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Held des Tages

Tech House DJ Plays Same Hi Hat & Kick Drum Sample For Five Hours – Drugged Crowd None the Wiser

London based tech house DJ, Robert Jonathan Swift, made his international debut last week when he was invited to play club Trouw in Amsterdam.
“It was a huge gig for me at this point in my career,” Robert told Wunderground. “Unfortunately when I arrived at the club for my slot I realized I had accidentally brought along a blank USB stick. I began to panic until I looked out into the crowd and noticed the eyes closed, gentle swaying being exhibited by the crowd and figured everyone was likely on some sort of bath salts and/or completely blitzed on ketamine so I figured I could shoot from the hip and wing it.”
Robert was able to borrow his mate’s laptop and download a generic tech house loop moments before he had to begin playing. “The plan originally was to download a few more tunes somehow, but after playing with the effects a bit and using the faders slightly the crowd was actually giving me a great response so I decided to just keep on with it and I actually had them eating out of my palm in no time,” Robert explained.
“Three hours into the set, I feigned going to the toilet whilst I loaded some indecipherable vocals onto the sample decks,” Robert informed us, “that really sent them over the top, and soon enough it was complete bedlam in the main room.”
When asked about the set, stoned club attendees gave Robert shockingly favorable reviews despite the fact that he played the same track looped for five hours straight.
“Sick innit?” one clubber exclaimed when asked about the night. “The technicality of the mixing was such that I hardly noticed a transition for the whole of the set.”
“Brilliant,” flatly stated another partier, “rarely do you see a DJ put in that much variety and thought from the warm up to peak time and come down. A masterclass in both technical ability and musical knowledge. So refreshing to see a DJ not simply press play but take the crowd on a journey start to finish.”
Rola El-Halabi wurde 1985 im Libanon geboren, im Alter von einem Jahr kam sie mit ihrer Familie nach Deutschland. Im Juni 2009 gewann El-Halabi ihren ersten WM-Titel im Boxen, am 1. April 2011 wurde sie in einer Umkleidekabine von ihrem Stiefvater mit vier Kugeln niedergeschossen und schwer verletzt. Am 12. Januar 2013 gab sie gegen Lucia Morelli ihr Comeback, verlor dabei aber den WM-Gürtel. Wenige Monate später wurde El-Halabi das erste Mal seit dem Attentat erneut Weltmeisterin. Ihren nächsten Kampf wird sie im Mai in ihrer Heimatstadt Ulm bestreiten.
Tolle Frau, tausend mal besser als ihr verschissener Stiefvater
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das war der Grund für das Attentat:
An ihrem Krankenbett hielt der Grieche um Rolas Hand an, die beiden wollen bald heiraten. Papastergiou ist der Grund, warum Roy El-Halabi das Leben seiner Stieftochter zerstören wollte. Er wollte die Kontrolle über die junge Frau behalten, er verbot ihr den Kontakt mit ihrem Freund, er drohte dem Paar mit Gewalt, schon Monate vor dem Attentat. Doch Rola widersetzte sich. Sie war 25. Papastergiou war der erste Mann, den sie liebte.

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Was ist mit ihrem Schwiegervater? warum ist er beschissen .
was hat er ausgefressen ?
Weil ich ihn nunmal seine hellenische Fresse nicht mag :lol:

Spaß, hab mich vertan, Stiefvater ist richtig
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