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Hellenic Army - Info & Gallery

Griechenland wird 7 "MH-60R Romeo"Helikopter im wert von 600 millionen bekommen. Die Amis nennen ihn die F-35 der Navy es handelt sich um den modernsten und schlagkräftigsten Helikopter der Welt er ist auch als U-boot killer bekannt da er u-boote aufspüren und zerstören kann.

6 hours ago January 3, 2021
Mansij Asthana

This deal was a follow up to Greece’s acquisition of seven Seahawk helicopters for a total worth of $600 million back in 2019.

The helicopter is claimed to be the most advanced maritime helicopter on the face of the planet. It can be deployed on any air-capable vessel, be it frigates, destroyers, aircraft carriers, cruisers, fast combat ships, amphibious assault ships, or the navy’s new littoral combat ships.

Moreover, the offensive capabilities of the helicopter are improved by the addition of new Mk-54 air-launched torpedoes and Hellfire missiles. All Helicopter Anti-Submarine Light (HSL) squadrons that receive the Romeo are redesignated Helicopter, Strike Maritime (HSM) squadrons.

“These (Seahawks) are the Navy F-35s. Such advanced technology. They have high-level capabilities to scan areas from a distance of tens of miles, overlooking virtually the entire Aegean. You may have an image from Tainaro on the other side of the Eastern Aegean. They are considered multi-tools of battle. They also have capabilities against surface targets,”
Mit Abstand die besten Helikopter, die eine Navy besitzen kann.
Um einen U-Boot zu zerstören braucht man bekanntlich hoch moderne schwere Torpedos, wovon ihr panisch bestellt aber die Lieferung bis heute aussteht. Bis dahin sind eure zahnlose Sea-Hawks und U-214 nurl für eine Zirkusnummer tauglich :lol:

Die paar Übungs-Torpödchen im Inventar sind gerademal gut genug, um ein paar Warmduscher auf Mykonos zu erschrecken. Mehr aber nicht.
Griechenland und Saudi Arabien werden gemeinsame Militärübungen abhalten. Die Saudis schicken einige F-15 nach Kreta.

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The agreement, which will be signed by both defense ministries also includes the procurement of ten M-346 aircraft & maintenance of T-6 aircraft, as well as the provision of simulators, training & logistic support 2/3

Defense Minister Gantz: “This agreement reflects the excellent and developing relations we have with Greece. It is a long term partnership that will serve the interests of both countries.”3/3