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Sashe Politiko to Milchin: Soros helps SDSM and has over 100 NGOs and 20 portals and media
- Vlade you have a network of over 100 NGOs and over 20 portals and media in the country and if it is not enough to push Grujo then is quite enough to create many problems in the opposition if the political leaders do not follow your opinion.

This is the message of Sashe Ivanovski – Politiko sent to the head of the Soros Foundation in Macedonia, Vladimir Milchin in response to Milchin’s article published on the portal Plusinfo, in which according to Politko, Milchin presented two big lies, one half true, one dilemma, two defamations and one warrant for journalist murder.
According to Politiko, the first lie is that Soros Foundation does not helped SDSM with its activities. He believes that this claim is funny and the young children in nurseries do not believe in it, and he will not analyze it at all.
- The second lie is that I asked intellectuals to be silenced. I have never said that. Just ask the SDSM to distance themselves from intellectuals as they have no idea of pragmatism plus they do not take the responsibility for the SDSM defeats on the elections; it is always the management responsible for it. Vlade, you are for 20 years at the head of Soros and I am sure you will be at least 20 more. However, the SDSM changed a dozen leaders who perished bravely on battlefields listening to you, and you great power and influence. Vlade, you have a network of over 100 NGOs and over 20 portals and media in the country and if it is not sufficient at all for the pushing Grujo then is enough to create numerous problems in the opposition if political leaders do not follow your opinion. Your avant-garde attitudes that people have considered as views of the opposition SDSM and as the opposition did not back away from those, your opinions and inflicted great damage on the opposition. Abortion, gay rights, a compromise anti – MOC moves and positions, mocking the fans and all their slogans, promoting coexistence with Albanians followed by absolute silence after the nationalist outings of DUI, DPA and the general Albanian population in our country which is politically spoiled are all views that are absolutely not necessary for the society. Even more they are forbidden to mainstream party in a situation when the government has so powerful media for propaganda and money!, writes the portal Maktel’s editor.
The correspondence between Ivanovski and Milchin, comes after Politiko publicly said what we all know, that Soros is funding the left-wing and media close to them. He made a public call to SDSM to distance themselves from Soros; by saying, the foundation brings only harm to the party.
- Sashe ate the poisonous mushrooms and now is hallucinating about dozens of portals and media paid by IOS – Macedonia or it is about Munchausen’s propensity for lying? Or just about vendetta and jealousy?, responded Milchin to Ivanovski.
He believes that Sashe Politiko is a product of the kitchen of former “Bihachka”.
-They ask me why I addressed my attention to Sashe Politiko. My answer is: Becouse he is courier, he is delivering someone else messages. In addition, it is not the first product from the kitchen of former “Bihachka”. The story is already out-dated. First, Gero and I have thrown down Crvenkovski, and then Gero and I have thrown down Zaev and Shekerinska to reach the attitude that Soros and NGO sector are guilty for SDSM defeats, as SDSM followed the Milchin and GEM. Salvation for the sinners! Right wing populists screaming that Soros, media and NGOs serve the SDSM and now the fist comes from the left wing populism. The SDSM serves Soros and NGOs! As they go, I would not be surprised if soon they unite against “left- liberal Soros elite”. What a pleasure for the political gossiping, writes Milchin.
- Vlade you have a network of over 100 NGOs and over 20 portals and media in the country and if it is not enough to push Grujo then is quite enough to create many problems in the opposition if the political leaders do not follow your opinion.

This is the message of Sashe Ivanovski – Politiko sent to the head of the Soros Foundation in Macedonia, Vladimir Milchin in response to Milchin’s article published on the portal Plusinfo, in which according to Politko, Milchin presented two big lies, one half true, one dilemma, two defamations and one warrant for journalist murder.
According to Politiko, the first lie is that Soros Foundation does not helped SDSM with its activities. He believes that this claim is funny and the young children in nurseries do not believe in it, and he will not analyze it at all.
- The second lie is that I asked intellectuals to be silenced. I have never said that. Just ask the SDSM to distance themselves from intellectuals as they have no idea of pragmatism plus they do not take the responsibility for the SDSM defeats on the elections; it is always the management responsible for it. Vlade, you are for 20 years at the head of Soros and I am sure you will be at least 20 more. However, the SDSM changed a dozen leaders who perished bravely on battlefields listening to you, and you great power and influence. Vlade, you have a network of over 100 NGOs and over 20 portals and media in the country and if it is not sufficient at all for the pushing Grujo then is enough to create numerous problems in the opposition if political leaders do not follow your opinion. Your avant-garde attitudes that people have considered as views of the opposition SDSM and as the opposition did not back away from those, your opinions and inflicted great damage on the opposition. Abortion, gay rights, a compromise anti – MOC moves and positions, mocking the fans and all their slogans, promoting coexistence with Albanians followed by absolute silence after the nationalist outings of DUI, DPA and the general Albanian population in our country which is politically spoiled are all views that are absolutely not necessary for the society. Even more they are forbidden to mainstream party in a situation when the government has so powerful media for propaganda and money!, writes the portal Maktel’s editor.
The correspondence between Ivanovski and Milchin, comes after Politiko publicly said what we all know, that Soros is funding the left-wing and media close to them. He made a public call to SDSM to distance themselves from Soros; by saying, the foundation brings only harm to the party.
- Sashe ate the poisonous mushrooms and now is hallucinating about dozens of portals and media paid by IOS – Macedonia or it is about Munchausen’s propensity for lying? Or just about vendetta and jealousy?, responded Milchin to Ivanovski.
He believes that Sashe Politiko is a product of the kitchen of former “Bihachka”.
-They ask me why I addressed my attention to Sashe Politiko. My answer is: Becouse he is courier, he is delivering someone else messages. In addition, it is not the first product from the kitchen of former “Bihachka”. The story is already out-dated. First, Gero and I have thrown down Crvenkovski, and then Gero and I have thrown down Zaev and Shekerinska to reach the attitude that Soros and NGO sector are guilty for SDSM defeats, as SDSM followed the Milchin and GEM. Salvation for the sinners! Right wing populists screaming that Soros, media and NGOs serve the SDSM and now the fist comes from the left wing populism. The SDSM serves Soros and NGOs! As they go, I would not be surprised if soon they unite against “left- liberal Soros elite”. What a pleasure for the political gossiping, writes Milchin.