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Bauprojekte in Mazedonien

Government launches investments to modernize rail transport
Skopje, 3 September 2012 (MIA) -
The Macedonian Government has decided to launch an investment cycle to modernize the rail network in the country in an attempt to enable better transportation for the citizens, to increase the opportunities for establishing communications and to support the business community involving transportation of goods.
In early September, construction works will kick off to modernize and maintain the railroad section of Corridor 10, Tabanovce-Kumanovo-Karpos, government spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgiev told a press conference on Monday.
In the meantime, activities for modernization and maintenance of railroad section Miravci-Smokvica - also part of Corridor 10 - will begin.
"A consortium of renowned companies from Austria and Germany has been chosen to conduct the construction works for modernization and maintenance of the two sections. Preparations are under way and the activities will be launched in due time. Under the contract, the works for modernizing the two railroad sections that are 26 kilometers long should be completed in 2013," Gjorgiev said.
"These activities envisage 54 kilometers of railroad within Corridor 10 to be modernized and overhaul and for that purpose the Government in cooperation with EBRD has provided funds in amount of about 17 million euros," the spokesman added.
The Government has also decided to start a project aimed at procuring new and modern rolling stock for the railway.
Archäologisches Museum in Skopje. Mich wunderts echt wie lang die für die Brücke brauchen. :-k

Weil diese anscheinend Vorrang hat :^^:

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    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
Гуштер;3394841 schrieb:
Stellen die Statuen irgendwelchen realen Leute da? Konnte keinen davon irgendwie erkennen.

Da da...

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    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
also der erinnert mich ehrlich gesagt an Tosche Proeski

Tokmu taka :^^:

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Гуштер;3394847 schrieb:
Ja, den erkennt man aber was ist mit den anderen 20?

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