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Gjergj Kastrioti “Skenderbeg”

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was denn? seit wann guckst du auf rechtschreibfehler?

Weil Du ihn wegen seiner Bildung auslachst, obwohl die sehr gut ist und Du selber nicht gerade der Hellste bist...:D

P.S.: Das ist kein Schreibfehler sondern ein grammatikalischer Fehler. "Vom Bildung" - "Von dem Bildung" ---> "Vor Bildung" - "Von der Bildung" ^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Weil Du ihn wegen seiner Bildung auslachst, obwohl die sehr gut ist und Du selber nicht gerade der Hellste bist...:D

P.S.: Das ist kein Schreibfehler sondern ein grammatikalischer Fehler. "Vom Bildung" - "Von dem Bildung" ---> "Vor Bildung" - "Von der Bildung" ^^
Naturlich jemand der mit solchen Argumenten kommt wie er ist sehr gebildet.

P.S. Fangen wir uns jetzt an zu beleidigen? Ne werde ich nicht :)
Also ihr Hirnis (nicht Pejani), falls ihr ausser Beleidigungen was anderes draufhabt dann zurueck zum Thema. Falls ihr was darueber sagen wollt ok, fur eure Beleidugungen sage ich jetzt schon: Hvala lepo

From :

THE RISE OF ISKANDER by Benjamin Disraeli

2.1 "Iskander was the youngest son of the Prince of Epirus, who, with the other Grecian princes, had, at the commencement of the reign of Amurath the Second, in vain resisted the progress of the Turkish arms in Europe."

2.3 The despots of Bosnia, Servia, and Bulgaria, and the Grecian princes of Etolia, Macedon, Epirus, Athens, Phocis, Boeotia, and indeed of all the regions to the straits of Corinth, were tributaries to Amurat

2.4 His Turkish education could never eradicate from his memory the consciousness that he was a Greek

2.14 Had Iskander been influenced by vulgar ambition, his loftiest desires might have been fully gratified by the career which Amurath projected for him. The Turkish Sultan destined for the Grecian Prince the hand of one of his daughters, and the principal command of his armies.

A guard of honour, by the orders of Karam Bey, advanced to conduct Iskander to his presence; and soon, entering the pavilion, the Grecian prince exchanged courtesies with the Turkish general.

4.26 Soon the officer returned, and, ordering the guards to disarm and search Iskander, directed the Grecian Prince to follow him.

4.37 Iskander bowed lowly as the officer disappeared.
4.38 "And now," said Hunniades, "to business. Your purpose?"
4.39 "I am a Grecian Prince, and a compulsory ally of the Moslemin.

6.11 Troops of armed men were charging down the streets, brandishing their scimitars and yataghans, and exclaiming,
"The Cross, the Cross!" "Liberty!" "Greece!" "Iskander and
The townsmen recognised their countrymen by their language and their dress. The name of
Iskander acted as a spell. They stopt not to inquire. A magic sympathy at once persuaded them that this great man had, by the grace of Heaven, recurred to the creed and country of his fathers. And so every townsman, seizing the nearest weapon, with a spirit of patriotic frenzy, rushed into the streets, crying out,
"The Cross, the Cross!" "Liberty!" "Greece!" "Iskander and Epirus!" Ay! even the women lost all womanly fears, and stimulated instead of soothing the impulse of their masters. They fetched them arms, they held the torches, they sent them forth with vows and prayers and imprecations, their children clinging to their robes, and repeating with enthusiasm, phrases which they could not comprehend

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