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Griechenland akzeptierte Mazedonien schoneinmal

Jaja jetzt kommste mit dem Argument Kopfgewaschener :geil: Sag mir mal wie kann es sein dass überall auf der Welt bekannt ist das die Makedonen Griechen waren/sind nur bei euch Slawen aus FYROM nicht? Sind alle etwa Kopfgewaschen? Nein halt ich weiß es, Griechenland hat die allesamt bezahlt damit diese die griechische Meinung vertreten, wahrscheinlic ist Griechenland auch genau aus diesem Grund Pleite ne....

Das ist nicht mein Argument, vielmehr haben das schon athenische Akademiker bestätigt das den Schülern in Griechenland gehörig der Kopf gewaschen wird, sogar auf Universitäts Level....

Greeks and Albanians in Greece by Alexis Heraclides,AIM Athens, December 7, 2000

"Well before the upsurge of Greece ultra-nationalism, which manifested itself during the first part of the 1990s with the Greek-Macedonian dispute over "the name of Macedonia" and more recently with the hysterical fundamentalist nationalism of the Orthodox Church of Greece, nationalist sentiments were instilled in Greece by way of the most traditional and effective method: namely primary and secondary education (and in some cases even at university level). Education, as it is well known, has been used as a vehicle of political socialization, the process whereby young individuals learn to become enthusiastic patriots and loyal citizens of their country and state. The Greek educational system is of course not unique in pursuing such aims and hardly the inventor of such forms of socialization to the nation. Similar processes are more than obvious in all the countries of Southeastern Europe and beyond"

"In the Greek case, the pupils are thought to be intolerant of other nations and ethnic groups (outside and within Greece). The Greek educational system teaches them and makes them believe that the Greeks are superior to all others; that the Greeks are the direct descendent of the illustrious ancient Greeks, who are said to be the greatest civilization of ancient times and the point of departure of Western civilization; and that the Greeks (presumably the ancient Greeks) are the creators of all major human values with an incomparable contribution to world culture. Greek students are also taught that their nation is more than 3000 years old. They do not recognize the well-known fact that nationhood is a very recent phenomenon in human history and that hardly any Greek nation or people existed in the classical ancient Greek cultural-linguistic milieu of antagonistic city-states. Again the attempt at historical depth is characteristic of most national historical narratives, but the Greek case is one of the most extreme, comparable only to the Israeli or Ethiopian cases. Furthermore it is deeply held and provides the Greeks of today with one of the most glorious myths ever conceived. It gives rise to self-esteem but also to arrogance and haughtiness towards all others. "

"But let us focus on the Albanians and how they feature in the Greek national narrative. Throughout the 19th century with the Greek War of Independence ("Greek Revolution" as it is known in Greece) as the point of departure, the Albanian-speakers, notably the Orthodox Christian Albanian-speakers known as "Arvanites" were largely regarded as Greeks by the Greeks and Greeks-speakers, as Greeks in substance, "Greeks and Arvanites: two races, one nation" as some had put it at the time. And indeed this was to a considerable extent the self-definition of the Arvanites themselves at least in the southern part of the Balkan peninsula at a time when no sense of Albanian national self-consciousness had emerged. Albanian nationhood began in the last quarter of the 19th century in Kosovo, particularly as a reaction to the Serbian and Greek threats to those parts of the Ottoman Empire where the bulk of the Albanians lived for centuries. Prior to that the Orthodox Albanians in the Southern Balkans were among the most active and renown "Greek" guerrilla leaders on land and sea during the Greek War of Independence and with the advent of Greek independence and until today, fully assimilated and very prominent in politics, diplomacy, the army, etc. "

Alexis Heraclides is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Panteion University in Athens
Alexis Heraclides (i)
Das ist nicht mein Argument, vielmehr haben das schon athenische Akademiker bestätigt das den Schülern in Griechenland gehörig der Kopf gewaschen wird, sogar auf Universitäts Level....

Greeks and Albanians in Greece by Alexis Heraclides,AIM Athens, December 7, 2000

"Well before the upsurge of Greece ultra-nationalism, which manifested itself during the first part of the 1990s with the Greek-Macedonian dispute over "the name of Macedonia" and more recently with the hysterical fundamentalist nationalism of the Orthodox Church of Greece, nationalist sentiments were instilled in Greece by way of the most traditional and effective method: namely primary and secondary education (and in some cases even at university level). Education, as it is well known, has been used as a vehicle of political socialization, the process whereby young individuals learn to become enthusiastic patriots and loyal citizens of their country and state. The Greek educational system is of course not unique in pursuing such aims and hardly the inventor of such forms of socialization to the nation. Similar processes are more than obvious in all the countries of Southeastern Europe and beyond"

"In the Greek case, the pupils are thought to be intolerant of other nations and ethnic groups (outside and within Greece). The Greek educational system teaches them and makes them believe that the Greeks are superior to all others; that the Greeks are the direct descendent of the illustrious ancient Greeks, who are said to be the greatest civilization of ancient times and the point of departure of Western civilization; and that the Greeks (presumably the ancient Greeks) are the creators of all major human values with an incomparable contribution to world culture. Greek students are also taught that their nation is more than 3000 years old. They do not recognize the well-known fact that nationhood is a very recent phenomenon in human history and that hardly any Greek nation or people existed in the classical ancient Greek cultural-linguistic milieu of antagonistic city-states. Again the attempt at historical depth is characteristic of most national historical narratives, but the Greek case is one of the most extreme, comparable only to the Israeli or Ethiopian cases. Furthermore it is deeply held and provides the Greeks of today with one of the most glorious myths ever conceived. It gives rise to self-esteem but also to arrogance and haughtiness towards all others. "

