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Archäologie / Ausgrabungen in Makedonien und makedonische Funde weltweit

Zoran solche Münzen haben wir beim Hausbau in Kumanova gefunden.
Waren nicht aus Gold sondern so schwarz/braun.

Mache mal Fotos und stelle sie hier rein.

Was mich die ganze Zeit mehr als wundert ist die Frage, WARUM Chabo Mr. Z sich so sehr verleugnet und um jeden Preis was anderes sein möchte, als es die Natur und das Schicksal für ihn vorgesehen hat?

--> Hast Du bemerkt, dass Chabo Mr. Z jetzt fremde Inhalte einbringt, um das Thema seiner Chabo-Identität erneut und ein weiteres Mal zu überdecken?

--> Ist es Dir peinlich, Dich einen Albaner zu nennen?

--> Ihm ist es offenbar peinlich, zu seiner Chabo-Identität zu stehen.
Unfassbar, was man hier an Szenen angeboten bekommt.

[h=3]Over 50 Archaeological Artifacts Discovered During Research at Site Mrdaja[/h]Labels: Archäologie, Vardar Makedonien

Rich archaeological movable and immovable material has been collected so far in the research at the archaeological site Mrdaja on the shore of Lake Dojran, which was discovered in 2012 during construction work to expand the city beach in Star Dojran.

As the Ministry of Culture announced, the archaeological material chronologically belongs to the late bronze period and the transition towards the Iron Age.

Beigetragen von Makedonets am
[h=3]Mysterious Tunnel in Stip Fortress Unveils New Secrets[/h]Labels: Archäologie, English, Vardar Makedonien

The legendary tunnel underneath the cult fortress in Stip known as the "Isar", through which some 630 years ago, the Turks have conquered the fortified town on the top of the hill after severe battles, has again made the headlines, Telegraf.mk has learnt.

The new walking trail leading from the village of Novo Selo near Stip to the City Stadium, along the western side of the fortress, has been completed. The biggest interest on this walk-line is the entrance to the tunnel, which arouses curiosity in both the locals and the visitors, and has been made a popular spot for school children as it is shrouded in history.

Officials from the Institute for Protection of Monuments of Culture-Stip say that this new situation is an incentive for them to continue the research of the tunnel and the remnants of the entire fortress.

The legend of the tunnel and the trail to conquer the town of Stip is not known to many. It was recorded by Turkish writer of travelogues Evliya Celebi. According to his writings, the Ottoman Turks have conquered the fortified settlement around 1385. The great army of Sultan Murat I has been seizing the town for a while but without success.

However one day, the Turks noticed ducks coming out from the fortress to the Bregalnica riverbed, followed by a few defenders of the town, probably on their way to get some water. The captured defenders discovered the secret of the tunnel that the Turks used to climb the 150-meter wall to the fortress and thus take control of the town. The secret tunnel was then kept filled with centuries, until 1986, when its opening by the Bregalnica River was again discovered by accident, by a bulldozer when the collector's network of Stip was being placed.

Archeologists then said the chances were great that the found hole was the opening of the legendary tunnel, but also that archeological research has to be conducted in order to determine precisely if the tunnel was the one used by the Turks or was an opening of some old mining pit. Unfortunately, when the collector's network was set up, the tunnel was again closed. But the archeologists were not being idle, and after several months of research, five years ago, in 2009, they confirmed that the opening was precisely the secret tunnel, probably built in the antique period and then later re-used and adjusted in the Middle Ages.

"Legends can seldom be proven. This one has definitely shown to be true. In the secret tunnel, which served for military purposes and carrying water, we have discovered 32 neatly preserved carved-out stairs in the first 30 meters that we dug out, while the entire tunnel to the top of the fortress is probably several hundred meters long. The research should continue. Because of centuries of erosion and the layers of earth and rocks, it will be very difficult to penetrate through, but it is definitely worth to work on such an interesting and valuable finding," said now late archeologist Zvonko Beldedovski then, for whom the tunnel in the Stip Fortress had become an obsession.

People climbing up the hill of the Fortress to carry out the custom known as "the forty". Photo: Telegraf.mk

With the excavations completed five years ago, at the top of the fortress other valuable discoveries were unearthed, such as the old St. Vasilie church, the inner tower, the south defense tower, two water canisters, rare weapons, as well as iron arrows, cannon balls and catapults, employed to defend the fortress.

"The researches on the Fortress are to continue. We have a project on the restoration and the reconstruction and the Culture Ministry has determined means to prepare the calculations on the static of the entire fortress. We also need to build a technical road to be able to execute the work which needs to be done by the local authorities, and for that we have the full support of the mayor," stresses Zoran Citkusev, director of the National Institute and Museum in Stip.

Except with the discovery of the important findings, objects and history mysteries, the legendary fortress "Isar", which has seen undisturbed life since the 2nd century B.C., and which allows the visitors to enjoy a panoramic view of Stip and its valley, has been enlisted in the UNESCO's representative list of protected intangible heritage with the century-old custom dubbed "the forty" ("cetrse"). For ages, on March 22, several thousand young people are climbing up the hill to the fortress, from where they throw 39 pebbles into the Bregalnica River and the 40th piece of stone they carry home. On the way there, they shake hands with 39 people and kiss the 40th they run into.
[h=3]Exhibition to Feature Spectacular Golden Artifacts Found in Ohrid[/h]Labels: Archäologie

The gold of Lihnida exhibition will feature spectacular golden artifacts found in Ohrid's surroundings

The Urania House Museum in Ohrid will open a permanent exhibition on Wednesday that will display "the gold of Lihnida". It will feature over 400 golden or gold - plated artifacts that have been discovered in the cultural and religious capital of Macedonia - Ohrid and its surrounding area.

The artifacts date from the 7th century B.C., until the 19th century A.D. They include the famous golden burial mask and the golden glove, found in a grave of a nobleman discovered in 2002. A similar mask was already recognized as a symbol of Macedonia, after four of them were found in the Trebeniste tomb in the early 20 century, but are now kept in Belgrade and Sofia.

Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska will speak at the opening of the exhibition.
[h=3]Top European Archaeologists to Participate in Prehistoric Conference in Skopje[/h]Labels: Archäologie, English

World-renowned publishing house, Archaeopress from Oxford, will publish the articles which will be presented at the international conference on archaeology scheduled in 2 weeks time at the EU Info Center and the Museum of Skopje, in a separate monograph, daily Dnevnik reads.

Top archaeologists from Europe are to take part at the Balkan Prehistoric Conference, organized by the Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture, HAEMUS. The meeting will gather several hundred archaeologists from 20 countries across the world.

According to archaeologist Vasilka Dimitrovska M.A., President of HAEMUS, the number of participants has confirmed that this is the biggest archaeological conference that has ever taken place in Macedonia. The conference includes presentations by archaeologists, a poster exhibition and several other events. The official working language will be English, and the entire event is to be set up under UNESCO's motto on open education resources.

Archaeology reputation needs to be lifted

"Above all, the aim of the conference is to raise the rating and the reputation of archaeology as a science in Macedonia. Besides having a scientific aspect, the event also has a promotional side, and has been done in cooperation with archaeologists from Europe. The conference will enable domestic researchers to obtain contacts with prestigious institutions which would result with cooperation and future projects in the field of archaeology," Dimitrovska says.

The meeting will be held on March 13-14. One of the biggest benefits of the conference is the contract signed between HAEMUS and Archaeopress, the distinguished publishing house from Oxford, the UK, specialized on publishing scientific archaeological literature.

"After the conference, the scientific articles by the archaeologists will be published in a special monograph, which will contribute to an even greater promotion of the archaeology and Macedonia's cultural and scientific heritage," Dimitrovska deems.

According to the list of participants, most archaeologists at the conference come from the Croatian conservation center and the Archaeological Institute in Zagreb, the Archaeological Institute in the frames of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Archaeological Institute with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the University College in London and several museums in Romania.

A world-ranking conference in Macedonia

HAEMUS was founded in 2012 and is seated in Skopje. The founding board is comprised of masters of arts and doctors in philosophy of archaeology and history, whose primary aim is research, publication, and promotion of the Macedonian cultural heritage.

It includes wide range of activities and besides the participation at international conferences and the many ongoing projects, it also covers the work of the official UNESCO HAEMUS club, as well as publications in the HAEMUS Journal, an electronic magazine on archaeology and prehistory on the Balkan Peninsula.

Dimitrovska says with the organization of this conference, HAMEUS showed that with good management and marketing, Macedonia could also set up a scientific conference worthy of world standards.
[h=3]Kleiner Schatz aus Alexanders Zeit in Israel gefunden[/h]Labels: Alexander III, Archäologie

Israelische Höhlenwanderer haben in einer Tropfsteinhöhle ein Versteck mit antiken Münzen sowie Objekten aus Silber und Bronze gefunden. Einer der drei Männer habe den etwa 2300 Jahre alten Schatz in einer Nische des Gewölbes im Norden des Landes entdeckt, teilte die israelische Altertumsbehörde mit.

Unter den Fundstücken seien zwei Silbermünzen, die aus der Zeit der Herrschaft Alexanders des Großen (356 - 323 vor Christus) stammten. Er hatte während seiner Feldzüge auch das historische Palästina erobert. Neben den Münzen wurden mehrere Ringe, Armreifen und Ohrringe sowie anderer Schmuck aus Silber entdeckt.
Dies sei "eine der wichtigsten Entdeckungen der letzten Jahre im Norden des Landes", so die Altertumsbehörde. Der Fund lasse wichtige Schlüsse auf das Leben der damaligen Menschen zu.

Möglicherweise hätten Anwohner die wertvollen Objekte während einer Zeit der Unruhen nach dem Tod Alexanders des Großen in Sicherheit gebracht, sagte einer der Archäologen. "Der Schatz wurde wohl in der Hoffnung auf bessere Tage versteckt."

Kleiner Schatz aus Alexanders Zeit in Israel gefunden

Labels: Alexander III, Archäologie

Israelische Höhlenwanderer haben in einer Tropfsteinhöhle ein Versteck mit antiken Münzen sowie Objekten aus Silber und Bronze gefunden. Einer der drei Männer habe den etwa 2300 Jahre alten Schatz in einer Nische des Gewölbes im Norden des Landes entdeckt, teilte die israelische Altertumsbehörde mit.

Unter den Fundstücken seien zwei Silbermünzen, die aus der Zeit der Herrschaft Alexanders des Großen (356 - 323 vor Christus) stammten. Er hatte während seiner Feldzüge auch das historische Palästina erobert. Neben den Münzen wurden mehrere Ringe, Armreifen und Ohrringe sowie anderer Schmuck aus Silber entdeckt.
Dies sei "eine der wichtigsten Entdeckungen der letzten Jahre im Norden des Landes", so die Altertumsbehörde. Der Fund lasse wichtige Schlüsse auf das Leben der damaligen Menschen zu.

Möglicherweise hätten Anwohner die wertvollen Objekte während einer Zeit der Unruhen nach dem Tod Alexanders des Großen in Sicherheit gebracht, sagte einer der Archäologen. "Der Schatz wurde wohl in der Hoffnung auf bessere Tage versteckt."

Interessant. Sind diese Münzen auch alle südslawisch und kyrillisch beschriftet?
