Die Haplogruppe I ist die einzige Haplogruppe Europas, die auch in Europa enstand. Bosniaken und Kroaten gehören der Subclade I2a1b1 (früher I2a2a) an und die ist relativ jung.
In 2010 has Ken Nordtvedt argued that I2a1b1 is too young not to have been a result of a sudden expansion.[16] According to him I2a1b1 arose not earlier than 2500 years ago in Eastern Europe. He has presumed this to be a consequence from the Slavic invasion of the Balkans, from the area north-east of the Carpathians since 500 CE.[17] In 2011 Nordtvedt has confirmed I2a1b1 is not older than 2,800 years.[18] In his last comments about Haplogroup I tree and the conjectured spread map, he locates the start of the I2a1b1 lineage around the middle course of the Vistula.