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Länder, die Kosova anerkennnen

Diplomat: Egypt will recognize Kosovo soon

Sunday, 02 November 2008
Egypt will recognize Kosovo soon​
The citizens of the Republic of Kosovo have no reason to worry why Egypt has not recognized Kosovo yet because the recognition will happen very soon. This was confirmed by the former deputy foreign minister of Egypt and close adviser to the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Abdullah el-Esha'al who is visiting Kosovo, attending a political, social and cultural seminar organized in Prishtina about relations between Kosovo and Egypt.

He added that he will convey a powerful message to Egypt about the new reality created in Kosovo and the amazing progress that has been achieved here so the recognition process will be expedited.

During his lecture, Abdullah el-Esha'al emphasized: "I want to assure all of you Kosovar citizens that recognition of Kosovo independence will assertively come from Egypt very soon, because we [Egypt] are keen to contribute to peace and stability to this part of the world, and now we are very well informed about your history and self-determination endeavors to build your independent state."

"Egypt is aware of the tragic history of Kosovo. Liberation and independence were two inevitable processes that fulfilled the aspirations of Kosovars to establish their sovereign state," said Abdullah el-Esha'al.

The seminar was organized by Beqir Ismaili, a prominent and influential Kosovar university professor who lives and works in Egypt for many years and a very well-acknowledged intellectual in the social and political circles of Egypt. He has published tens of books and hundreds of journalistic works in Arabic, explaining the tragic history of Kosovo and genocidal crimes of Serbia against Kosovar Albanian populace during the 20th century.

During the seminar, many social, cultural and political activities were organized exhibiting the Egyptian culture and the Kosovar Albanian diaspora achievements and contributions to Egyptian culture and society that has lived there for many centuries and decades.

New Kosova Report - Diplomat: Egypt will recognize Kosovo soon

Many other important Egyptian and Kosovar intellectuals attended and gave lectures during the seminar.
Diplomat: Egypt will recognize Kosovo soon

Sunday, 02 November 2008
Egypt will recognize Kosovo soon​
The citizens of the Republic of Kosovo have no reason to worry why Egypt has not recognized Kosovo yet because the recognition will happen very soon. This was confirmed by the former deputy foreign minister of Egypt and close adviser to the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Abdullah el-Esha'al who is visiting Kosovo, attending a political, social and cultural seminar organized in Prishtina about relations between Kosovo and Egypt.

He added that he will convey a powerful message to Egypt about the new reality created in Kosovo and the amazing progress that has been achieved here so the recognition process will be expedited.

During his lecture, Abdullah el-Esha'al emphasized: "I want to assure all of you Kosovar citizens that recognition of Kosovo independence will assertively come from Egypt very soon, because we [Egypt] are keen to contribute to peace and stability to this part of the world, and now we are very well informed about your history and self-determination endeavors to build your independent state."

"Egypt is aware of the tragic history of Kosovo. Liberation and independence were two inevitable processes that fulfilled the aspirations of Kosovars to establish their sovereign state," said Abdullah el-Esha'al.

The seminar was organized by Beqir Ismaili, a prominent and influential Kosovar university professor who lives and works in Egypt for many years and a very well-acknowledged intellectual in the social and political circles of Egypt. He has published tens of books and hundreds of journalistic works in Arabic, explaining the tragic history of Kosovo and genocidal crimes of Serbia against Kosovar Albanian populace during the 20th century.

During the seminar, many social, cultural and political activities were organized exhibiting the Egyptian culture and the Kosovar Albanian diaspora achievements and contributions to Egyptian culture and society that has lived there for many centuries and decades.

New Kosova Report - Diplomat: Egypt will recognize Kosovo soon

Many other important Egyptian and Kosovar intellectuals attended and gave lectures during the seminar.

farao vohn äkübden :app:
habt ihr euch schonmal die ganzen "anti-kosova" threads durchgelesen??

es steht immer das gleiche "ks=nie unabhängig"
"wer zuletzt lacht....."
"die albaner sind dumm...."

wo sind diese "menschen" die schrieben wer zu letzt lacht?
einer schrieb "wir werde in 2 jahren sehen wer zuletzt lacht"..........
ojaaaa wir haben es gesehen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wir sind dumm?
aber dennoch schlauer als ihr.
vergesst nie,
wir haben was zu sagen in der welt.
habt ihr gespürt.
Wie Thaci, heut so schön sagte: "Me diten e Pavarsis Serbia e ka humbur Kosoven per gjithmon."