Der Amerikaner fordert nun eine FBI Untersuchung, weil ja die Behörden wie so oft im Balkan, Nichts ermitteln.
Eigentümer des Hauses, ein typischer Amerikanischer Hintermann der Izebeogvic Mafia und der Faschitischen Mord und Terror Brigaden aus Amerika: Owner of this house: Ahmed Bedier, Executive Director of The Council of American Islamic Relations
Islamic activists want FBI to look into arson and vandalism of Sarasota County home
SARASOTA COUNTY -- Islamic activists are calling on the FBI to investigate a hate crime in which a Bosnian family's home was burned and spray painted with anti-Muslim slurs.
Hasib Sejfovic, 43, walked through what was left of his Avila Avenue home Friday afternoon. He looked at the charred remains of his couch, and the kitchen he recently spent $15,000 remodeling.
Ahmed Bedier, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, followed Sejfovic with a camera, filming the words "Kill all Arabs" that had been spray painted in red on the floor.
"These people aren't even Arab," Bedier said. "They are European. That shows you how smart the people are who did this."
Bedier said it is the worst case of anti-Muslim discrimination he has seen, and he wants to know why it has not received more public attention.
Eigentümer des Hauses, ein typischer Amerikanischer Hintermann der Izebeogvic Mafia und der Faschitischen Mord und Terror Brigaden aus Amerika: Owner of this house: Ahmed Bedier, Executive Director of The Council of American Islamic Relations
Islamic activists want FBI to look into arson and vandalism of Sarasota County home

SARASOTA COUNTY -- Islamic activists are calling on the FBI to investigate a hate crime in which a Bosnian family's home was burned and spray painted with anti-Muslim slurs.
Hasib Sejfovic, 43, walked through what was left of his Avila Avenue home Friday afternoon. He looked at the charred remains of his couch, and the kitchen he recently spent $15,000 remodeling.
Ahmed Bedier, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, followed Sejfovic with a camera, filming the words "Kill all Arabs" that had been spray painted in red on the floor.
"These people aren't even Arab," Bedier said. "They are European. That shows you how smart the people are who did this."
Bedier said it is the worst case of anti-Muslim discrimination he has seen, and he wants to know why it has not received more public attention.
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