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Jason Miko: The name and identity of Macedonia cannot be changed

Macedonian Diaspora: We Are Still Waiting for Australia to Recognize Our Constitutional Name

Labels: Diaspora, Problemkind Griechenland

The Macedonian Diaspora in Australia has divided opinions regarding the possibility Macedonia to be recognized by Australia under its constitutional name. They say chances are minimal due to the name dispute with Greece.

Australia and Greece have always been in good relations, moreover, the Greek Diaspora there, has quite an influence.

Reactions came as a result of the recent backlash by the Australian Member of Parliament Luke Simpkins related to the statement of Julie Bishop, Minister of Foreign Affairs, saying Australia will not change its attitude about Macedonia's constitutional name.

Ico Najdovski, Macedonian activist from Australia, believes that Luke Simpkins’s attitude is a well-played scenario because his seat in the Parliament depends on Macedonian votes.

“The Australian Government had clear attitude about not recognizing Macedonia under its constitutional name. Greece has Members of Parliament and Ministries, while we still believe in unsupported statements. We have no power as a community, nor as a national body”, explains Najdovski.

Macedonians in Australia say that our and the Greek Diaspora cannot be compared. First, regarding the finances, in the Australian society there are several businessman with Greek origins and they participate actively in the political scene.

Fyrom klappe halten.
[h=3]Australia Urged Acceptance of Macedonia's Constitutional Name[/h]Labels: English, News

The Sydney Morning Herald reports on the increasing pressure on the Australian Government to recognize Macedonia under its constitutional name, after several members of Parliament, from both leading parties spoke in Parliament in favour of this move.

"FYR Macedonia is used by the international football federation and other global sports organisations, and by most European nations too. Yet Britain, Canada and the United States have gone the other way, brushing off Greek concerns about territory in northern Greece also known as 'Macedonia', and formally abandoned references to Yugoslavia in their diplomatic relations with Skopje.

The government maintains Australia's use of FYROM is 'temporary', and will continue only until Skopje and Athens find a resolution. That stalemate seems unlikely to soon break", correspondent Daniel Flitton writes in the Sydney Morning Herald. Flitton notes how western Australian members of Parliament Luke Simpkins and Alannah MacTiernan recently called on the Tony Abbott Government to join Britain, the United States and Canada in using Macedonia's constitutional name.

Earlier in March, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop wrote that the position of the Government remains to continue using the interim reference until Macedonia and Greece come to a solution to the naming dispute. This has angered the 100.000 strong community of Macedonian Australians, who say they are personally offended by the way Australia refers to their native country. "Common sense tells us that we should not continue to burden a country with a name that it hates", MacTiernan is quoted by the Sydney Morning Herald, which also quotes Macedonian Ambassador to Australia Vele Trpeski as saying "Yugoslavia died a long time ago", but is still mentioned in the reference used to name Macedonia.


[h=3]Αυστραλία: Όχι στην αναγνώριση της πΓΔΜ με το όνομα «Μακεδονία»[/h]
Η υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Αυστραλίας Τζούλι Μπίσοπ​
Κατηγορηματικά αντίθετη είναι η Αυστραλία στο θέμα της αναγνώρισης της πΓΔΜ με το όνομα «Μακεδονία».

Απόδειξη ότι προσφάτως η υπουργός Εξωτερικών της χώρας Τζούλι Μπίσοπ, στη διάρκεια συνάντησης με εκπροσώπους κοινότητας με καταγωγή από τη βαλκανική χώρα, απάντησε αρνητικά σε σχετικό αίτημα.

Συγκεκριμένα, ζητούσαν η Αυστραλία να αναγνωρίσει ως χώρα καταγωγής τους τη «Μακεδονία».

«Η θέση μας παραμένει αμετάβλητη» είπε η υπουργός στην αντιπροσωπεία, και εξέφρασε την ελπίδα να βρεθεί λύση με αμοιβαία αποδεκτή ονομασία στο πλαίσιο της διαδικασίας του ΟΗΕ.
Es tut mir leid für beide Partein aber ich verstehe bis heute diesen Streit einfach nicht um den Namen eines Landes. Ich habs teilweise immer noch nicht verstanden und das letzt mal wurde es mir auch nur schwammig erklärt.
[h=3]NATO Generalsekräter Stoltenberg sagt "Makedonien" - Griechen protestieren[/h]Labels: Problemkind Griechenland

Griechenland wird eine offizielle Protestnote an die NATO senden weil NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg "Republik Makedonien" sagte.
Bei einem Treffen der EU Außen- und Verteidigungsminister nannte Stoltenberg Makedonien mit seinem Verfassungsrechtlichen Namen, und nicht wie von den Griechen erwünscht mit der provisorischen und vorübergehenden Bezeichnung.
Die Protestnote wird von dem ständigen Repräsentanten Griechenlands der Allianz überbracht.
