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Hellenic Army - Info & Gallery

Du würdest deinen Slawa-power-arsch auch an timbukistan verkaufen solange es gegen Griechen gehen würde.:lol: Wenn du Albaner so sehr schätzt warum postest du dann Kuchen videos Knecht??

was soll dabei sein wenn sich Albaner 100 Jahre später nach dem OR Zerfall Ihren grossen Kuchen gönnen ?

Das zeigt wieder das Albaner stark sind und das sie 100 Jahre gekämpft haben dafür das Sie damals keinen Kuchen bekommen haben.
A Greek fighter on Raqqa's frontlines

Ivan, a young man of Greek origin, grew up in a socialist-communist family. He says: "It had always been my childhood dream, to battle fascism in a warzone". Finally his dream has come true, at the frontlines in Raqqa.

Born in Athens, the young Greek of a socialist familiy headed to Rojava five months ago and pursuant to his upbringing he says: "When I betook myself to the Middle East to join the Rojava Revolution and fight against the AKP-ISIS fascism, the biggest support came from my family."
The cheerful fighter of the Internationalist Battallion, Ivan, is much cherished by his comrades. Ivan, who eagerly craves for taking part in each and every battle, is never laying down his rifle. In a larger area at the frontline of Raqqa, Ivan, an expert of the B7, is active as a paramedic and also engaged in mine sweeping and clearance, tracking down ISIS traps against civilians and coordination determination. With all this, Ivan is known for the wide range of his abilities.
At the beginning of the interview, Ivan exclaimed brightly after learning that I am originally from Cyprus, saying: "Wherever the Turkish state is, there are problems. Do not worry, we will keep fighting until the end of the Turkish fascism."
We conducted our interview with Ivan at the frontline during a three hours long operation. Ivan and his comrades were touring and controlling some recently liberated neighbourhoods, only one kilometer east of the centre of Raqqa. Ivan, whose finger was carefully positioned on the trigger, proceeded very guardedly. He was after all also responsible for my safety. In the middle of such precarious circumstances, Ivan agreed nonetheless to answer all my questions.
I begin with the question of the reason that took him to Rojava from Greece.
Ivan explained to me that there is not one simple reason alone and took me to a journey of a fusion of personal and politically motivated causes.


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Ein weiterer Auftrag von der NATO für die griechische Firma Intracom (IDE)

Wartung, Überholung, Modifikationen und Ersatzteilelieferung für die Flugabwehrrakete Patriot

New Support Contract from NATO to IDE

July 19, 2017: After international competition IDE (INTRACOM Defense Electronics) signed a 3 + 2 years frame contract with NSPA (NATO Support and Procurement Agency).
Under this contract IDE will provide NATO member-nations depot level maintenance (DLM), overhaul, modifications, provision of spare parts and repair material, and other
associated services to support the maintenance of
PATRIOT Ground Support Equipment (GSE) assemblies and items.

“We are very honored that NSPA awards a contract to IDE for the maintenance and support of a significant NATO advanced system. We believe that our capabilities could be further
utilized for the benefits of the economy of Greece and the Hellenic Armed Forces” stated Mr. George Troullinos, CEO of IDE.


Μετά από διεθνή διαγωνισμό, η IDE (INTRACOM Defense Electronics) υπέγραψε σύμβαση – πλαίσιο διάρκειας 3 + 2 ετών με την SPA (NATO Support and Procurement Agency).
Σύμφωνα με τη σύμβαση η IDE θα παρέχει συντήρηση εργοστασιακού επιπέδου (DLM – Depot Level Maintenance), υποστήριξη, τις απαραίτητες τροποποιήσεις,
την παροχή ανταλλακτικών και υλικών επισκευής καθώς και άλλες συναφείς υπηρεσίες για την υποστήριξη των συγκροτημάτων επίγειου εξοπλισμού των συστημάτων αεράμυνας PATRIOT.

«Είναι μεγάλη μας τιμή η ανάθεση από την NSPA στην IDE της σύμβασης για τη συντήρηση και υποστήριξη ενός τόσο σημαντικού και προηγμένου συστήματος του NATO.
Πιστεύουμε ότι οι τεχνικές δυνατότητες της IDE σε συνδυασμό με την άρτια υποδομή της θα μπορούσαν να αξιοποιηθούν περαιτέρω προς όφελος της ελληνικής οικονομίας και των ελληνικών Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων»
δήλωσε ο κ. Γεώργιος Τρουλλινός, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της IDE.


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Kleinvieh macht auch Mist.Gut für Griechenland! Zwar mit den Großaufträgen der Türken nicht zu vergleichen aber für Griechenland ist das ein groooßer Schritt. :lol: