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Heute Club Sandwich bei Goodys. :)


Goodys! Da kommen Kindheitserinnerungen hoch! :^^:
Ayvalik Tost? Kenne ich nicht!


Ayvalik Toast

Turkish food contains all the right components to make people go misty-eyed.
During my month in Turkey two years ago, I dined on fried mussel sandwiches, famous Turkish ice cream, creamy Iskender kebab, and bags of the most amazing sour cherries in Istanbul. I ate Gozleme in between exploring phallic shaped rocks in Cappadocia, with this post taking me back to the delight my taste buds encountered in the sweltering July heat.
Perhaps the nearest and dearest to my heart of all Turkish foodporn is Ayvalik Toast.
I don’t care if it’s considered junk food by some – hey, I wrote a guide to fried chicken, remember? – but regardless of how you categorise it, it’s well worth slobbering over.
Just what is Ayvalik Toast though, you may ask?

Well, it’s a toasted sandwich that is then stuffed with lettuce, tomatoes, salami, a kind of veal sausage called sucuk and cheese, and is then absolutely slathered in tomato sauce (ketchup) and mayonnaise. If it’s done right, the sandwich will also have chips (the British meaning) inside it, too.
Ayvalik Toast gets its name from its town of origin, Ayvalik, a gorgeous little town on the Turkish Aegean coast that I had the pleasure of spending a few days in. A sleepy little place with cobblestone streets, Ayvalik was pure bliss and sitting in a seaside cafe and chomping into a bite of this local specialty only added to my warm fuzzy feelings.
However I must confess that I did my research beforehand and had been hankering to try the food as soon as I arrived in Turkey. That failed when I ended up in a diner next toIstanbul Old Town’s ferry port and I’d had nervous breakdowns at the prices in the restaurants leading up to the likes of the Blue Mosque and Topkapi Palace. I dived into the diner, saw Ayvalik Toast on the menu, and took my first step into a sinful relationship which would continue throughout my time in Turkey.
Unfortunately back at that time, my blog was non-existent and I didn’t think to get any photos of Ayvalik Toast. So, here are some photos that I’ve sourced online of my 2010 summer love affair.
Don’t worry about the calories from the mayo – the fresh tomatoes cancel it out.
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More sauce, MORE!
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Doing it right with some chips.
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Ayvalik Toast may try to trick you into thinking it’s a kind of healthy panini. Don’t let it fool you.
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This one isn’t even trying to look healthy – and I LOVE it.
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Ayvalik Toast - Waegook Tom