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Flag of Aceh

Is gut :D aber stimmt schon .... wenn man die Flagge im Kopf hat und dann die Flagge von Aceh sieht denkt man sofort dran.

nein nicht im geringsten sieht diese flagge so aus,und mit den nazis haben die rein garnichts zu tun.
es ist schon erbärmlich wenn man die flagge von aceh die aus der fahne des osmanischen reiches/türkei basiert als nazi flagge deklariert.
Wie schon geschrieben, die Fahne ist etwas wie Kurdistan. Die wollen Unabhängigkeit wegen Binnenmigrationspolitik und der Auslegung der Religion.
Mit den Friedensvereinbarungen von 2005 genießt die Provinz als Sonderregion gewisse Autonomierechte. Im März 2003 wurde in Aceh als der einzigen indonesischen Provinz das islamische Recht der Schari'a eingeführt.


Halbmond und Stern = Islamisches Symbol

Na, alles geklärt ??

Halbmond und Stern = Islamisches Symbol

Na, alles geklärt ??

stimmt doch nicht man

der halbmond symbolisiert denn islam der (Halbmond &) stern hat eine ganz andere bedeutet es liegt noch in denn osmanischen zeiten.

man sagt das Gott 99 namen in Quran haben soll. Das kommt daher weil das Wort Allah einen Zahlwert von 99 hat genau wie (hilal) "halbmond" einen numerischen Wert von 99 hat.

The star-crescent placement in the flag of Aceh independentist movement (Indonesia) has its roots back to the 1570s. The Acehnese Head of State asked Ottoman Sultan's protection and the Ottoman Sultan of the time, Selim II, ordered his chief of Navy, Hizir Reis to sail to Sumatra and issued a sanjak (provincial flag) to Aceh declaring his protection over the land with an order dated September 21, 1567. After this grant of the sanjak, the Acehnese ruler welcomed the Ottoman flag and used the Turkish Crescent-Star figure in his own as his people's gratitude. That part of the world was governed independently under Ottoman protection until the second half of the 1800s, when Ottoman overseas influence depleted to its minimum thereby opening the way to Dutch colonization attempts, which continued up and down until the formation of the Indonesian state in the 1940s.

Pascal Vagnat found a newswire by AFP (Agence France Press), which reports that the national flag of Turkey is now very common in Aceh. Turkey has sent first-aid workers in Aceh, but the relatively small number of Turks in Aceh does not explain the sudden popularity of the flag. Indeed, it is fairly clear that the inhabitants of Aceh hoist the flag of Turkey to express their independentist feelings. Hoisting the independentist flag in a zone controlled by the Indonesian army is punishable by immediate imprisonment. Therefore, nobody in Aceh would admit he hoists the Turkish flag by way of the Aceh flag. A reporter from the Turkish television reports his team had problems with Indonesian soldiers because of the Turkish flag they had with them.

Supposed age of the flag

This flag of the State of Aceh is over one-thousand years old. It has been continuously flown all over our country since the time of Sultans Ali Mughayat Shah, Iskandar Muda, Mahmud Shah, Tengku Tjhik di Tiro Muhammad Saman until today. However the two black stripes were added in 1976 by the present Head of State, Tengku Hasan di Tiro, to commemorate all the Acehnese war dead in defending this flag in the past.
Syahbuddin Abdurrauf, 29 September 1999 The claim that the flag is over 1000 years old seems to be a common claim by the Acehnese, although it seems hard to substantiate. The current flag of Aceh may based on a similar design used in past. The design before 1976 was without both the black stripes and the white fimbriation, making it similar to the Ottoman flag, although the precise placement of the crescent and star are unknown.
Abstracted from comments by Santiago Dotor, Željko Heimer, António Martins, Mark Sensen, 29-30 September 1999
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