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MINA Breaking News - Greece shocked by UN Visit, closes Macedonia Border

Why is Athens so upset at the UN visit looking into the minorities?
According to Jane’s Defense Magazine and the Human Rights Watch, Greece has 500,000 Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia, with further 250,000 to 400,000 Macedonians (economic migrants) to the south, mainly in Athens.
HRW also adds the presence of 500,000 Roma population, 1.7 million Albanians of which 1 million are not citizens. The ethnic Turks and Pomaks in Trace number 400,000, and the Vlachs add additional 300,000. Greece also has registered 1 million legal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, with further 500,000 illegal immigrants, mainly from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan.

Macedonian Human Rights Committee held a successful human rights conference - Pelagon.de :: Nachrichten aus Makedonien / News from Macedonia
MIA - Macedonian Information Agency - UN Independent Expert on minority issues visits Greece
Eigentlich sollten wir uns geehrt fühlen, dass so viele Griechen Makedonier sein wollen. Reicht euch Rehakles nicht? Seit nicht immer so gierig.