds well, we shift are focus to another business that needs our assistance,” – said Mici.

The Economic Development Unit of Tirana aims to accomplish the fundamental requirements that Albania must meet for the Association and Stabilization Agreement with the European Union. The objectives of this unit are the implementation of the European Treaty of Businesses, reduction of administrative impediments for investments, providing facilities for the establishment of new businesses, as well as applying a lower taxes’ regime for them.

Author: Dritan Ziu
Source: One World South East Europe

3.000 Studenten in Elbansan demonstrieren gegen den Dreck in ihrer Stadt

3000 students protest against Elbasan’s high pollution
Elbasan- Over 3000 students of Elbasan city have protested yesterday against the constant pollution in this city.Their protest initiated by the Regional Directory of Education in association with Elbasan municipality intended to raise the awareness of the public opinion to become part of the engagement for a cleaner environment all throughout the country and to say “STOP” to the pollution in Elbasan. The pupils of 9-year compulsory schools and the high school students in this city protested across “Qemal Stafa” boulevard, performing a peaceful manifestation and encouraging other citizens to take part in their protest. In the focus of the students and pupils protest were the pollution caused by industrial enterprises like the steel processing company “Kurum”, the Ferro-Chromate company “Darfo” and Elbasan Cement Factory, which regardless previous promises, continue to emit in atmosphere tons of cancerous wastes. An important part in the protest organised by this category were also the urban wastes that are dumped all over by irresponsible citizens as well as their passivity of the local institutions to collect them. The Mayor of Elbasan Ardian Turku and the director of the regional education directory, Fatops Bajraktari spoke in front of the pupils and students of this city, addressing their support to this initiative for a cleaner and a more protected city from this kind of pollution. Representatives of the Regional Environmental Agency were also present in this protest, whose concern is to support civil initiatives in this regard.

Die Gerichts Verfahren gegen die kriminellen Finanz- und Zoll Beamten in Durres.

Vendimi I Gjykatës Durres: Pa pranga se është sëmurë. Kreu i tatimeve, në liri për 1 milion

11 Dhjetor, 01:30

DURRES (11 Dhjetor)- Gjykata e Shkallës së Parë në Durrës, liron nga dhomat e paraburgimit për arsye shëndetësore, ish-drejtorin e degës së Tatim-Taksave, Asqri Mirashin. Kundrejt një garancie pasurore prej 1 milion lekësh, Mirashi është lënë i lirë disa ditë më parë. Prokurori i rrethit të Durrësit, Nasip Naçe bën të ditur se vendimi për lirimin e Mirashit, është marrë pas përkeqësimit të gjendjes së tij shëndetësore. Marashi dhe dy vartës të tij, u arrestuan dy muaj më parë, pasi mbi të rëndojnë akuzat e shpërdorim të detyrës në bashkëpunim për krijimin e firmave fantazmë.

Për shkak të sëmundjes së rëndë të Mirashit, janë shtyrë katër herë seancat në Gjykatën e Faktit. Ai është vizituar disa herë nga ekipet mjekësore në dhomën e paraburgimit në të cilën qëndronte i izoluar. Duke parë përkeqësimin e shëndetit, avokati i tij mbrojtjes, i është drejtuar me kërkesë Gjykatës, duke kërkuar lirimin e tij. Pas shqyrtimit të kërkesës, Gjykata e Faktit më 2 dhjetor, vendosi lirimin e Mirashit nga dhomat e paraburgimit, kundrejt pagesës së garancisë pasurore prej 1 milion lekësh nga ana e tij. Pas disa ditësh, gjatë seancës së radhës që do të zhvillohet, Mirashi do të jetë i detyruar që të ulet përkrah vartësve të tij në bankën e të akuzuarve, për t’u përballur me togat e zeza. Ndërkohë dy ish-inspektorët e Tatimeve të cilët u arrestuan së bashku me të, vijojnë të qëndrojnë në dhomat e paraburgimit në Durrës.

