bgenopoulos ist der 2 onassis nach eine zeit!
sowas ist nict normal was er geschaft hatt!
Der wollte glatt die JAT kaufen hat tadic nicht so zugelassen
After its 5 billion euro share cap increase, in theory MIG had 15bn euros
available (namely with the capacity to loan 10bn euros on the back of the
share cap increase), Vgenopoulos said at a press conference on October 31.
However, it has so far only chosen to lever part of that debt, making a
warchest of 11bn euros so far, he added.
Serbian real estate
Vgenopoulos and his team have already made in-roads into Serbia - not without
raising a few eyebrows. He noted that there was a telephone query over the
validity of the purchase of Serbia's JSC Robne Kuce Beograd, which was put up
for auction by the Serbian government through the Serbian Privatisation
Agency. The deal value was 360m euros.
The auction was televised live, so it was all highly legitimate, he said. The
land is worth more than double that price but local bidders did not have
backers that had the liquidity Marfin has, he said, by way of explaining why
other bidders missed out.
Marfin is eyeing local banks in Serbia, a source added. "We have established a
presence through Laiki Serbia - which is to be rebranded as Marfin Serbia, a
Marfin source told this newspaper.
The financial sector of Serbia is of special interest, due especially to its
growth potential with regard to EU convergence, the source added. It also has
a cooperation agreement with local player Verano, through which it bought the
real-estate property, he said. A source from the health sector noted that some
of the buildings in the Robne Kuce buy may be suitable to convert to hospitals
as part of MIG's healthcare push.
Dann kommt FYROM dran