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Das Massaker von Krusha e Madhe

  • Ersteller Ersteller Jehona_e_Rahovecit
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Nearly 6000 people live in Krusha e Madhe, a village located in the municipality of Rahovec and the setting of one of the worst massacres committed during the Kosovo War. Between March 25 and 27, 1999, members of the Serbian military, paramilitary, and police killed 241 civilians, including five women and seven children. Serbian forces also burned 793 houses and destroyed parts of the school, the cultural centre, historical monuments and most of the villagers agricultural equipment. During the last offensive in the southwestern part of Kosova, over 100 civillians have been killed, and many others have dissaprared. A massive execution took place a the place called "Dheu i Kuq" in the village of Krushe e Madhe. The civilians were gathered in that area after they were excpelled from their houses by the Serbs.

Auch der damalige deutsche Aussenminister Joshka Fischer war in Krusha e Madhe um sich selbst von dem Massaker zu überzeugen.

YouTube - Die Massaker von Krusha e Madhe - 3 Deshmoret e fam. HOTI

YouTube- Masakra ne Krushe te Vogel ne Kosove
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bis Heute ist immer noch kein Serbe wegen diesem Massaker verurteilt worden.
Wieso nicht?
So dir lieber einen Job, anstatt von unseren Steuergeldern zu leben.

Sagt genau derjenige, der den ganzen Tag vor dem PC sitzt um bloss nichts im BF zu verpassen und das noch in einem Alter von 34 Jahren ohne Arbeit,ohne Ausbildung und ohne jegliche Zukunfstperspektive.
On or about 25 March 1999, the villages of Velika Krusa and Mali Krusa/Krushe e Mahde and Krushe e Vogel were attacked by forces of the FRY and Serbia. Village residents took refuge in a forested area outside Velika Krusa/Krushe e Mahde, where they were able to observe the police systematically looting and then burning the villagers' houses. On or about the morning of 26 March 1999, Serb police located the villagers in the forest. The police ordered the women and small children to leave the area and to go to Albania. The police then searched the men and boys and took their identity documents, after which they were made to walk to an uninhabited house between the forest and Mali Krusa/Krushe e Vogel. Once the men and boys were assembled inside the house, the Serb police opened fire on the group. After several minutes of gunfire, the police piled hay on the men and boys and set fire to it in order to burn the bodies. As a result of the shootings and the fire, approximately 105 Kosovo Albanian men and boys were killed by the Serb police.[4]

– War Crimes Indictment against Milosevic and others

Massacre at Velika Kru?a - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Das jüngste Opfer war gerade mal 13 Jahre alt und das älteste 77 Jahre alt.

Das Massaker von Krusha e Madhe gehjört zu den 7 größten Massakern in Kosovo, die von Serben im Jahr 1998/9 begangen worden sind.