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Frankreich brennt...


..und keiner schreibt darueber....!!!!

Tja...wie ich schon gesagt habe....der Untergang "EURABIENS" hat begonnen....und ihre zerbrecht euch den Kopf, was im Nahen Osten abgeht...

Ich vermute mal, dass unsere "BF-Hardcore-Anti-Semiten" hier behaupten werden, dass die Unruhen in Frankreich mit Israel oder den Juden zu tun haben...

Perfekt organisierte Krawalle

PARIS – Schüsse fallen, Häuser brennen – und 400 Autos gehen in Flammen auf: Auch in der Nacht auf heute findet die Grande Nation keine Ruhe.

Auch in der achten Nacht nach dem Ausbruch der Gewalt haben sich die Gemüter in Frankreich nicht beruhigt. Im Gegenteil: Auch wenn die Zusammenstösse zwischen den Sicherheitskräften und dem «Gesindel» (Innenminister Sarkozy) nicht mehr ganz so heftig ausfielen wie in den vorangegangenen Tagen, brannte es diesmal nicht nur in den Vororten von Paris, sondern auch in anderen Regionen.

Erstmals steckten die Chaoten im Raum Dijon mehrere Fahrzeuge in Brand. Insgesamt sollen 400 Autos den Flammen zum Opfer gefallen sein. Alleine im Département Yvelines wurden 27 Busse beim Brand eines Depots zerstört. Weil die Randalierer in Neuilly-sur-Marne Busse mit Steinen bewarfen, kam beinahe der ganze öffentliche Verkehr zum erliegen.

Dass nur 5 Polizisten leichte Verletzungen davon trugen, grenzt an ein Wunder: Unbekannte feuerten Schrotladungen auf Polizeiautos ab, Jugendliche bewarfen Lastwagen, Polizeiwachen, Schulen und Lagerhallen mit Molotow-Cocktails.

Der konservative Innenminister Nicolas Sarkozy ist inzwischen übrigens davon überzeugt, dass die Krawalle «perfekt organisiert» und «nichts spontanes» an sich haben. Jetzt sollen die Sicherheitskräfte herausfinden, «wer und wie» die Zusammenstösse inszeniert.


Randalierende und terrorisierende Moslems daemnaechst auch bald in eurer Stadt...!!!
elmudzahedin schrieb:
richtig so! weiter machen! :lol:

hmmmm....Na schon was gefunden in Ravensburg, was du in Brand setzen moechtest...???

Vielleicht findet sich ein Invalider, welche man im Namen Allahs verbrennen koennte...


A handicapped woman was doused with petrol and set on fire by youths during another night of rioting in Paris.

The 56-year-old suffered third degree burns to 20% of her body in the attack.

Witnesses said a youth poured petrol over the woman and then threw a Molotov cocktail on to the bus she was travelling on in the suburb of Sevran.

Other passengers were able to flee but she was unable to escape because of her disabilities.

It was the worst incident so far in more than a week of rioting.

For the first time, there were also signs of copycat rampages elsewhere in France.

Police said several cars in the eastern city of Dijon were set alight, while similar attacks took place in the western Seine-Maritime region and the Bouches-du-Rhone in the south of the country.

More than 160 cars were reportedly torched in the Paris region, as well as 33 in the provinces.

But police said the night seemed calmer than the one before, when 315 vehicles were burnt in the Ile-de-France region around the capital.

Buses, fire engines and police were again stoned in the Paris suburbs, with five policemen reported slightly injured.

However, there were fewer direct confrontations between police and "troublemakers".

One of the worst incidents took place at Neuilly-sur-Marne where police vans came under fire from pellet pistols, but nobody was hurt.

Neuilly-sur-Marne is in the worst-hit northeastern region of Seine-Saint-Denis, where 1,300 officers were deployed, and more than 30 people were arrested there and elsewhere.

The rioting is a direct challenge to the authority of the French government and to Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin in particular.

On Thursday he told parliament authorities "will not give in" to the violence and will make restoring order their "absolute top priority".

Partibrejker schrieb:
elmudzahedin schrieb:
richtig so! weiter machen! :lol:

hmmmm....Na schon was gefunden in Ravensburg, was du in Brand setzen moechtest...???

Vielleicht findet sich ein Invalider, welche man im Namen Allahs verbrennen koennte...


A handicapped woman was doused with petrol and set on fire by youths during another night of rioting in Paris.

The 56-year-old suffered third degree burns to 20% of her body in the attack.

Witnesses said a youth poured petrol over the woman and then threw a Molotov cocktail on to the bus she was travelling on in the suburb of Sevran.

Other passengers were able to flee but she was unable to escape because of her disabilities.

It was the worst incident so far in more than a week of rioting.

For the first time, there were also signs of copycat rampages elsewhere in France.

Police said several cars in the eastern city of Dijon were set alight, while similar attacks took place in the western Seine-Maritime region and the Bouches-du-Rhone in the south of the country.

More than 160 cars were reportedly torched in the Paris region, as well as 33 in the provinces.

But police said the night seemed calmer than the one before, when 315 vehicles were burnt in the Ile-de-France region around the capital.

Buses, fire engines and police were again stoned in the Paris suburbs, with five policemen reported slightly injured.

However, there were fewer direct confrontations between police and "troublemakers".

One of the worst incidents took place at Neuilly-sur-Marne where police vans came under fire from pellet pistols, but nobody was hurt.

Neuilly-sur-Marne is in the worst-hit northeastern region of Seine-Saint-Denis, where 1,300 officers were deployed, and more than 30 people were arrested there and elsewhere.

The rioting is a direct challenge to the authority of the French government and to Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin in particular.

On Thursday he told parliament authorities "will not give in" to the violence and will make restoring order their "absolute top priority".


nein party ist schon ok wir sind hier nicht in Israel :wink:
hmmmm....Na schon was gefunden in Ravensburg, was du in Brand setzen moechtest...???

Vielleicht findet sich ein Invalider, welche man im Namen Allahs verbrennen koennte...

lol oder vieleicht einen juden die brennen ja gut haben ja erfahrung darin :twisted:
TigerS schrieb:
hmmmm....Na schon was gefunden in Ravensburg, was du in Brand setzen moechtest...???

Vielleicht findet sich ein Invalider, welche man im Namen Allahs verbrennen koennte...

lol oder vieleicht einen juden die brennen ja gut haben ja erfahrung darin :twisted:

lol man du bist nieveauloser als ich
@Alle die hier Stress machen wollen:
Leute, ihr seid hier in der außenpolitischen Section, in MEINEM Imperium und ich beobachte euch die ganze Zeit... :twisted:
Seid also etwas netter zueinander. :mrgreen: