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Boris Trajkovski wurde nachweislich ermordet.

Aha, also "menschliches Versagen". :nemafrke:

Die Maschine erreichte nicht die in solchen Fällen vorgeschriebene Flughöhe, sondern blieb darunter. Dann gab es auf dem Flughafen von Mostar kein ILS-Landesystem (Keine Pflicht bei Flughäfen dieser Grösse) und zudem war der Pilot wohl auf andere Verfahren nicht geschult. Hinzu kommt wohl noch das Alter der Maschine.

Es gibt bei solchen Fällen niemals den "einen" Grund, sondern eine Verkettung. Schlechtes Wetter, Bedingungen, Fehlentscheidungen....das sind plausiblere Gründe als das was da aus Skopje nun alles aufgefahren wird.....mittlerweile ist man ja beim Abschuss angekommen. Vorher war es das Verbrennen der teilw. noch Lebenden mit Napalm.

Das ist alles etwas abstrakt, denn auf die Frage: Wer hatte was vom Tod Trajkovis, für wen ergab sich ein (inzwischen eingetretener) Vorteil, gab es keine Antworten (Nachvollziehbare zumindest)
Probe into president Trajkovski's death to resume, evidence to be reviewed, says Jankuloska
Skopje, 8 October 2012 (MIA) -
The strength of evidence should be determined by the court in eventual proceedings, however I maintain my position that the final report reviewed by the government and prepared by an independent commission, shed some light on events that haven't been reviewed before i.e. it contained information that haven't been taken into consideration in previous reports submitted to the public prosecutor and analysed within the investigation.
This was stated by Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska on Monday when asked about the investigation into the plane crash, which claimed the life of former president Boris Trajkovski.
Urging for patience until the closing of the investigation, she said that the response coming from Bosnian authorities in the past several months was different and more positive compared to those in the past.
This, the minister added, gives me faith that the probe will resume and that the evidence included in the latest report will be reviewed carefully.
"I believe that the report, since it is different compared to everything else that has been previously reviewed, deserves due attention from the Macedonian and Bosnian authorities," she noted.
"I believe that new light will be shed on some circumstances that couldn't be clarified before," Jankuloska stated after signing a cooperation memorandum with the dean of the Faculty of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering (FINKI), Dimitar Trajanov.
Recently, an independent expert commission has presented a report to the government containing data that haven't been included in any of the previous reports.
Das wurde ihnen faktisch schon gesagt. Der Absturzbericht, verfasst nach ICAO-Standards, hat die Absturzgründe schon recht genau definiert nur will das in FYROM keiner wahr haben, während man in Bosnien so blöde ist und aus Mitleid nachgibt und verspricht, den Fall noch einmal (zweimal, dreimal, viermal...) neu aufzurollen.

Also alle paar Jahre eine neue Ehrenrunde, ohne Erkentnisse. Am Ende wird auf dem Skopje-Induktionsherd Verschwörungssuppe aufgewärmt. (Trajkovski war eine guter Politiker, deswegen haben ihn die USA ermordet) labalablaba...
Bosnian authorities re-open investigation into Trajkovski's plane crash

Tuesday, 06 November 2012

A new investigation over the plane crash, in which President Boris Trajkovski was killed, opens in Bosnia-Herzegovina, based on fresh evidence that cast new light on the reasons for the "King Air" accident.
The news, reported by Alfa TV, has been confirmed by Omer Kulic, head of the commission for investigation of aviation accidents within the BiH Ministry of Transport and Communications.


The Macedonian Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Ministry of Interior have not yet received an information over the investigation's re-opening, adding that competent ministers Janakieski and Jankuloska had asked their Bosnian counterparts to launch a new investigation, taking into account the new evidence.
According to announcements by Bosnian authorities, the decision over the investigation's reopening would be forwarded to Macedonia in the coming days.
In Macedonia, attorney Ignjat Panchevski has caused shock waves after claiming he has audio and video evidence that Trajkovski's plane was shot down with a surface to surface missile fired from a foreign military plane (alluding to a foreign military alliance).
According to Panchevski, this assassination was long time in the making and took the collaboration of few foreign countries.

"Once the plane was shot down, there was a military unit in the field who went to the wreckage to finish the job. As autopsies had shown, most of the passengers were alive for at least 20 minutes after the crash, some even made phone calls to relatives in Macedonia," said Panchevski adding the civilian radar communication with the presidential plane was cut off and taken over by a military plane who guided the plane into an ambush where a fighter jet awaited.
Bosnian villagers who witnessed the incident, also confirmed seeing individuals dressed in military fatigues shortly after the plane crashed.

The Macedonian Government, because of the sensitivity of the issue has never issued a comment, however did re-open the investigation into president Trajkovski's death.
Attorney Pancevski is not alone, there has been numerous European politicians including a Swiss MP who has received death treaths for pushing a deeper investigation into Trajkovski's plane crash.

MINA Breaking News
..und das Resultat wird wieder das gleiche sein, was aber die Verschwörungstheoretiker nicht davon abhalten wird, weiter mit völlig nebulöser Argumentation daran zu glauben, dass Trajkovski von pösen pösen Mächten ermordert wurde.

Ja wasn Glück haben wir ja die Intelektuelle Elite sitzen! Wir haben schon jedes Geheimnis hier im Forum gelüftet...

Na ja....nicht jedes Geheimnis. Im Moment wäre es mal spannend Deine Oberstube zu entlüften um dem Geheimniss auf die Spur zu kommen, wie es gelingt Deine Fingerchen so zu steuern, dass bei den meistens Posts von Dir irgendwie nur emotionaler Müll rauskommt.