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According to a number of other sources the total death toll is estimated to be at least 30.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][33][/SUP]
Apart from the thirty identified victims, an additional of three unidentified bodies were found inside the shops, while three burned bodies were found in a sack in the region of Besiktas.[SUP][33][/SUP]
Moreover, 32 Greeks were severely wounded. Men and women were raped and islamized by force, and according to accounts including those of the Turkish writer Aziz Nesin, men, including a priest, were subjected to forced circumcision by members of the mob.[SUP][2][/SUP] Moreover, an Armenian rite Christian priest died after the procedure.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] Priests were also scalped and burnt in their beds and Greek women raped.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][36][/SUP][SUP][37][/SUP][SUP][38][/SUP] Nesin wrote:
A man who was fearful of being beaten, lynched or cut into pieces would imply and try to prove that he was both a Turk and a Muslim. "Pull it out and let us see," they would reply.
The poor man would peel off his trousers and show his "Muslimness" and "Turkishness":
And what was the proof? That he had been circumcised. If the man was circumcised, he was saved. If not, he was doomed. Indeed, having lied, he could not be saved from a beating.
For one of those aggressive young men would draw his knife and circumcise him in the middle of the street and amid the chaos. A difference of two or three centimetres does not justify such a commotion.
That night, many men shouting and screaming were Islamized forcefully by the cruel knife. Among those circumcised there was also a priest.
In addition to commercial targets, the mob clearly targeted property owned or administered by the Greek Orthodox Church. 73 churches and 23 schools were vandalized, burned or destroyed, as were 8 baptisteries [?] and 3 monasteries. This represented about 90 percent of the church property portfolio in the city. The ancient Byzantine church of Panagia in Belgradkapı was vandalised and burned down.[SUP][12][/SUP] The church at Yedikule was badly vandalised, as was the church of St. Constantine of Psammathos. At Zoodochos Pege church in Balıklı, the tombs of a number of ecumenical patriarchs were smashed open and desecrated. The abbot of the monastery, Bishop Gerasimos of Pamphilos, was severely beaten during the pogrom and died from his wounds some days later in Balıklı Hospital. In one church arson attack, Father Chrysanthos Mandas was burned alive.[SUP][41][/SUP] The Metropolitan of Liloupolis, Gennadios, was badly beaten and went mad.Elsewhere in the city, the Greek cemetery of Şişli, as well as the cemetery of the Patriarchates in Balıklı were targeted. Crosses and statues were vandalized, while sepulchers and burial vaults were opened and the remains of the dead were removed and dispersed by the fanatic mobs. Moreover, at Balıklı cemetery, the sarcophaguses of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchs were desecrated
BEstimmt leugnen das die Türken auchKrass einfach was da passiert ist.
Da findet man kaum mehr Worte ...
Und das alles wohlgemerkt wegen einer Falschmeldung, die bewusst von der Türkischen Regierung nicht berichtigt wurde.
Wobei die Griechen in Istanbul ohnehin nichts damit zu tun hatten.
Und das in der türkischen Metropole schlechthin. Wenigstens dort hätte ich Zivilisation erwartet.
Die Türkei und viele radikale Türken leugnen die Verbrechen der damaligen Türkei.
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Was für ein Fake bist du eigentlich? Bekommst du Geld dafür?
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Die Wahrheit ist eben unangenehm ab und zu! Beim leugnen seid ihr klasse, muss man zugeben! Progrome, Völkermorde, Knabenlese das volle Programm eben..
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