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Griechenland und die Türkei rüsten auf

Also immer kommen die können gut Schwimmen und dann immer als Opfer darstellen läuft.

PS also hat Griechenland Griechen getötet hey ich kann die Insel sehen also gehört sie mir.
Hättest du dir richtig angeschaut
Nein ich habe es nicht normal angeschaut

in dem Bericht kommt vor das die Engländer die Schiffe nicht geschickt haben und die griechische Führung um die Bevölkerungszahl zu Gunsten der Griechen aufrechtzuerhalten versuchte sie dort zu halten
Obwohl man wusste dass die Türken nach den Massekern der Griechen in Anatolien sich rächen würden
Das war alles eure Führung

Hast du super interpretiert , das wird nur gesagt das man den Griechen in Smyrna nicht gesagt hat sie sollen fliehen. Weil man wusste wenn die Türken kommen was mit den passiert.

Da wurde nichts erwähnt von ,,Rache wegen den Massakern der Griechen in Anatolien,,

Grescovich Report​

Paul Grescovich, the chief of the Smyrna Fire Department and seen by Prentiss as "a thoroughly reliable witness", put the blame on Greeks and Armenians. He reported that Smyrna had seen an abnormal amount of fires in the first week of September, some of which were arson cases. Once Turkish troops captured Smyrna, Gresovich asked for more men and equipment to fight the fires. The Turkish authorities didn't provide additional support immediately. They first arrested the Greek firemen, who made up about a fifth of Grescovich's force. The fire department went a few days with reduced staff. On the 11th and 12th, the Turkish army assisted the firefighters in extinguishing fires across the city.

At the same time, Grescovich reported, Armenians were caught setting fires. He stated especially that "his own firemen, as well as Turkish guards, had shot down many Armenian young men disguised either as women or as Turkish irregular soldiers, who were caught setting fires during Tuesday night [12 September] and Wednesday [13 September] morning". Prentiss reports Grescovich as stating that at least six fires were reported around freight terminal warehouses and the Adine railroad passenger station at 11:20, five more around the Turkish-occupied Armenian hospital at 12:00 and nearly at the same time at the Armenian Club, and several at the Cassaba railroad station. Grescovich then asked the military authorities for help, but got no assistance until 6 pm when he was given soldiers who, two hours later, started to blow up buildings to prevent the fire from spreading.

Letters of Johannes Kolmodin​

Johannes Kolmodin, a Swedish Orientalist scholar, was studying in Smyrna in those days. He wrote that the Greek army was responsible for the fire, as well as fires in 250 Turkish villages.
A French journalist who had covered the Turkish War of Independence arrived in Smyrna shortly after the flames had died down. He wrote:[29]

The first defeat of the nationalists had been this enormous fire. Within forty-eight hours, it had destroyed the only hope of immediate economic recovery. For this reason, when I heard people accusing the winners themselves of having provoked it to get rid of the Greeks and Armenians who still lived in the city, I could only shrug off the absurdity of such talk. One had to know the Turkish leaders very little indeed to attribute to them so generously a taste for unnecessary suicide.

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