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Endlosschleife Part 2: Mazedonier vs. Griechen

Gibt auch seid neustem dies:

Minoan Lasithi​

mtDNA Haplogroup: U5a1​

Genetic Distance: 23.822
Sample Match! 99% closer than other users

Roman Citizen Pompeii Vesuvius Victim Casa del Fabbro​

mtDNA Haplogroup: HV0a​

Y-DNA Haplogroup: A1b1b2b (L411/PF11)​

Genetic Distance: 14.538
Sample Match! (New sample - try later to compare to other users)

Imperial Rome Centocelle​

mtDNA Haplogroup: H1u​

Genetic Distance: 12.417
Sample Match! 99% closer than other users

Your closest genetic modern populations...​

1. Greek (5.533)
2. Central_Greek (6.579)
3. Greek_Islands (7.095)
4. East_Sicilian (7.363)
5. Italian_Abruzzo (7.384)
6. Ashkenazi (7.871)
7. West_Sicilian (8.453)
8. Greek_Thessaly (9.109)

Your closest genetic modern populations...​

1. Greek (5.533)
2. Central_Greek (6.579)
3. Greek_Islands (7.095)
4. East_Sicilian (7.363)
5. Italian_Abruzzo (7.384)
6. Ashkenazi (7.871)
7. West_Sicilian (8.453)
8. Greek_Thessaly (9.109)
Was sehe ich da?! 🧐😲😲😮🧐🤨
Viele von euch sind also jüdische Ur-Italiener
Ihr seid mit den Booten von links gekommen.
Weiß du welches Volk knapp 500 Jahre die Mehrheit in Solun sellte?

Die hier:

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Ja ich weiss. Die Ladino Juden aus Spanien. Sie wurden ja damals vertrieben und sie sammelten sich dann dort . Die Stadt blühte wieder auf.
Bei MeyTrueAncestry kann man seine Rohdaten der DNA hochladen (dazu mus man ein DNA test machen)

GIbt paar updates jeden Monat, die vergleichen dein DNA mit der DNA von Skelettfunden .

Meine Ergebnisse:

Seleucid + Roman (6.39)
Hellenic Roman + Roman (6.822)
Ancient Greek + Seleucid (6.971)
Seleucid + Samnite (8.287)
Seleucid + Hellenic Roman (8.775)
Roman (10.63)
Samnite (14.07)
Hellenic Roman (14.4)
Seleucid (14.52)
Ancient Greek (15.27)

Desto kleiner die Zahl, desto nähe ist man der besagten Völkern

Following the death of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Empire was divided. Alexander's infantry general Seleucus I Nicator founded the Seleucid Empire which included much of Alexander's near eastern territories. At the peak, this included central Anatolia, Persia, the Levant, Mesopotamia, Kuwait, Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan and Turkmenistan. The Seleucid Empire was a major center of Hellenistic culture and maintained Greek customs with a Greek elite dominating urban areas. The cities were populated by Greeks who re-enforced largescale immigration from Greece. The Empire tried to expand further but was thwarted by the Roman Republic and its Greek allies leading to defeat at the Battle of Magnesia. The Seleucids were forced to pay costly war reparations and give up territories west of the Taurus Mountains. The Seleucid kings continued to rule until invasion by the Armenian king Tigranes the Great in 83 BC and their ultimate overthrow by the famous Roman general Pompey in 63 BC.

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Was ich nicht verstehe ist bei diesen ganzen Schwachsinnstests
Wo sind eigentlich die Albaner Bro :lol: