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Macedonian jumps from the White Tower in Solun, early 20th century! - Macedonian Truth Forum
"THe Greeks never occupied Solun before 1913.THey have to have propaganda to say that it's part of theGreek heritage.As an example to the extent the Greeks have gone to change the name SOLUN to Thessaloniki.THey don't even know what the word SOLUN is.THe name Solun has been in existence for thousands of years.A name born to itself.Toa e SONCETO It is a Macedonian Name.But then didn't the Greeks change all toponyms in northern Greece from Macedonian to Greek.THey did that to destroy all traces that say it was Macedonian."
Oder die Gegendarstellung eines anderen aus FYROM
Thessalonica is not Greek, it is a Macedonian name. The name "Thessalonica " is the true and authentic Macedonian name. Where as the name "Solun" was acquired later, the city was founded in 315 BC by the Macedonian King Casander. "Thessalonica " is a compound word consisting of the words "Thessalo and "nica" " Thessalo" comes from the word "Thessaly " and "nica" comes from the word "nice" for "victory ". In other words "victory over Thessaly". Later and with many years of passing the name was shortened to "Salonica " and from that the name "Solun" was derived. First of all the word "nik"(a) is found in the ancient Macedonian language, but as a suffix (used in large numbers) and has the same meaning as the Greek noun. For example, the noun "rabotnik " (worker) consists of the compound the suffix "nik". From this, the etymology of the noun "rabotnik " is "he who performs work" tsarinik (tax collector) konjanik (horse rider). The suffix "nik" can also be utilized for different assignment; svinjarnic (pigpen) ribarnic (fish tank).
Und so schließt sich der Kreis zum Held auf dem Pferd
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Macedonian jumps from the White Tower in Solun, early 20th century! - Macedonian Truth Forum
"THe Greeks never occupied Solun before 1913.THey have to have propaganda to say that it's part of theGreek heritage.As an example to the extent the Greeks have gone to change the name SOLUN to Thessaloniki.THey don't even know what the word SOLUN is.THe name Solun has been in existence for thousands of years.A name born to itself.Toa e SONCETO It is a Macedonian Name.But then didn't the Greeks change all toponyms in northern Greece from Macedonian to Greek.THey did that to destroy all traces that say it was Macedonian."
Oder die Gegendarstellung eines anderen aus FYROM
Thessalonica is not Greek, it is a Macedonian name. The name "Thessalonica " is the true and authentic Macedonian name. Where as the name "Solun" was acquired later, the city was founded in 315 BC by the Macedonian King Casander. "Thessalonica " is a compound word consisting of the words "Thessalo and "nica" " Thessalo" comes from the word "Thessaly " and "nica" comes from the word "nice" for "victory ". In other words "victory over Thessaly". Later and with many years of passing the name was shortened to "Salonica " and from that the name "Solun" was derived. First of all the word "nik"(a) is found in the ancient Macedonian language, but as a suffix (used in large numbers) and has the same meaning as the Greek noun. For example, the noun "rabotnik " (worker) consists of the compound the suffix "nik". From this, the etymology of the noun "rabotnik " is "he who performs work" tsarinik (tax collector) konjanik (horse rider). The suffix "nik" can also be utilized for different assignment; svinjarnic (pigpen) ribarnic (fish tank).
Und so schließt sich der Kreis zum Held auf dem Pferd