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Macedonia: The Magnificent Country that Surprises

[h=3]"The Guardian": Mazedonien, touristische Destination für das Jahr 2014[/h]

Die britische Zeitung "The Guardian" hat in einem Bericht über 40 Ziele für einen Besuch im Jahr 2014 auch Mazedonien erwähnt.

Die Zeitung schreibt über die Kultur und Tradition in Mazedonien. Vielleicht ist der mazedonische Wein ein Grund dafür, dass der Tourismus in Mazedonien jährlich wächst. Auch der See von Ohrid wird wieder immer beliebter.

14. Macedonia
Despite a history of winemaking that goes back to Roman times and romantic Mediterranean villages with Byzantine churches and terracotta roofs, Macedonia continues to be overlooked in favour of better-developed attractions in nearby Italy and Greece. But with the number of visitors steadily increasing year on year, it's only a matter of time before the obvious appeals of this small, picturesque nation begin to be recognised. Next year marks the completion of the Skopje 2014 project, a multimillion euro scheme to transform the capital city – including the building of new bridges and museums and replacing the facades of buildings in a neo-classical style. However, the real treat for visitors is spectacular Lake Ohrid, a vast lake by whose edge perches a town of the same name the perfect place for a dreamy, and affordable, escape (see ohrid.com.mk).
Quelle: Guardian - Holiday hotspots: where to go in 2014
"The Guardian": Mazedonien, touristische Destination für das Jahr 2014

Die britische Zeitung "The Guardian" hat in einem Bericht über 40 Ziele für einen Besuch im Jahr 2014 auch Mazedonien erwähnt.

Die Zeitung schreibt über die Kultur und Tradition in Mazedonien. Vielleicht ist der mazedonische Wein ein Grund dafür, dass der Tourismus in Mazedonien jährlich wächst. Auch der See von Ohrid wird wieder immer beliebter.

14. Macedonia
Despite a history of winemaking that goes back to Roman times and romantic Mediterranean villages with Byzantine churches and terracotta roofs, Macedonia continues to be overlooked in favour of better-developed attractions in nearby Italy and Greece. But with the number of visitors steadily increasing year on year, it's only a matter of time before the obvious appeals of this small, picturesque nation begin to be recognised. Next year marks the completion of the Skopje 2014 project, a multimillion euro scheme to transform the capital city – including the building of new bridges and museums and replacing the facades of buildings in a neo-classical style. However, the real treat for visitors is spectacular Lake Ohrid, a vast lake by whose edge perches a town of the same name the perfect place for a dreamy, and affordable, escape (see ohrid.com.mk).
Quelle: Guardian - Holiday hotspots: where to go in 2014
