Briten :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:
Ach mein Freund was Bedeutet Makedonien auf Fyrom 1 2 3 na na .
DU willst mir also erklären, dass die Aussage einer schizophrenen Filmfigur eine Lüge sein soll? Niemals!
Briten :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:
Ach mein Freund was Bedeutet Makedonien auf Fyrom 1 2 3 na na .
hey, den schizophrenen gab's auch in echt.. nur ob einer von den Brüdern das wirklich damals gesagt hat.. ist eine andere Frage. : )DU willst mir also erklären, dass die Aussage einer schizophrenen Filmfigur eine Lüge sein soll? Niemals!
hey, den schizophrenen gab's auch in echt.. nur ob einer von den Brüdern das wirklich damals gesagt hat.. ist eine andere Frage. : )
ich bin 1,89 und wiege ~ 86kg. Perfekt.Ich lass mich hier auf jeden Fall nicht in die Irre leiten. Es ist, wie der Schizo sagt: Makedonier = Groß und stark. Griechen = klein und behaart.
Poliorketes, Dein Knecht ist nun schon zu oft außer Kontrolle geraten. Können wir noch darauf zählen, dass Du ihn zu bändigen weißt? :coffeee:
ich bin 1,89 und wiege ~ 86kg. Perfekt.
Ich kannte mal einen sehr gescheiten Jungen, orthodoxer Mazedoner war er. Trotz seiner guten Bildung war er felsenfest davon überzeugt das Alexander der Große Mazedonier war bzw. aus Fyrom. Alle neutralen Versuche meinerseits ihm aufzuzeigen dass er sich im Unrecht befindet scheiterten.
Wenn das bei diesem intelligenten Mensch schon unmöglich war, gehts bei dummen erst garnicht.
Papagazzo musste den Raum verlassen um nicht blöd da zustehen als sich ein "Slawe" auf dem Thron setzte.
Befolge ab sofort die Befehle und hör auf mir an die Eier zu gehen.![]()
Ich will mal nichts sagen, aber das was du da schreibst ist beides ziemlich widersprüchlich.....Zu einem deklarierst du uns als türkische Christen, die nichts mit den Makedonen zu tun haben und im selben Atemzug feierst du die Studien von Aris Poulianos. Ist dir eigentlich klar was Aris Poulianos in seinen Studien so erzählt??Es stimmt, dass ihr laut ihm keine Slawen seid (Von den Genen her) Aber dafür eher Griechen. Denn laut Poulianos......
Twelve successive editions, constantly enriched with new data, are edited concerning the Anthropological - Ethnogenetic study of the Greek population. The basis of this work is Aris N. Poulianos dissertation, which took place in the University of Moscow, under the supervision of the famous professor of Anthropology F. G. Debetz. The research was based on the study of 70 human characteristics (p. ex. body height, width of face, skin colour, shape of eyes etc.) of about 3000 Greek emigrants (after 1949 civil war) in the f. Soviet Union from different Hellenic areas. The statistical elaboration of these characteristics in combination with their geographical distribution demonstrated mathematically (because of their low dispersion) the incessant biological continuity of the Greeks all through the historic and prehistoric epochs, which refer at least to the Mesolithic and Upper Palaeolithic periods (15.000-30.000 years). This historical continuity is also proved by the comparison of measurements of the contemporary inhabitants with those of the ancient skulls of Greece, which statistically show no differences. Despite the occasional influences and limited migrations of populations, the anthropological research has shown that the population of Greece is basically native and that the contemporary Greeks are descendants of the ancient peoples who resided in the Greek peninsula. The same study indicated that the Albanian-speaking, Slav-speaking (Monte Negro included) as well as Valaches (Vlachi) of the greater Macedonian region are in their majority also autochthonous and therefore the influences from abroad mainly concerns the adoption of the chronologically younger languages, which are in use today.
The interest of the Press concerning the "Origin of the Greeks" is indicatively quoted in the following publications:
Avgi, 6-1-1962: “Over 150 scientists of the University and the Academy of Moscow have fully agreed with the scientific views of Mr. Aris. Poulianos, underlining the seriousness of the research, and without sparing their expressions, they spoke with praising words about him. Dr S. A. Tocarev, professor of ethnography in the University of Moscow and head of the Department of Ethnography regarding the peoples of Europe at the Institute of Ethnography of the Moscow Academy of Sciences, stated the following:
Aris Poulianos work presents an exceptional interest for the ethnographic science. The huge anthropological material of Greeks, which is concentrated and statistically elaborated, introduces for the first time new scientific sources for the study of a problem of basic importance, as is the problem of the origin of the Greek people. So far, concerning same issue it was generally accepted in science that contemporary Greeks historically have very few common elements with the ancient Greeks founders of the ancient civilization, and that contemporary Greeks in their greatest part represent descendants of Slavs, Albanians and other peoples who migrated in Greece and blended with the Greeks of the Byzantine era. Contrary, the writer of the present study, convincingly and based on analogous material, showed that whatever the influence of Slavs and other peoples who came in contact with the Greeks was, the people of modern Greece is basically descendant of the ancient population of the Balkans and the Aegean islands.
The worldwide famous anthropologist of Moscow University Dr I. I. Roginski notes that in the southern part of the Balkans a wide border between the Dinaric and the front Asian anthropological types is located. Therefore, in this area some of the general problems of the classification of the European and front Asian populations may be ascertained. It must be also noted that by this work, the critique of the racist fabrications, regarding the genesis of the ancient Greek civilization, is found. “(Note: meaning the racist theories supporting that contemporary Greeks are not descendents from the ancient and this is the reason why their civilization today falls short compared to that of the developed countries. On the contrary, besides the groundless comparison – if for instance the traditions would be taken into account – the scientific verification regarding the biological continuity of Greeks once more proves that the socio-historical and geographical conditions are the main factors ruling the people’s cultural level.)”.
“The director of the Anthropological department of the Academy Ethnographic Institute in Moscow, Dr M. G. Levin added: ...It may seem paradox that many European peoples have been studied less than the peoples from Australia, Melanesia and other remote countries, Greece being one of the lesser examined ...A. N. Poulianos work completes this missing knowledge. The writer is fully aware of the methodology of the anthropological researches, has strictly kept all the necessary terms and paid suitable attention.
The director of the Anthropological Institute and Moscow Anthropological Museum Dr B. P. Yiakimov stated: " My own view is that Mr A. N. Poulianos work represents the most perfect recapitulation regarding the Anthropology of Greeks."
From the other side of Atlantic, in USA, the director of the Smithsonian Institute, G.L. Angel, in a book review of “The origins of the Greeks” at the American Journal of Physical Anthropology (No 22, v. 5, 1964, p. 343) writes: Aris Poulianos… correctly verifies that there is a full genetic continuity from ancient to contemporary times.
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