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Berühmtheiten mit balkanischer Abstammung

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Darunter einige wo man es nie vermutet hatte....

z.B. kroatischer Abstammung:

Dann sollen da andere Balkaner sein wie James Belushi und einge andere.

Wen kennt ihr noch?

mir fallen keine berühmtheiten ein ausser ein papst und ein nicht berühmter indianer stamm mit teilweise kroatischen wurzeln :D

hatte eine kroatische Großmutter.

nein du irrst dich seine ur oma war türkin aus mardin christliche türken halt sein bruder hat sogar den spitznamen "der türke"
nein du irrst dich seine ur oma war türkin aus mardin christliche türken halt sein bruder hat sogar den spitznamen "der türke"
Argentinean football team coach Diego Armando Maradona's predecessors come from the western Croatian village of Praputnjak, according to historians quoted in the weekly Vrime.

"Maradona's grand-grandfather Matej Kariolic, the father of the footballer's grandmother Salvadora, comes from the tiny village of Praputnjak. Our local priest has researched it and found it all in church books", pensioner Stanko Kariolic has told to the weekly Vrime.

Stanko Kariolic has also said Maradona a few years ago has visited the nearby place of Novi Vinodolski and when asked about his grand-grandfather "he has made a joke asking whether there was some land left to sell".

The new theory denies the version that Maradona's grand-grandfather emigrated to Argentina from the southern Croatian island of Korcula.

"I've researched the church books and found no Kariolic surname in Korcula since the 14th century", local priest Bozo Banicevic told the paper.
Argentinean football team coach Diego Armando Maradona's predecessors come from the western Croatian village of Praputnjak, according to historians quoted in the weekly Vrime.

"Maradona's grand-grandfather Matej Kariolic, the father of the footballer's grandmother Salvadora, comes from the tiny village of Praputnjak. Our local priest has researched it and found it all in church books", pensioner Stanko Kariolic has told to the weekly Vrime.

Stanko Kariolic has also said Maradona a few years ago has visited the nearby place of Novi Vinodolski and when asked about his grand-grandfather "he has made a joke asking whether there was some land left to sell".

The new theory denies the version that Maradona's grand-grandfather emigrated to Argentina from the southern Croatian island of Korcula.

"I've researched the church books and found no Kariolic surname in Korcula since the 14th century", local priest Bozo Banicevic told the paper.

also ich habe es so gehört seine ur oma du weist ja nicht väterlicher Seite oder mütterlich
Ich mach mal auch bei dem Spielchen mit welches Balkanvolk mehr Minderwertigkeitskomplexe hat. :D

Zach Galifianakis

Galifianakis wuchs in Wilkesboro, einer Kleinstadt in North Carolina, als Sohn eines Griechen und einer Amerikanerin auf.


