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Filme und TV aus Mazedonien

@Zoran wir in Mazedonien sind mehr Tolleranter als Bestimmte Länder in Europa!Brauche Garnicht die Namen zu sagen da sie es selber wissen bestimmte gruppen:^^:
Das staatliche Fernsehen hat nach 40 Jahren erstmals neue Apparaturen bekommen, ab jetzt auch HD :lol:

[h=1]ФОТО: После 40 години стигна нова опрема во МРТВ[/h]18/07/2013 | Компании | 0 Коментари

Две нови HD репортажни возила со 12 (дванаесет) нови HD камери, специјализирани за директни преноси од секаков вид (спортски натпревари, манифестации, фестивали итн.) опремени со најмодерна технологија и графика е новата опрема на Македонската Радио Телевизија.

Со ова се зголемува техничкиот капацитет на телевизијата и претставува прва ваква инвестиција по 40 години на работење на јавниот национален сервис.

„Изминатиов период покажавме дека јавниот сервис може да има квалитетна програма. Нашите планови се големи бидејќи граѓаните на Република Македонија кои плаќаат радиодифузна такса заслужуваат да имаат квалитетен техничко опремен јавен сервис, кој има за задача прв да ги воведе македонските медиуми во дигиталната ера на 21 век а воедно и да обезбеди исоко квалитетна програма “, изјавија од менаџментот на МРТВ.
Средствата за опремата се од буџетот на МРТВ иако помал од минатата година се обезбедија услови да се опреми телевизијата а инвестицијата е дел од проектот за модернизација на јавниот сервис според најновите техничко -технолошки трендови кои овозможуваат професионално и квалитетно работење.

Schade das man mk sender nicht in HD so enpfangen kann da es bei uns verschlüsselt ist und man einen Resiver braucht,die per zulu.mk sind oft nicht grade in gute Qulli.Und ohne Sat kann man keine Sender anderes als per internet in Deutschland sehen.
Macedonian Documentary: What are you afraid of, you are not alone!

Do you recognize the feeling when among thousands of people you feel like you are alone? As if you monitor your own life and see yourself through a closed window and no one can reach you?

Vesna Petrushevska, Jelena Jovanova, Tanja Kokev, Toni Zen, Vinka Sazdova, Magdalena Gjorgjieva and Trajche Stojanov open the window on their lives to send a very strong message: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Pi World in collaboration with Publishing Center “Tri”, Tulip Productions and Navigators on October 16 will present the film The FEAR, shot by Kosta Petrov’s book, and premiered exclusively with only one display at 8pm in the cinema Cineplexx. Tickets are already on sale in Cineplexx.
In an interview with Kurir, Kosta Petrov reveals the details.

How do you come up with the idea to make a documentary about your new book?
Last summer, I organized a workshop on the topic “fear” and there I met people who changed my life forever. Their stories and struggles were my inspiration to write the book. Seeing how their lives changed after the workshop together we came to the conclusion that we just have to share our experiences with the others. Because of this, it was our moral responsibility to film this documentary. Maybe to someone this is just a simple movie, but for us and for all those who live life in fear, it is much more than that. It is like a huge billboard of the universe that we are not alone in our struggle. That there are many people who struggle against fear and if we all share our experiences, then the defeat over the fear will be ours. We simply have to defeat the fear. We have to win, because living in fear does not allow us to live the life as we should.

Vesna Petrushevska, Toni Zen, Jelena Jovanova, Tanja Kokev and the writer Vinka Sazdova are part of your movie. How exactly did you decide to put these people in the movie?
That was supposed to be. Honestly at the beginning when we were making the concept of the movie I had no clear idea of ​​who should be in it, but over the time the things started to take their own place. I already had a very emotional interview with Vesna, when I was making my show “Leaders” and I was really fascinated by her honesty and willingness to share her experiences with others. She is quite ideal example of how a public figure should function. Public figures are not here just to entertain us, but also to inspire us. I am sure that Vesna’s story will move all. I really experienced her presentation too emotionally and it took me a few days to gather emotionally. Since then I asked her whether she was certain that she wants to share her traumatic experience with others and without hesitation she answered yes. No one so far has seen this part of her personality and I’m sure that her appearance would help many people. Jelena and Tannja are my very good friends and they represent a synonym of people who are willing to fight for their dreams. Both have fascinating stories that will not leave anyone indifferent. I met Tony for the first time in Belgrade two years ago and what really fascinated me was his spirituality and that he is down-to-earth. I always wanted to work with him and the project finally make my wish a reality.
Vinka Sazdova is a writer who is my inspiration and her thoughts make me a better person every day so she just had to be part of this project.
Overall we have amazing stories in the movie and I am sure that everyone will recognize themselves in it. I am so honored that all of them stood up in front of the cameras and spoke about things that many people do not dare to admit, not even to speak for them in public.

Trajche and Magdalena are also part of the movie. They are unknown to the public but have inspirational stories.
Trajche and Maggie are angels that walk on this earth. They are a spark in the universe and a proof that there are no impossible things. These two are real fighters on this planet. The story of Trajche is the Macedonian reality. It is about how nowadays you have two choices, to accept the reality and be a victim or you start to create a new reality. For me, Trajche is a proof that we are all created for great thing. Regardless of where we are and how much money we have. That is all I have to say about him, because if you want to understand his struggle, you will have to watch the film.
Maggie is a girl from Veles, which is a medical miracle. It was said to her that she will lose the memory because of a brain tumor. Do you know what her decision in that moment was? She decided to fight. Not only to fight, but to win. She is a proof that you have to believe in your dreams. They do not exist in our lives just so. They map our real life.
The premiere of the documentary is scheduled for October 16th at 8 pm in Cineplex. Do you plan to promote the film in other cities in Macedonia?
Our goal is to bring the movie in as many cities as we can throughout Macedonia. I am sure that the movie will be an inspiration for many people to fight and win the battle for their real life. I am proud that we made this movie and I am sure that it will start a revolution in our country. A revolution of love and a revolution of sharing. We are not alone. Now we have an army. And when you have an army then the fear will have no option but to capitulate.

Neues Kino "Miss Stone" in Prilep eröffnet

Во Прилеп и официјално отворено новото кино „Мис Стон“


Со промоција на „Балканот не е мртов“ синоќа во Прилеп официјално беше отворено новото кино „Мис Стон“ во склоп на Домот на културата „Марко Цепенков“ кое има нова дигитална опрема и проектор вреден 100.000 евра.
Министерката за култура Елизабета Канческа-Милевска присуствуваше на отворањето на киното и пред присутните истакна дека со него ќе се збогати културната понуда во Прилеп.
- Создавањето на оваа нова киносала е цврст материјален постулат за интензивниот културен развој на општина Прилеп, која има изразено чувство за културата како стратегија за поддршка на културните вредности, рече Канческа-Милевска и додаде дека досега се поставени преку 20 проектори во градовите кои го побудиле интересот на граѓаните за филмската уметност.
Градоначалникот на Прилеп, Марјан Ристески, истакна дека ова е голем чекор за развој на кино културата во градот. - Постарите се сеќаваат колкави беа задоволството и интересот да се оди на кино зашто градот има стара традиција, уште од 1935 година. Ова е едно од ветувањата на локалната самоуправа за да им излезе во пресрет на барањата на граѓаните, рече Ристески.
Инаку, во кино-салата собира 130 лица.

Modern cinema for citizens of Prilep

In the presence of Minister Elizabeta Kancheska-Milevska, the Mayor Marjan Ristevski, President of Council, Nikola Dimeski and in front of citizens of Prilep, the city under Marko’s Towers got a new movie theater.

The new theater is at the area of current restaurant next to the Cultural Center. The Mayor Marjan Ristevski said that cooperation with the local government and the Ministry of Culture, which in the past has financed several projects in the Cultural Center with amount of 7.5 million MKD, continues with new investments and investments in this national institution of culture.

During the construction of the new cinema theater, modern equipment is installed with all fashionable accessories content. Over 200,000 euro have been provided by the Ministry of Culture for the purchase of this equipment. The hall is equipped with the necessary inventory, furniture and complete internal renovation so that the interior and exterior are in modern European style.

Within the cinema hall will be a coffee bar serving all global trends in coffee, popcorn, everything that goes with watching movies.
The Minister Kancheska-Milevska recently delivered the new digital projector as part of project for purchase of projectors for Cultural Centers throughout the country.

It is a modern cinema projector that broadcasts in picture HD resolution and that without problems can project all sorts of projections.
