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I am a Macedonian Nationalist and I love my mother country

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Ah, ich sag dir das jeder Zeit ins Gesicht. Mach dir da mal keine Sorge Slavtko. Die meisten vernüftigen Griechen würde es dir nicht sagen, weil die Diskussion lächerlich ist, ich glaube fast jeder Mensch der Welt sieht es auch so, außer einige Slavtkos, Alexdrovis und paar Türken.:haha::haha:

Er erinnert mich sehr stark an diesen fyromischen Pracht-Kerl:


Wir haben Alte und Neue Quellen, Beweise und Fakten über unsere Herkunft was habt ihr? Auser eure behauptungen?

Zitate aus antike Quellen, Überlieferungen, etc.:

The episode of the trial of Filota in 330 BC, he decided to speak on helenic for the need to be coprehended by those who are not Macedonians.

Quintus Curtius Rufus

IV. 33-36

On the feast in Marakanda in 328 BC during the quarrel between Alexander and Kleitos, Alexander called for his body guards in Macedonian.


Alexander 51

The Macedonian soldiers bid farewell to Alexander on Macedonian language.


V. 32. 13.

The soldiers on Macedonian language saluted the general Eumen who by descent was a Helen. That same Eumen when was needed to send emissary at the Macedonian Neoptolem in 321 BC, the task entrusted to Kseonija whose mother language was Macedonian.


Alexander. 51.

Atenai speaking about the bilingualism upon the citizens of Athens, said that many of them were speaking on Macedonian because of the merging and amalgamation after the Corinthian Treaty and the Universal Peace. Quintus Curtius Rufus also states that the ?acedonians had the need of a translator to understand the helenic language.

Athen. III. 121

Quintus Curtuis Rufus VI. II. 4

In one occasion the Messenians upon the clothes and barbaric language coprehended that they were fighting aganist Macedonians and not Lakeidaimonians.


IV. 29

One information at Tit Livi obviously taken from the act of Thucydides, states that the Macedonians spoke on a similar barbaric language as the Aetolians and Akarnaneans. The same thing was stated by Thucydides who also wrote that the language of the Aetolians was barbaric and inexplicable for the Helens.

Liv. XXXI. 29

Thuc. III. 94

Some called it Macedonia the region that stretches as far as Corcyra, because of the people from those parts have exploited similar language dialects, clothes, beliefs, hair-cuts, etc, things which were barbaric for the Helens.


VII. 7. 8.

The language of the Macedonians and Epirians was barbaric for the Helens.

Strab. IX. 434

Polyb. XVIII. 47. 6.

I know too, of many Attic writers who use idioms of the Macedonians as a result of intercourse with them.

Athen. Deipnosophistae, III. 121-122

Was habt ihr? Ihr seid nur ein Furz im Wind nicht mehr und nicht weniger!!
Er will Nationalist sein lasst ihn in ruhe sein was er will..

Nein ich habe einen Makedonen Zitiert der bei seiner Verhaftung das gesagt hat
I am a Macedonian Nationalist and I love my mother country '1905'

Die Gri?en sagen uns gibt es erst seid 1945 was natürlich völliger quatsch ist!
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

das war doch der fyromer der nicht wusste wer shakespear ist. was fürn idiot! :haha: :haha:

Jetzt merkst du mit was für "Intelligenzbestien" wir es hier zu tun haben. ;-) Der eine Fyromer kennt Shakespeare nicht, der andere glaubt das Alpha und das Omega erfunden zu haben.

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