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Das erste türkische Elektroauto: TOGG (Türkiye'nin Otomobili Girişim Grubu A.Ş)

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maNga ist jetzt auch im Team Togg 🤘

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Partnership with Blindlook for voice-driven access technology


BlindLook is a social enterprise founded by blind, freedom-loving Sadriye Görece and serial entrepreneur Cihat Ersin Aydın. Since the day we were founded, we have been developing freedom technologies to create independence for 285 million blind in social life and in the digital world. Our dream is to create an equal and barrier-free world with the power of technology. We make every product and service offered accessible to the blind, thanks to our audio freedom world we have designed for the visually impaired. We will continue to work until every single member of the 285 million blind exists freely in life.
Partnership with SmartIX for AI-powered solutions in the field of user experience


Türkiye’s first indigenously manufactured automobile will be offering a solution that will make life easier thanks to full integration with connected smart devices and services. This new technology platform, jointly developed by SMART.iX and TOGG, makes the car almost a special assistant, connecting it to all the smart devices connected to the internet and settling it into the center of smart life with its connectivity technologies.

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Partnership with Etiya for a personalized and unique user experience digital world joint development


Etiya is a leading software company providing customer experience-focused and AI-driven Digital Transformation with its award-winning portfolio. It enables rapid transformation, immediate revenue growth, and competitive advantage to companies with its AI-supported products, and microservice-based architecture by bringing agility and flexibility into their business.
Etiya exists to move agilely beyond accepted industry standards in its relationships with the customers and in innovation with its unique corporate culture and expertise.

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Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Der türkische Autobauer TOGG hat einen ersten Termin für den Produktionsstart seines E-Autos genannt. Nach Angaben des Herstellers werden ab dem 29. Oktober die ersten Fahrzeuge vom Band im türkischen Bursa rollen.
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Winter-Tests in Ushuaia <💙>

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Die ersten Trugo-Ladestationen werden aufgestellt.

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Der erste türkische Elektro-Traktor steht auch in den Startlöchern. Hier bei den Performance-Tests:

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