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Boris Trajkovski wurde nachweislich ermordet.

In er neuen Untersuchung im Fall des verunglückten Boris Trajkovski wird es eine Simulation des Fluges geben. Die ganze Untersuchung wird 6 bis 12 Monate dauern.


Новата истрага за смртта на поранешниот претседател Борис Трајковски ќе трае од шест до 12 месеци при што, меѓу другото, ќе се прави и симулација на летот со ист вид на авион.


Ова, во интервјуто за босанскиот „Дневен аваз“ го најавил македонскиот министер за одбрана Талат Џафери кој, како што претходно беше пренесено, изразил уверување дека е неопходна нова истрага бидејќи претходната била премногу брза.
- Новата истрага е потребна и од аспект на трајна и прифатлива информација – изјавил Џафери.
Главниот истражител за падот на претседателскиот „кингер“ Омер Кулиќ неодамна престојувал во Скопје заедно со тимот на 15 експерти од БиХ, Хрватска, Србија и Македонија, кои треба да ги истражат новите докази што ги приложила македонската влада.


Освен што ќе се спроведе комплетна симулација на летот, повторно ќе се вештачат инструментите во авионот, а предмет на истражување ќе биде и операторот кој во Македонија го организрирал летот, како и навигациските сретства и користените процедури на аеродромот во Мостар.

Претседателот Трајковски, заедно со осумте соработници и членови на екипажот, загина во авионската несреќа кај Мостар на 26 февруари 2004 година.
Simulation of Trajkovski’s flight

Today will be performed simulation of the flight Skopje – Mostar that almost 10 years ago was killed Macedonian President, Boris Trajkovski.

As Soter Traikov, the authorized representative of Macedonia in the International Commission that conducts the renewed investigation informed MIA, in the afternoon will be performed flight for checking the procedure of the flight from Skopje – Mostar with the same type of plane “Kinger” with which on February 26, 2004 in the crash were killed the President Trajkovski, members of the state delegation and crew.
During this flight, Omar Kulikj, the President of the International Commission for renewed investigation of the accident with a group of experts will verify the feasibility of the procedure and performance of the assets for navigation at the airport in Mostar.
Six pilots participate in the team, two from each of the following countries, Macedonia, BiH and Serbia. The plane that will be used is the same type as Trajkovski’s “Kinger” and is owned by Serbian air traffic control SMATSA, the calibration sector, said Kostov, who is also chairman of the Committee for Investigation of accidents and serious incidents to aircraft.
The investigation for airplane crash that killed President Trajovski was again renewed at the request of Macedonia after the submission of the new evidence.
The initial investigation led by the authorities in Macedonian and Bosnia showed that the cause of the crash were crew omissions made during the procedure for approaching to the airport in Mostar in terms of complex weather conditions, dense fog and cloudiness.
The Government “Kinger” that President Trajkovski used for traveling to the International Conference on investment in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 26th of February 2004 crashed at Matikj Brdo near the village Huskovikj near Mostar. The plane was supposed to land at the airport in Mostar at eight o’clock local time. The remains were found 24 hours after the plane crash.

Vecer, Macedonia: New details emerge in plane crash that killed President
19 November 2013 | 09:52 | FOCUS News Agency
Home / Southeast Europe and Balkans
Skopje. Investigation of the plane crash, which claimed the life of Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski, has uncovered new information about the accident, Macedonian Dnevnik daily writes.
Macedonian experts visited the region Rotimle near to the town of Mostar, located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where they analysed the crash site.
They also spoke to local people who said that immediately after the crash occurred, French soldiers from the NATO-led peacekeeping Stabilization Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina had arrived at the crash site and blocked the way to it. The plane was discovered twenty-four hours later.
Boris Trajkovski was Macedonian President from 1999 to 2004. He died on 26 February 2004 in a plane crash en route to a conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Ah Zoki, das ist doch schon das gleiche Ritual seit Jahren. Hinfahren, angeblich neue Informationen, Fragen an die Leute deren Erinnerung sich verändern kann. Das wirklich beste Dokument zu dem Vorgang ist der Absturzbericht nach ICAO-Standards. Für jeden der sich ein wenig mit Luftfahrt auskennt oder selbst ´nen Mini-Politenschein gemacht hat ist die Sache klar: Pilotenfehler, Verkettung unglücklicher Umstände.....nur in FYR Mazedonien wird -aus welchen Gründen auch immer- ein Erinnerungs- und Aufwärmkult betrieben, garniert mit reichlich Verschwörungssuppe.
Kulikj: There are many flaws in the investigation for the Trajkovski plane crash


There are many flaws and mistakes, not just one. We in the new investigation covered everything. We analyzed every detail and every possible activity. The fault is not only at group of people regardless of who they were and where they were. It was set of several errors.

This in MIA said Omer Kulikj, Chairman of the Committee that conducted the new investigation of the plane crash that killed President Boris Trajkovski.
Kulikj expectations are that the Committee final report will be ready by the end of the year.
- We will do our best for report to be ready by the end of the year. However, if we are little bit late please do not take it for evil. Absolutely everything is resolved in relation to the flight and crash. We will finish everything, will not left a single question open, says Kulikj.
Commission has more information, but points out, now there is selection of the collected data.
- The entire team is working on the analysis and we will see what will be considered, and what will not be considered, said Kulikj, who jointly with the 15 member panel this week are in Mostar where they analyze the information obtained in order to detect differences in the first report the fall of “Kingerot”.
They inform that they have already contacted and taken statements from villagers of Rotimlje.
- There are few misunderstandings, because it happened so long ago, some of them are not alive. We already have important things that indicate that there was information, said Kulikj.
Commission generally focused on two things that were not done in the first report. It is the role of the aeronautical authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia.
- It was very important to establish the preconditions for what happened, stressed Kulikj, adding that by the end of this week will focus on what is important for the operation.
So far were done recordings, performed many flights and few things were clearly proven, while some were excluded.
During December, announced Kulikj, full commission will arrive in Skopje and inform the public.
The investigation for the “Kinger” fall was re-opened at the request of Macedonia after was obtained additional evidence.
Plane crash that killed President Trajkovski, accompanying delegation and crew happened on 26th of Februari 2004 in the area of village Rotimlje near Mostar.
According to the results of the first investigation, the causes for the accident are “procedural errors of pilots during the landing phase at Mostar airport.”
