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Kosovo-Albaner bauen SS Denkmäler

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The German military administration in Serbia implemented the extermination of the Jews in its area with dispatch and thoroughness. In the very first days of the occupation the Jews were ordered to register, and anti - Jewish regulations were issued. For several months afterward, most of the male Jews were put on forced labor. After the outbreak of the revolt in Serbia in July 1941, all the male Jews were put in concentration camps, most of them in Topovske Šupe, and others in Šabac and in Niš.
"Find out! How's he surviving?"
Anti-Masonic (Anti-Jewish) Exhibition,
Beograd, 1941-1942In August the murder of the Jewish men was launched, and by November of that year most of the men had been killed by German military units.
The turn of the women and children came at the beginning of December 1941, when they were imprisoned in the Sajmište camp. In March 1942 a gas van was brought in, and eight thousand women and children were murdered between March and May.
Courtesy of: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust
©1990 Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, NY 10022
and Simon Wiesenthal, Museum of Tolerance
Multimedia Learning Center

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Library
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