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IMRO (Innere Mazedonische Revolutionäre Organisation)

Hier das Makedonien...welches die IMRO angestrebt hat...


schöne albanische tracht
ähm sorry meinte tracht der antiken makedonier

Sgraffito pottery fragments from the 12th century showing Greek warriors wearing the fustanella, from Corinth, Greece.[SUP][11][/SUP]

Die Fustanella war die Byzantinische Paradeuniform, ältestes Zeugnis der Fustanella 12 Jahrhundert in Korinth Südgriechenland.:grin:

Fustanella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the Byzantine Empire, a pleated skirt known as the podea (Greek: ποδέα) was worn.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] The wearer of the podea was either associated with a typical hero or an Akritic warrior and can be found in 12th-century finds attributed to Emperor Manuel I Komnenos (r. 1143–1180).[SUP][7][/SUP] On Byzantine pottery sherds, warriors are shown bearing weapons and wearing the heavy pleated fustanella, including a mace-bearer clad in chain-mail.[SUP][8][/SUP]

Sgraffito pottery fragments from the 12th century showing Greek warriors wearing the fustanella, from Corinth, Greece.[SUP][11][/SUP]

Die Fustanella war die Byzantinische Paradeuniform, ältestes Zeugnis der Fustanella 12 Jahrhundert in Korinth Südgriechenland.:grin:

Fustanella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the Byzantine Empire, a pleated skirt known as the podea (Greek: ποδέα) was worn.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] The wearer of the podea was either associated with a typical hero or an Akritic warrior and can be found in 12th-century finds attributed to Emperor Manuel I Komnenos (r. 1143–1180).[SUP][7][/SUP] On Byzantine pottery sherds, warriors are shown bearing weapons and wearing the heavy pleated fustanella, including a mace-bearer clad in chain-mail.[SUP][8][/SUP]

Schaut gut aus....aber was hat das mit dem Thema zu tun :mrgreen:
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Sgraffito pottery fragments from the 12th century showing Greek warriors wearing the fustanella, from Corinth, Greece.[SUP][11][/SUP]

Die Fustanella war die Byzantinische Paradeuniform, ältestes Zeugnis der Fustanella 12 Jahrhundert in Korinth Südgriechenland.:grin:

Fustanella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the Byzantine Empire, a pleated skirt known as the podea (Greek: ποδέα) was worn.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] The wearer of the podea was either associated with a typical hero or an Akritic warrior and can be found in 12th-century finds attributed to Emperor Manuel I Komnenos (r. 1143–1180).[SUP][7][/SUP] On Byzantine pottery sherds, warriors are shown bearing weapons and wearing the heavy pleated fustanella, including a mace-bearer clad in chain-mail.[SUP][8][/SUP]

Von uns geklaut.:p
