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Boris Trajkovski wurde nachweislich ermordet.

Wenn ich von geistiger Elite spreche, dann meine ich bestimmt nicht dich damit....haha

Ich weiss echt nicht wer von uns beiden gerade emotionaler ist??

Ich finds richtig geil, daß du auf alles anspringst was ich poste.....wie bitter für dich! :-)
Wenn ich von geistiger Elite spreche, dann meine ich bestimmt nicht dich damit....haha

Zum Glück kannst Du so etwas gar nicht bewerten...:D

Ich weiss echt nicht wer von uns beiden gerade emotionaler ist??

Na ja...ich renne Dir nicht parallel in zwei Threads hinterher.

Ich finds richtig geil, daß du auf alles anspringst was ich poste.....wie bitter für dich! :-)

Na wenn Dich so etwas geil macht, muss Du ja ein erfülltes Leben haben...:D
Also langsam nimmt dein Spam echt Überhand....wenn du über den Dingen stehen würdest und halbwegs clever, würdest du nicht ständig auf mich reagieren....
Tja, soviel Grösse muss man erstmal haben....oben und unten ^^

Mach dir nix draus.....ich geh essen :-D
Also langsam nimmt dein Spam echt Überhand....wenn du über den Dingen stehen würdest und halbwegs clever, würdest du nicht ständig auf mich reagieren....

Ach ich reagier gerne auf Dich. Das befriedigt meine gelegentliche Sucht nach Disharmonie hier...:D

Tja, soviel Grösse muss man erstmal haben....oben und unten ^^

Das Du Gelegenheiten zu vielen vielen bestimmten Grössenvergleichen hast finde ich toll, interessiert mich aber nicht wirklich...:D

Mach dir nix draus.....ich geh essen :-D

Lass es Dir schmecken. Verschluck Dich blos nicht an den Grossen Dingen....:D
Also für mich sehr unglaubwürdig wer sollte Trajkovski ermorden er hat ja eh alles gemacht was der Westen sagte also waren es die mal sicher nicht und wer sonst hätte ein Interesse daran? Nach dem Konflikt 2001 war er in MK total unbeliebt und hätte null Chancen auf eine Wiederwahl kann mir niemanden vorstellen der von so einer Sache profitiert hätte

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Also für mich sehr unglaubwürdig wer sollte Trajkovski ermorden er hat ja eh alles gemacht was der Westen sagte also waren es die mal sicher nicht und wer sonst hätte ein Interesse daran? Nach dem Konflikt 2001 war er in MK total unbeliebt und hätte null Chancen auf eine Wiederwahl kann mir niemanden vorstellen der von so einer Sache profitiert hätte
Trajkovski investigation reopened on new evidence

06/12/2012BiH reopens plane crash investigation in light of new evidence from Macedonian authorities.
By Biljana Lajmanovska and Bedrana Kaletovic for Southeast European Times in Skopje and Sarajevo -- 06/12/12

BiH officials are reopening the investigation into the 2004 plane crash that killed Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski and eight others. [AFP]

After receiving new evidence from Macedonia, authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) are re-opening the investigation of the February 26th 2004 plane crash that killed Macedonia President Boris Trajkovski and eight passengers and crew.
Trajkovski and the other passengers died when the presidential plane crashed en route to a conference in Mostar. The initial investigation of the plane crash concluded that the cause was a "procedural pilot error during landing at the airport in Mostar." No charges were filed.
"We hope that everything that the Macedonian Commission came upon will be further investigated by BiH authorities and this will end the doubts that we and our citizens have," Macedonia Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska said.
Experts told SETimes that renewing the investigation after such a long period of time is a sensitive issue.
"The crucial evidence are the two black boxes from the presidential plane. But in the initial investigation only one of them, the cockpit voice recorder, could be and was analysed. The whole investigation was based on this information. The experts in Switzerland could not get to the information from the flight data recorder," said Zoran Dorevski, a security expert and author of the book Controversies of the Flight Zulu 3 Brava-Alpha-Bravo.
The responsibility for investigating aircraft accidents in BiH belongs to the Ministry of Communications and Transport. Omer Kulic, president of the Commission for Aviation at the ministry, will be in charge of the renewed probe. He said investigators will seek statements from the witnesses of the accident one more time.
"The government of Macedonia has formed a committee that worked for six years on this issue. They have done many things, collected new evidence, and we are constantly in touch with them," Kulic told SETimes.