Ish-kreu i tatimeve Mirashi dhe ish-inspektori i këtij dikasteri, Dorian Deçolli, u prangosën nga policia e Durrësit në fund të muajit shtator të këtij viti. Ndërsa një muaj më vonë, ra në pranga Adriatik Kroi, ish-inspektori i Drejtorisë së Tatim Taksave, po në këtë qytet. Kroi është prangosur nga Policia e Pogradecit, në pikën e kalimit kufitar të Qafë Thanës gjatë tentativës për t’u larguar jashtë vendit, pasi u vu në dijeni të arrestimit të Mirashit dhe Deçollit. Ndaj tyre, ka nisur çështja gjyqësore në Gjykatën e Shkallës së Parë, në të cilën janë zhvilluar dy seanca. Fakti ka dhënë ndaj tyre masën “burg pa afat”. Avokatët e tri të pandehurve, kanë deklaruar pafajësi për klientët e tyre, ndërsa kanë kërkuar që për shkak të vështirësisë së çështjes, gjyqi të monitorohet nga ekspertët e ekonomisë.

Persona që kishin vdekur shumë vite më parë, rezultonin se ishin pronarë të firmave që kryenin importin e mallrave të ndryshme, të cilave me ligj iu rimbursohej TVSH-ja. Pikërisht, paratë e TVSH-së, sipas akuzës përfundonin në xhepat e Mirashit, Deçollit dhe Kroit. Në sajë të abuzimeve me detyrën, sipas llogaritjeve paraprake, rezulton se ata të tre kanë arritur të përfitojnë 1 miliard lekë. Sipas hetuesve, firmat “Elinea”, “Pina” dhe “Pratico”, janë dëshmi nëpërmjet të cilave evidentohet skema mashtruese që kanë përdorur tri funksionarët e Tatimeve. Vetëm njëra prej këtyre firmave, i detyrohet Drejtorisë së Tatimeve 43 milionë lekë, prej të cilave ka shlyer vetëm 4 milionë. Pas kontaktit të Prokurorisë me Doganën e Durrësit, ka rezultuar se pronarët e këtyre firmave, rezultojnë të vdekur prej vitesh. Hetuesit mendojnë se në këtë çështje janë implikuar edhe disa doganierë të tjerë, të cilët kanë plotësuar certifikata fiktive për importe mallrash të ndryshme, TVSH-ja e të cilave rimbursohet nga Tatimet.

Së bashku me Mirashin, kanë rënë në pranga edhe dy ish-inspektorë të Tatimeve të Durrësit. Ata u arrestuan nga policia tri muaj më parë. Por hetuesit mendojnë se në këtë çështje, janë të implikuar edhe disa doganierë të cilët kanë plotësuar certifikata të parregullta mallrash.

Mirashi, Deçolli dhe Kroi, akuzohen se kanë krijuar firma fantazma, nëpërmjet të cilave bënin import mallrash të cilave iu përfitonin TVSH-në. Nga hetimet, rezultoi se emrat me të cilat ishin regjistruar këto firma, iu përkisnin qytetarëve që rezultonin të vdekur prej vitesh.

(Gazeta Shqiptare)
AMC and ARMO for sale in 2006
Albanian government has foreseen to obtain extra revenues from the selling the AMC share, the state owned oil company ARMO and from other enterprises with state capital, which in total, reach the figure 3 billion leks. This fact was declared by the deputy Minister of Finances Shrefedin Shehu, according to whom, 15 percent of the shares that the Albanian state owns in AMC with a value of 1.3 billion lek will be released for market during the year 2006. Although the government has released for sale some of its strategic sectors, their privatisations have failed, as it was justified, due to lack of offers. The government has not foreseen the selling of the fix telephony Albtelecom, on which was already reached an agreement between the previous government and Turkish Company Celik Energy that was strongly opposed by the Prime Minister Sali Berisha during the time he was the leader of the opposition.
Die Zentral Albanischen Öl Felder werden erneut erschlossen

Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 17:54:50 -0500
Reply-To: Mentor Cana <[log in to unmask]>
Sender: Albanian News & Information Network
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From: Mentor Cana <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: News: Albania heavy oil field in redevelopment (fwd)

