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Länder, die Kosova anerkennnen

Njohja nga El Salvador, brenda javës

Nga Express më 03.06.2009 në ora 17:54

Kryetari i Aleancës për Kosovën e Re, Behgjet Pacolli, ka paralajmëruar se nota verbale për njohjen e Kosovës nga El Salvadori do të arrijë brenda javës.

Pacolli i ka thënë Radio Televizionit të Kosovës se El Salvadori ka marrë vendim për njohjen e Kosovës.

Sipas Pacollit, formalitetet e njohjes do të kryhen gjatë javës, përderisa njohja do të kalojë përmes Parlamentit të këtij vendi.

Lideri i AKR’së ka marrë pjesë në ceremoninë e inaugurimit të Presidentit të ri të Salvadorit ku është takuar me zyrtarët e lartë të shtetit.

Posa kishte fituar zgjedhjet, lideri majtist Mauricio Funes i kishte premtuar Pacollit se me t’u inauguruar do të njihte Kosovën e pavarur.

Ich finde Pacolli etc-wo sich für Anerkennungen einsetzen , lieber keine Daten nennen wenn es schlussendlich nicht so eintrifft. Aber trotzdem Danke

Was mich am meisten aufregt sind so Standardaussagen seitens Regierung,,Njohja nga ky shtet qeshtje ditesh, und dan passiert monatelang nichts.
Ok gut, der Text war wirklich scheisse HaHa

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kosovo erwartet Aufnahme in die Weltbank

Der Kosovo, der im Mai in den Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) aufgenommen wurde, erwartet nun auch die Aufnahme in die Weltbank. Unter Berufung auf Wirtschaftsminister Ahmet Shala berichtete die kosovarische Tageszeitung "Epoca e Re" (Neue Epoche) am Mittwoch, dass das offizielle Ergebnis einer heute, Mittwoch, in der Weltbank stattfindenden Abstimmung in acht Tagen offiziell publik gemacht soll. Er erwarte, dass die Abstimmung ebenso erfolgreich sein werde, wie jene für die IWF-Aufnahme des Kosovo, so der Minister.

Der Kosovo hatte im Februar 2008 dank starkem Rückenwind der USA seine Unabhängigkeit einseitig ausgerufen und wurde bisher von 60 Staaten anerkannt - darunter auch Österreich. Belgrad lehnt hingegen nach wie vor die Unabhängigkeit der früheren südserbischen Provinz vehement ab.

Kosovo erwartet Aufnahme in die Weltbank | boerse-express.com
Support Kosovo and its independence

The people of Kosovo, now an independent state, were spared outright genocide in 1999, ten years ago, when the 78-day US-led NATO operation brought an end to the Serbian onslaught in Kosovo.

By Muhamet Hamiti

The peple of Kosovo, now an independent state, were spared outright genocide in 1999, ten years ago, when the 78-day US-led NATO operation brought an end to the Serbian onslaught in Kosovo.

12,000 Kosovor Albanians were slaughtered (thousands are still unaccounted for), half of the population was violently deported, and close to 130,000 homes burned or leveled by the Serb war machinery. After Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia, this was the fourth war of aggression waged by Slobodan Milosevic’s Serbia during the 1990s.

Kosovo and Serbia had for centuries been under Ottoman rule. Kosovo was briefly liberated from Ottoman rule in 1912, to only being conquered by the encroaching Serbia.

Decades of Serbian and Yugoslav rule followed, with varying degrees of autonomy for Kosovo. The 1974 Constitution of Yugoslavia saw Kosovo becoming an equal federal entity, with veto rights at the federal level, just like Serbia.

The ‘Butcher of the Balkans’, Milosevic, illegally and violently stripped Kosovo of its federal entity status in 1989.

The political struggle of the Kosovors for freedom and independence, led by the independence leader, President Ibrahim Rugova, and the Kosovo Liberation Army’s armed struggle, gave birth to Kosovo’s freedom in June 1999. Almost a decade of international administration followed, before Kosovo declared its independence more than a year ago, on February 17, 2008.

A long international process to determine the status of Kosovo had been concluded, under the chairmanship of UN Special Envoy for the Status of Kosovo, President Marti Ahtisaari, and the stewardship of the Contact Group, comprised of the US, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, and Russia.

Kosovo is a functioning state and has today all the attributes of nationhood. A flag and an anthem. A President, a Parliament, a Government, democratically elected; a clear separation of labour and powers between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary. A vibrant democratic system. A multi-ethnic, secular society and state, with religious rights and unique tolerance amongst the Muslim and Christian Albanians, Muslim Albanians and Christian Serbs, as well as the other faiths. 90% of the people are ethnic Albanians, the rest Serbs, Slavic-speaking Muslims, Turks, and Roma communities.

The Republic of Kosovo has got a lot to offer to foreign investors: mining, energy, as well as agriculture, are the main areas, with a lot of potential for cultural and winter tourism in the future. Last but not least, we have a young and entrepreneurial population.

The transition of Kosovo to independence was by and large smooth last year. Serbia has, however, sponsored parallel Serb structures in parts of Kosovo, especially in the north. The aim of the former occupier is to challenge the very existence of Kosovo’s nationhood.

Serbia has in addition, through the UN, referred the issue of Kosovo’s declaration of independence to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ICJ will deliver an advisory opinion, not a binding one, which should in no way affect Kosovo’s stature as an international actor. 35 countries have made their submissions, the majority of whom support Kosovo’s case for independence. Siding with Serbia and Russia in the case is as absurd as supporting today, from hindsight, Milosevic’s war aims in Kosovo a decade ago, for which he was being tried in the ICTY, another UN body, when he died a natural death in a jail cell.

Top Serbian political and military leaders, Milosevic’s henchmen, have been tried and sentenced by the United Nations body for their joint criminal enterprises in Kosovo. They lost the Kosovo war, because the values of freedom and human dignity prevailed in June 1999.

The world should recognise Kosovo, and call a bluff to Serbia’s preposterous efforts to portray itself as an aggrieved party. For God’s sake: As if it was Kosovo, Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia who initiated wars of aggression against Serbia, and not the other way round.

Kosovo has so far been recognized by 60 countries around the globe, which amount to 70 percent of the world’s GDP. Saudi Arabia recognised us in late April. Many others will follow suit. And they should, for Kosovo is a sui generis case which cannot set a precedent for other situations in the world.

Kosovo has been recognised by 22 out of the 27 EU members, most of the NATO countries, and last but not least, 7 out of the G 8 countries. Excepting Russia, that is.

The people of the Republic of Kosovo have earned their right to live in their own home, free from Serbian occupation, aspiring to become part of the family of free nations from all continents.

This is, therefore, a call to nations around the globe which have not yet formally recognised us, a young and peaceful nation: Recognise the independence of Kosovoa – embrace a new nation that has embraced you, the world of freedom and dignity.

Dr Muhamet Hamiti is Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Republic of Kosovo to the UK

Support Kosovo and its independence