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Georgi Iwanow: "Das ist die griechische Logik des Hinausschiebens"

Die griechische Regierung ignoriere jedoch nicht nur das Urteil, sondern habe auch die Völkerrechtliche Vereinbarung von 1995 gebrochen. In dieser ist vereinbart, dass Griechenland auf ein Veto gegen Mazedoniens Beitritt zu internationalen Organisationen verzichtet, wenn es einem provisorischen Namen trage.

Da sieht man wieder das den pleitegriechen NICHT zu vertrauen ist...peinlich
es führt zu nichts, es ist nicht zu übersehen das man versucht sich zwanghaft eine identiät zu basteln und festzuhalten.

es kann nicht sein das aufeinmal innerhalb vor nur paar jahren zig solche statuen und bauten im lande stehen die hellenische herkunft haben.

das sagt ihr? ich war vor 2 Jahren in Solun/Thesaloniki...von Bitola bis dahin habe ich auf alle paar km schilder gesehen wie "welcome to macedonia" oder "this is macedonia" und viele viele andere Schilder die einem Touristen überzeugen sollen, das "das" Makedonien ist....

aber wir haben es ja nötig ;)
Genau du Dappes...wenn man im Kino Alexander der große anschaut oder 300 im Kino sieht, denkt man an die Bulgaren gell?! Bist du auch so hirnverbrannt wie der andere Lustknabe? denkt doch mal bevor du irgendeinen mist schreibst!

Filme? Oo dann schau und höre dir Alexander GUT an...nicht einfach mund auf und bla bla bla...
Samaras managed to worsen ties with Macedonia while undergoing surgery
Monday, 25 June 2012
MINA Breaking News - Samaras managed to worsen ties with Macedonia while undergoing surgery
While new radical PM Antonis Samaras was undergoing surgery at an Athens hospital, the relations between Macedonia and Greece already took a turn for the worse.

Macedonia's southern bankrupt neighbor had already initiated provocations on a mutual border crossing by placing stickers on tourists license plates written in both English and Greek that Athens has recognized Macedonia as 'fyrom'.

"No gestures that serve as provocation and cannot contribute to bilateral relations are welcome. Macedonia expects Greece to demonstrate good will, approximation and stimulation of good relations, not provocations, Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki told journalists on Monday with regards to Greece's request that Macedonian tourists who cross the border put stickers on license plates.
According to him, MoFA has already reacted through diplomatic channels, whereas Greece is expected to take into account priority issues and wants to focus on what is significant for the region, cooperation and support to Euro-Atlantic integration.

"Any practice beyond the legally prescribed norms represents a signal over the lack of commitment to any bilateral issues. Our reaction refers to the legal framework, the possibility of creating additional ties between our countries, not putting obstructions and provocations that are illegal and not in line with our aspirations for gestures of good cooperation", said FM Poposki after meeting Kosovo counterpart Enver Hoxhaj.
He stressed these actions were individual practice, not an established regulation.
"We are monitoring the situation on a daily basis. There are international regulations on all issues of practical character. Therefore, we believe that energy should be focused on cooperation, not on creating ungrounded provocations, such as putting stickers. In any case, this practice on register plates, which are fully in line with international regulations, will surely have no positive outcome. At the moment, Greece has more priority issues, such as attraction of more tourists, instead of sending unwelcoming signals", added Poposki.
He said Macedonia is committed to building a climate for overcoming of challenges from the past.

der könnte glatt ali ahmetis cousin sein! ne gewisse ähnlichkeit beshtet zwischen den beiden