____________ALBANEWS: Albanian News and Information Network_________ Archives: http://listserv.buffalo.edu/archives/albanews.html ____________________________________________________________________ >>>>> Alb-Net.Com - The Albanian Connection <<<<<<<< http://www.alb-net.com ____________________________________________________________________ Find this article at: http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/article_display.cfm?Section=ONART&C=DriPr&AR TICLE_ID=243354&p=7 Oil & Gas Journal Albania heavy oil field in redevelopment By OGJ editors HOUSTON, Dec. 8 -- A unit of Bankers Petroleum Ltd., Calgary, is redeveloping giant Patos-Marinza heavy oil field in central Albania under an existing license between state Albpetrol SHA and the National Petroleum Agency of Albania. Reworking and equipping wells with progressive cavity pumps brought production to 2,300 b/d from 57 wells in early December compared with about 600 b/d when Bankers signed the contract with state Albpetrol in mid-2004. Bankers unit Saxon International Energy Ltd. holds 100% working interest in all of the field's 2,500 original wells. Albpetrol separately produces 3,000 b/d from 600 wells in the field. Patos-Marinza, discovered in 1928 and placed on production in 1939, is producing 10-11° gravity oil from an estimated 1.95 billion bbl of original oil in place in the Driza, Marinza, and Gorani formations at 300 ft to 5,900 ft deep. Historical recovery rates have been only 6% of OOIP, Bankers said. Bankers plans to submit a final development plan to Albpetrol by yearend. That plan is to involve recompleting a total of 600-900 wells to western standards under primary heavy oil recovery techniques. Bankers exported 22,000 bbl of Patos-Marinza crude from the Adriatic Sea port of Vlore, Albania, to an undisclosed Italian refinery and plans a second shipment soon. Patos-Marinza is one of continental Europe's largest onshore oil fields in terms of OOIP. The 44,000-acre field peaked at 13,000 b/d in the early 1960s. Consulting engineers estimated P50 reserves at Sept. 30, 2004, at 35 million bbl proved and 98.2 million bbl proved plus probable. Click Here to Print SAVE THIS | EMAIL THIS | Close Check the box to include the list of links referenced in the article. ____________________________________________________________________ ALBANEWS is not affiliated with the Albanian Government, the Kosova Government, any association or organization, nor any information or news agency. Reports, articles and news items from various sources are distributed via ALBANEWS for INFORMATIVE purposes only. Opinions expressed/published on ALBANEWS do NOT necessarily reflect the views of the owner and the co-owners and/or moderators, nor any of their host institutions. ALBANEWS does NOT guarantee the accuracy of the reports, articles and news items distributed via the list. ____________________________________________________________________ http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/article_display.cfm?Section=ONART&C=DriPr&AR

China, Berisha’s priority
The road to Europe, according to blue government appears to pass from China.Berisha seems to have chosen Beijing as his priority, appointing there his closest man, Maxhun Peka. During the time the Democratic Party was in opposition, Mr. Peka was considered as one of Berisha’s faithful men, to whom he assigned every important duty. Later on Berisha included Peka in running his cabinet’s administration, but however, this was a temporary period as Peka himself preferred the carrier in diplomacy. It was the reason the Albanian Prime Minister saved his preferred man to appoint him in the diplomatic mission in Beijing, where Berisha himself has his priorities for perfecting further the bilateral relation. Peka’s appointment in China will doubtlessly strengthen further the economic and political relation between China and Albania. During the DP’s opposition period, blue leaders have launched a series of accusations against the socialist government about the attention the last mentioned paid toward relations with Beijing. So now, the DP government is committed to strengthen these relations up to where it creates the idea the road to Brussels passes from Beijing. Therefore Berisha therefore has insisted to appoint Maxhun Peka as the ambassador of the official Tirana in China. The parliamentary commission of foreign affairs discussed about the 2006 draft-budget, but only in principle as today is expected to be present the Foreign Minister Besnik Mustafaj. Apart from this, the commission discussed also about the draft-law for the “Ratification of Convention’s Protocol 14 on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms,” which changes the Convention’s control system.” The commission approved this draft-law without discussions. With its approval, the draft-law passes for discussions in the plenary session in the Albanian Assembly. Besides the draft-budget, there is expected to be discussed also the appointment of the three candidates for ambassadors of Albania in Bulgaria, China and Saudi Arabia.
Das Schul Wesen wird höchste Priorität in albanien haben

