Schade, dass sie wir EU und NATO Flaggen brauchen.Danke fürs Video.
Schön die gemeinsame Armee mal ''in action'' zu sehen
Schade, dass sie wir EU und NATO Flaggen brauchen.
gibt es eine möglichkeint, sich über deutschland in irgendeinen konsulat für die osbih zu melden???
ich würde mich total dafür interessieren.
BÖBLINGEN, 14. Dezember 2009 - HP Enterprise Services hat die Entwicklung und Einführung eines Einsatzführungs- und Leitsystems beim Verteidigungsministerium von Bosnien und Herzegowina abgeschlossen. Das neue System unterstützt das Ministerium, Einsätze im Krisenfall und in Friedenszeiten zu koordinieren. Mithilfe des Systems lassen sich militärische Einheiten sowie Einsatzmittel identifizieren, rückverfolgen und steuern.
Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der Originalmeldung: http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/newsroom/press/2009/091214a.html
HP Delivers Command and Control Capabilities to Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Defense
PALO ALTO, Calif., Dec. 14, 2009
HP Enterprise Services today announced it has completed the development and implementation of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Defense’s (BiHMoD) operations and command system, known as BiHOCS, to support military organization and manage civil emergency response priorities.
The new system will enable the ministry to coordinate emergency and peace support operations by identifying, tracking and managing military resources.
The new Operations Center for Command and Control was funded by the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Military Financing account, which is intended to promote U.S. national security. The account provides grants for the acquisition of U.S. defense equipment, services as well as training to enable allies to improve their defense capabilities while fostering closer military relationships between the United States and recipient nations.
BiHOCS was part of a two-phase project under the U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency contract vehicle, ENCORE. As part of the contract, HP was responsible for the design, preparation, deployment, implementation, integration and sustainment of the operation and command system. During the implementation stage of BiHOCS, HP worked to deliver the network, collaboration applications, supporting infrastructure, end-user equipment and administrator trainings needed to deploy a successful center.
“The Operational Control System provides BiHMoD with the tools needed to effectively manage critical operations during emergency situations,” said Dennis Stolkey, senior vice president of U.S. Public Sector for HP Enterprise Services. “HP is proud to work with the U.S. government to provide Bosnia and Herzegovina with the resources to efficiently manage military functions while subsequently bringing the country closer to its goal of becoming a NATO member.”
The Operational Control System will provide the BiHMoD with a common operating strategy for increased collaboration to manage natural disasters by providing emergency services.
“The Operations Center for Command and Control is the first of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said Dr. Selmo Cikotić, minister of defense of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Defense.
The new center provides command and control over units of the armed forces tasked with crisis management, operations management for peace support and monitoring regular daily operations as well as activities within the defense institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
HP Enterprise Services is the recently announced brand name for Electronic Data Systems, LLC.
Meine Fresse ist das Video schwul.
Naja, dass ich gegen eine multiethnische Armee bin wisst ihr ja sicherlich bereits.
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