Märchenstunde a la Skopje ... Wahnsinn.
Wieso Märchenstunde? Es gab immer wieder Aufstände und Gegenwehr und den Willen sich zu befreien.
eines der wichtigsten Ereignisse in unserer makedonischen Geschichte, der Republik Makedonien, ist Ilinden.
Und es war lange vor Tito und deswegen kann man die Aussagen einiger User, Tito und die Kommis hätten "uns" das Gehirn gewaschen und uns zu Makedoniern gemacht getrost zu den Märchenbüchern beilegen. Es ist einfach nicht wahr, die Menschen haben dort schon viel länger eine Identität zur Region Makedonien gepflegt. Das belegen übrigens auch unsere alten Lieder, die sich aus unserer Kultur heraus entwickelten, wie auch die Tänze etc. Desweiteren gibt es alte makedonische Lieder die in makedonisch und in griechisch besungen werden, ich meine ein und die selben Lieder, eben in diesen zwei Sprachen.
[h=1]Republic Day (Republic of Macedonia)[/h]
Republic Day or the
Day of the Republic or
Ilinden (
Macedonian: Ден на Републиката,
Den na Republikata, Илинден) is a major national holiday of the
Republic of Macedonia. It is celebrated on 2 August, which is also a major religious holiday – Ilinden (Macedonian: Илинден;
St. Elijah day; the day is reckoned as 20 July according to the
Julian Calendar). It commemorates two major events in the establishment of the statehood of the Republic of Macedonia which took place on this date:
Macedonians have traditionally celebrated this day, also called
Ilinden, because of its religious significance which has its roots in the Christian
St. Elijah (Macedonian: Св. Илиja,
Sv. Iliya),[SUP]
[1][/SUP] and also in the earlier
pagan traditions. It has been proclaimed a national holiday since 1944. Major gatherings are held in the monasteries, and there is a march of horsemen from
Skopje, the capital, to
Kruševo, where the core of the
Ilinden Uprising leaders established the Kruševo Republic. The main celebration takes place in Kruševo, in the area called
Mechkin Kamen (Bear's Rock), where a major battle with the Ottoman army took place in August 1903.[SUP]
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„Nach jahrzehntelangem Streit um die nationale Zugehörigkeit der Teilnehmer am Aufstand am Elias-Tag wurde das 100. Jubiläum zum ersten Mal gemeinsam von Bulgarien und Mazedonien begangen. Das ist der beste Ausdruck der Anerkennung gegenüber den Gefallenen um die Freiheit.“
– Konstantin Sabtschew
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Finally, after five centuries of Ottoman Rule over Macedonia, an Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (VMRO) decided to lead an national uprising on the second of August, 1903, on the day of Saint Eliah ( Sveti Ilija), called Ilinden. Due to a numerous problems, this uprising succeed only in the town of Krushevo. Krushevo was liberated by revolutionaries, and for the first time on Balkans, THE REPUBLIC was proclaimed ! This Republic lasted only 10 days, from 2-nd to 13-th of August 1903, when Ottoman army crushed down revolutionary`s resistance, and took back Krushevo under their rule.
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The First Republic on Balkans
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In those 10 days, unusually to Balkans political developments, revolutionaries from VMRO proclaimed a REPUBLIC on the territory of Krushevo.
One of political leaders of VMRO,
Nikola Karev, was proclaimed as
PRESIDENT of the REPUBLIC, and the Government of 6 ministers was formed.[/FONT]
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Republic`s Government[/FONT]
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Primeminister:[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] Vangel Dinu
also appointed as Minister of Justice[/FONT]
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Minister of Finance : Teohar Netkov
Minister of Internal affairs: Hristo Kjurchiev
Minister of Health : Nikola Bajlu
Minister of food supply and production :
Dimitar Seculov
Minister of requisition: Georgi Chache[/FONT]
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Republic`s Government issued The Manifesto of the Republic, asking everyone to join and fight for freedom. This manifesto is the first document promoting democracy, human rights, ethnic equity and tolerance on Balkans.[/FONT]
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Revolutionary court was also on power, along with the military command lead by Pitu Guli, leader of the biggest group of revolutionaries in Krushevo.[/FONT]
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Monument of Unknown Macedonian Revolutionary throwing a big rock to
anyone who wants to take away his freedom.This monument is located on Mechkin Kamen, a place of final battle
against Ottomans, before Republic was crushed down.
Pitu Guli and his 370 revolutionaries were the last barrier on Mechkin Kamen on the 13-th of August 1903.
They fought bravely and all to the last died to defend the Republic. The end of this battle at Mechkin Kamen symbolizes the end of the Republic.
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Church of Saint Nikola in the center of Krushevo, destroyed
by Ottomans after the uprising, rebuilded in 1905. The bells from this church rang in the early morning on the second of August when uprising began. The Republic was born......
.........and that Republic still lasts. With the time break of several decades after Krushevo, Macedonians gained their Republic. On the same day, the day of Saint Ilija , in 1944, Macedonian revolutionary committee in the Church of Prohor Pchinjski, north of Kumanovo, proclaimed Macedonian Republic ! After 47 Years being a federal republic with limited independence , finally in 1991, on September 8-th, Macedonians proclaimed full independence of their Republic. It was a long trip, full of blood, tears, and bones of young Macedonian revolutionaries.
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Die Republik beruft sich auf ein erstaunlich modern klingendes Manifest. Es fußt auf den Prinzipien der Menschenrechte, verheißt Demokratie, Glaubensfreiheit und ethnische Toleranz. Allein die Ausrufung einer Republik ist eine Sensation für den Balkan.
Zitat: "Brüder, Landsleute, liebe Nachbarn. Wir, Eure Nachbarn und Freunde, haben unabhängig vom Glauben, der Nationalität, des Geschlechts und der politischen Überzeugung (...) den Entschluss gefasst, die Waffen zu erheben und um die Freiheit zu kämpfen. Mazedonien ist unsere gemeinsame Mutter und ruft nach Hilfe. Eilt herbei, um die Fesseln des Jochs zu sprengen, um die Leiden zu überwinden und die Flüsse von Blut und Tränen zuzuschütten."