Pollo: Education, government’s priority for 2006
In the yesterday’s meeting of the Parliamentary Commission of Education and Media was also present the Minister of Education and Science Genc Pollo, who introduced the draft-budget for the ministry he runs.According to Pollo, the draft-budget considered the education as priority, foreseen a growth of 3.1 percent compared with the previous year. According to him, the teachers’ wages are increased with 22 percent and investments in schools are increased with 17 percent. Meanwhile the high education will undergo an increase of 10 percent, comparing these figures with the year 2005. Minister Pollo said for the general education from the first class of compulsory school to the forth class of high school are foreseen 3.3 million euros for scientific laboratories and didactic means meanwhile the number and size of scholarships has marked the highest growth. The scholarships are going to be increased with 11 percent for high school students and with 7 percent for university students. Its number will be increased with 25 percent. Pollo mentioned also the credits the Albanian state has received from the Council of Europe, which are going to be used during the first months of the year and they will be allocated for investments in schools of Tirana district. The size of this credit is 12 million euros that are going to be spent in four years. Meanwhile, we are negotiating for another credit from the same bank and of the same amount that will be allocated to other schools of the country and it will be used for other expenses in education. We are concluding the negotiation with the World Bank, which will be reimbursed by the end of 2006 first semester, with a value of 15 million euros that has to do mainly with the education’s reform. Meanwhile, the negotiations for a credit from the European Bank of Investments are in the first steps, whose foreseeable size might be between 12 and 15 million euros, but according to him, it is early to declare a definitive figure. “These are the general figures that I wanted to introduce about the expenses general total. Without calculating the loans, the expenses for the year 2005 have been 10.3 percent, while during the next year, they are foreseen to be 11 percent, which is a considerable increase, but seen from another point of view,” – Pollo concluded the report in the Parliamentary Commission of Education and Media.

Das grösste Trink Wasser Basing und Fisch Basin bei Fiere ist total durch giftige Öl Rückstände verseucht.

Water-supply’s basin gets filled with oil
Fier- The water-supply in Rushdie zone in Patos is transformed into the biggest crude oil basin.Hundreds of tons of oil spill have flown into this water-supply. All occurred two months ago and it is still going on, raising the concern and the alarm among the inhabitants, but they have not yet found an escaping solution. This pollution is also wiping out the organisms, especially bred fish and eels, of the region’s watershed that covers a surface of 50 hectares of land. So, three years ago, there were put for breeding around fifty thousand spawn fish species adapted to these waters. Facing this pollution, the fishes’ species have started dieing, spreading across water collector’s sides. The inhabitants expressed their deep concern for being threatened from the super pollution. According to them, the basin’s water is used not only for the families’ daily needs, but moreover, there are thousands of livestock animals that quench thirsty in these waters. “If the waters are polluted from hydrocarbons’ and oil’s phenols, which are extremely hazardous compounds, we can say we are extremely endangered,” – the inhabitants said. According to them, the risk is evident not only from the extremely high pollution, but also from livestock that drink water in these waters and can transmit it to the inhabitants through the consumption of dairy products and meat and then it will be too late. They have appealed also to the Institutes of Public Health and Agriculture in Fier for solving this situation. The last mentioned have sent their specialist to the site to examine the situation, where they also asked from the oil company representatives to reimburse the pollution they have caused. According to inhabitants, the oil company’s specialists have not yet appeared to the site. The dead fish and water samples are sent to Tirana for analyses, while it has not yet been thought that what is going to happen with the fish in the basin and with the basin itself as it is getting full of oil everyday.

Die neue Universtität in Durres “Aleksander Moisiu”, hat den Betrieb aufgenommen.

Hapet vitin e ardhshem ne Durres universiteti “Aleksander Mosiu”

Ora: 16:40
Nga Elona Mamushi

DURRES (20 Dhjetor) - Vitin e ardhshem do te hapet ne Durres universiteti “Aleksander Moisiu”. Vendimi eshte marre ne mbledhjen e sotme te Keshillit te Ministrave. Kryeministri Sali Berisha deklaroi se per ngritjen e ketij universiteti eshte ngritur nje grup I posacem pune si dhe janë përcaktuar burimet e domosdoshme financiare.

Studentet qe do te ndjekin studimet ne kete universitet do te mund te diplomohen ne nje nga deget cikel i ulet e gjuhe angleze, dege te fakultetin te Edukimit, administrim publik e menaxhim turizem, dege te fakultetit te Ekonomise dhe Administrimit, nderkohe qe ne kete fakultet do te kete dhe nje shkolle te larte jouniversitare