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Länder, die Kosova anerkennnen

Žepčak;1113107 schrieb:
Hmm ist nicht letzens so nen Typ mit nem Kosovo Flugzeug in Südamerika rumgeflogen???? Hat anscheinend was gebracht:Di

Hmm glaube kaum, dass das wegen dem so is...

Hauptsächlich wegen Bexhet Pacolli
Žepčak;1113107 schrieb:
Hmm ist nicht letzens so nen Typ mit nem Kosovo Flugzeug in Südamerika rumgeflogen???? Hat anscheinend was gebracht:Di

Noch haben sie nicht's anerkannt, es werden Anerkennungen erwartet.
Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister is confident that Greece is going to recognize Kosovo

“I am confident that Greece is going to recognize Kosovo and I believe that this recognition is going to have a very positive effect for Kosovo and for the region. We are working to make this recognition happen as soon as possible”, Deputy Prime Minister Kuci told Radio Dukagjini on Monday. “We have permanent contacts with the Government of Greece. I can say that Greece has a positive perception for the developments in Kosovo. When Greece recognized the passports of the Republic of Kosovo indirectly it has recognized the reality in Kosovo and its showing continuous commitment for political and economic cooperation. The act of recognition is a process which will come in time”, Kuci said for Radio Dukagjini.

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister is confident that Greece is going to recognize Kosovo
Žepčak;1113107 schrieb:
Hmm ist nicht letzens so nen Typ mit nem Kosovo Flugzeug in Südamerika rumgeflogen???? Hat anscheinend was gebracht:Di

nein, da findet heue eine Versammlung der Amerikanischen Staaten, da wird halt Frau Clinton etwas Hand anlegen ;)
Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister is confident that Greece is going to recognize Kosovo

“I am confident that Greece is going to recognize Kosovo and I believe that this recognition is going to have a very positive effect for Kosovo and for the region. We are working to make this recognition happen as soon as possible”, Deputy Prime Minister Kuci told Radio Dukagjini on Monday. “We have permanent contacts with the Government of Greece. I can say that Greece has a positive perception for the developments in Kosovo. When Greece recognized the passports of the Republic of Kosovo indirectly it has recognized the reality in Kosovo and its showing continuous commitment for political and economic cooperation. The act of recognition is a process which will come in time”, Kuci said for Radio Dukagjini.

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister is confident that Greece is going to recognize Kosovo

werden wird Griechenland a schon, aber WANN ist die frage? ;)
El Salvador recognizes Kosovo

The Government of the Republic of El Salvador decided to recognize the Republic of Kosovo last evening informs Kosovar daily Bota Sot - the US edition.

Bexhet Pacolli, an influential Kosovar political leader and president of the political party ARK, who attended the inauguration of the new President of El Salvador, Carlos Mauricio Funes Cartagena, informs that "the Government of the Republic of El Salvador last evening decided to recognize the Republic of Kosovo as an independent and sovereign country."

The formal ratification by the Salvadorian parliament is expected this week.

Pacolli said that the verbal note of recognition will arrive in Kosovo within this week. During his visit in El Salvador he met with the highest state officials of the country.

El Salvador becomes the 61st country to recognize Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state.

El Salvador, a country in Central America, borders the Pacific Ocean between Guatemala and Honduras. It lies on the Gulf of Fonseca, as does Nicaragua further south. It has a population of approximately 6.8 million people on 21,000 km2.
