Лудиот;2206480 schrieb::eh:
The Father of All the Turks (who left no legitimate heirs) was born in 1881 in Salonika, then part of the Ottoman Empire, of a mild Albanian father and a forceful Macedonian mother. Mustafa was a rebel from the start. His pious Mohammedan mother urged him to become a holy man, but he became a soldier; at 22, a captain, he rebelled against the Sultan and was nearly executed; at 27, he joined the Young Turks rebellion, then rebelled against the Young Turks. The army, fearful of him, shunted him from post to post, but could neither shake him nor subdue him. At Gallipoli, in 1915, he defeated the British; in the Caucasus, he checked the Russians; in Berlin, 1918, he drunkenly needled the high panjandrum of his allies, Field Marshal von Hindenburg; in Arabia, 1918, he held off T. E. Lawrence's Bedouin hordes. At 38, he came out of the crash of the Ottoman Empire the only Turkish commander untouched by defeat.
Quelle: Time Magazine, Monday, Oct. 12, 1953.
EDIT: Gerade jetzt erst gesehen http://www.balkanforum.info/f16/atatuerk-war-tatsaechlich-halber-albaner-3939/
atatürk war tatsächlich yörük turkmene wie oft noch ihr eifersüchtige.engländer labern. atatürk seine vorfahren sind aus aydin und konya karaman nach makedonien ausgewandert nach manastir. dann sind seine eltern von manastir nach salanoki ausgewandert und dort ist atatürk geboren. er war kein albaner er war 100 % Türke türke türke. ich kann auch einfachso sagen skenderbeg war grieche.