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Länder, die Kosova anerkennnen

Top-Meldung (Neu)

Slowakei und Rumänien erkennen die Pässe der Republik Kosovo an!
Romania and Slovakia recognize Kosovar Passports

During a press conference, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi announced that "Romania and Slovakia have recognized the Republic of Kosovo passports," expressing gratitude for both countries' contribution on maintaining the stability in the Balkans. Thaci also thanked Portugal for recognizing the independence of Kosovo.

Romania and Slovakia are two other countries that have not recognized Kosovo independence yet.

Prime Minister Thaçi speaking of Serbia's current behaviors said that "Serbia is following regressive steps, resembling to those of Milosevic times."

Thaçi added that "Unfortunately, nothing good can be expected from Serbia right now. Genocide and terror committed against Kosovars by Serbia state are still fresh in the minds of every citizen. However, Kosovar citizens are willing to live peacefully with its neighbors including Serbia."

"Today, Kosovo is an independent and sovereign state, its independence is an irreversible and Serbia must understand that. Nothing can change today's reality in Kosovo. We are here to build a prosperous country and defend it by all means," concluded Thaçi.

New Kosova Report - Romania and Slovakia recognize Kosovar Passports
Die EU-Staaten die den Kosovo nicht anerkennen wollen:

(Griechenland, Zypern, Slowakei, Spanien, Rumänien)

Nun hat Griechenland, Slowakei und Rumänien aber die Pässe anerkannt.
Meiner Meinung nach eine Anerkennung, da man die Pässe akzeptiert und jemanden somit als kosovarischen Staatsbürger ansieht, d.h. ein Angehöriger eines Staates Kosovo.

Über diese "Gegner" muss man in naher Zukunft nicht mehr viel sagen. ;)