Ignjat Panchevski, lawyer for the Trajkovski family, claimed that the plane was struck by a missile and said that he has satellite images of the incident.
"Out of all relevant sources that I talked to during my research, no one has seen such images," Dorevski said. "If there are satellite images they should be made public."
Kulic said the investigation will not go in the direction of the speculation, since there is no evidence to support it.
"It is in the interest of BiH to complete the investigation and stop speculation about the causes of the accident,“ said Damir Hadzic, BiH minister of communications and transport.
REGION | JANUARY 20, 2013 | 15:25[h=1]Bosnia to reopen probe into Macedonian president’s death[/h]SOURCE: TANJUGSARAJEVO -- Bosnia-Herzegovina will open a new investigation into former Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski’s death, a Bosnia-Herzegovina official has announced.

Transport Minister’s advisor Omer Kulić said that an investigative team had been formed and that the decision now awaited a signature of Transport and Communication Minister Damir Hadžić.
“The investigative team that will conduct the new investigation into the death of former Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski was formed after Serbia and Croatia each had delegated a member,” Kulić said.

He explained that the new probe would be launched because the Macedonian government’s investigators had collected new evidence about the death of Trajkovski and members of the Macedonian delegation who died when their plane crashed near the Bosnian town of Mostar on February 26, 2004.

“We will pay special attention to new details that have been discovered in order to get to new facts and conclusions in the investigation,” the Bosnia-Herzegovina official said.

Expert investigators from the U.S., Germany, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina will be on the team that will conduct the new probe.

Trajkovski, six members of the Macedonian delegation and two pilots died in the plane crash.
Kulic: Investigation in president Trajkovski's plane crash to be wrapped up in 6 to 12 months
Email| Printoj |
2/9/2013 4:37:14 PM
Skopje, 9 February 2013 (MIA) - The new investigation into the plane crash that claimed the lives of president Boris Trajkovski, his associates and crew members, should be wrapped up in 6 to 12 months.

A 15-member team, probing the crash of the Beechcraft Super King Air 200 Z3-BAB aircraft on 26 February 2004 in the vicinity of Mostar, brings together experts from Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia, says chairman of the Aviation Commission within BiH's Ministry of Transport and Communications, Omer Kulic.

"We believe that this team is going to be objective and professional. The names of people included in the team will not be revealed to the public in favour of preventing any possible influence on their work. It is composed of seven aviation engineers, three pilots, two air traffic controllers and two flight procedure designers" Kulic told a press conference on Saturday.

This team is in charge of verifying the facts about the plane crash. After completion, the investigation report will be submitted to the prosecution and posted on the website of BiH's Ministry of Transport and Communications, Kulic said.

The probe into the Kinger's crash was reopened last December on Macedonia's request, upon submission of new evidence by the national Ministry of Interior Affairs to Bosnia's relevant authorities.

The initial investigation into the crash concluded the plane hit nearby mountains due to pilot error.
Часовник како доказ дека Борис Трајковски е убиен


Адвокатот Игнат Панчевски достави часовник на еден од загинатите во претседателскиот Кингер како доказ дека поранешниот претседател на Македонија, Борис Трајковски е убиен, известува Сител.
Тој се сретна со шефот на меѓународната комисија, на кој му го достави овој доказ. На часовникот јасно се гледа застанатото време, кога се случил падот на Кингерот. Овој доказ бил скриен од очите на јавноста, а останатите материјали што ги поседува Панчевски, ќе ги доставел на наредната средба.
„Моите сознанија се од корист за сите, но тие го докажуваат атентатот. За моите докази не треба комисија“, изјави Игнат Панчевски. Сеуште не се знае дали овие доказе ќе бидат дел од новата истрага за падот на претседателскиот Кингер.
„Прв пат се сретнавме, презентираше докази во нашиот 30 минутен разговор. Се договоривме за кратко време на повторно средба дали овде дали во Сараево за детално да ги слушнеме сите работи од Панчевски сите докази и да видиме дали ќе бидат земени во предвид. Не можам да кажам за кои докази конкретно се работи, но ќе се истражува и ќе видиме дали имаат смисла или не“, изјави за Сител Омер Кулиќ.


Пул� 24 - Ча�овник како доказ дека Бори� Трајков�ки е убиен