"But let us focus on the Albanians and how they feature in the Greek national narrative. Throughout the 19th century with the Greek War of Independence ("Greek Revolution" as it is known in Greece) as the point of departure, the Albanian-speakers, notably the Orthodox Christian Albanian-speakers known as "Arvanites" were largely regarded as Greeks by the Greeks and Greeks-speakers, as Greeks in substance, "Greeks and Arvanites: two races, one nation" as some had put it at the time. And indeed this was to a considerable extent the self-definition of the Arvanites themselves at least in the southern part of the Balkan peninsula at a time when no sense of Albanian national self-consciousness had emerged. Albanian nationhood began in the last quarter of the 19th century in Kosovo, particularly as a reaction to the Serbian and Greek threats to those parts of the Ottoman Empire where the bulk of the Albanians lived for centuries. Prior to that the Orthodox Albanians in the Southern Balkans were among the most active and renown "Greek" guerrilla leaders on land and sea during the Greek War of Independence and with the advent of Greek independence and until today, fully assimilated and very prominent in politics, diplomacy, the army, etc. "

Alexis Heraclides is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Panteion University in Athens
Alexis Heraclides (i)

Schöne Texte schustert ihr da in Skopje zusammen, tja wenn sie doch nur der Realität entsprechen würden..... ach ach unbelehrbar dieser Jung.... :emir:
Schöne Texte schustert ihr da in Skopje zusammen, tja wenn sie doch nur der Realität entsprechen würden..... ach ach unbelehrbar dieser Jung.... :emir:

Dieser Text stammt von einem Griechen. Dein versuch zur Ausrede ist ja :lol:

Alexis Heraclides is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Panteion University in Athens

Sei Bitte aufmerksamer beim lesen. Du kannst vielleicht den Text in 4 Minuten lesen, aber du solltest ihn auch verstehen.

Dieser Text stammt von einem Griechen. Dein versuch zur Ausrede ist ja :lol:

Alexis Heraclides is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Panteion University in Athens

Sei Bitte aufmerksamer beim lesen. Du kannst vielleicht den Text in 4 Minuten lesen, aber du solltest ihn auch verstehen.


Makedonen waren schon immer Griechen und werden es auch immer bleiben!
Zitat von Mounopanoski Zoranksi tis manas o Poposki

Hier haste ein Zitat eines echten Slawen aus FYROM der genau das Gegenteil von dir Behauptet, hmm nun wer hat den jetzt Recht?
Makedonen waren schon immer Griechen und werde es auch imme bleiben!
Zitat von Mounopanoski Zoranksi tis manas o Poposki

Hier haste ein Zitat eines echten Slawen aus FYROM der genau das Gegenteil von dir Behauptet, hmm nun wer hat den jetzt Recht?

In Makedonien herrscht Meinungsfreiheit, da kann jeder seine Meinung äußern, bei dir in Griechenland musst du halt aufpassen, so ist das halt in einem post Nazi Regime das erst seit ~30 Jahren die Demokratie kennt aber unfähig ist diese auszuüben bzw anzuwenden, oder man könnte auch sagen zu realisieren.

In Makedonien herrscht Meinungsfreiheit, da kann jeder seine Meinung äußern, bei dir in Griechenland musst du halt aufpassen, so ist das halt in einem post Nazi Regime das erst seit ~30 Jahren die Demokratie kennt aber unfähig ist diese auszuüben bzw anzuwenden, oder man könnte auch sagen zu realisieren.


Hmmm in Griechenland herrscht wenigstens soviel Meinugsfreiheit dass die Leute nicht in die Klapse gesteckt werden wenn sie behaupten sie seien Bulgaren und der griechischen Position Recht geben ;-)

Ansonsten was kommst du mir immer mit Griechenland? 1) Stamme ich nicht von dort und 2) Lebe ich in Deutschland......
Hmmm in Griechenland herrscht wenigstens soviel Meinugsfreiheit dass die Leute nicht in die Klapse gesteckt werden wenn sie behaupten sie seien Bulgaren und der griechischen Position Recht geben ;-)

Ansonsten was kommst du mir immer mit Griechenland? 1) Stamme ich nicht von dort und 2) Lebe ich in Deutschland......

Ja was kommst du dann ständig mit Makedonien?

1) Stammst du nicht von dort
2) Bist kein Makedonier

Woher deine Zuneigung für uns Makedonen?

Stockholm Syndrom?
Ja was kommst du dann ständig mit Makedonien?

1) Stammst du nicht von dort
2) Bist kein Makedonier

Woher deine Zuneigung für uns Makedonen?

Stockholm Syndrom?

Meine Zuneigung zu den richtigen Makedonen weil ich eben Grieche bin!
Und muss ich aus der Region kommen um mein Kommentar in einem freien Forum zu geben? Ich glaube nicht..... ;-)

Ausserdem habe ich nie behauptet Makedone zu sein, laut meinem Profil müsste dir klar sein woher ich komme und was ich bin.... ;-)
Meine Zuneigung zu den richtigen Makedonen weil ich eben Grieche bin!
Und muss ich aus der Region kommen um mein Kommentar in einem freien Forum zu geben? Ich glaube nicht..... ;-)

Ausserdem habe ich nie behauptet Makedone zu sein, laut meinem Profil müsste dir klar sein woher ich komme und was ich bin.... ;-)

Jetzt bin ich verwirrt, erst willst du das man dich nicht mit Griechenland assoziiert, jetzt bist auf einmal Grieche :greco:

Wow, Chamäleon in action