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Macedonian Army | Армија на Република Македонија | Streitkräfte Mazedoniens


Werden weniger Albaner genommen? Oder wollen die Albaner nicht?

Ist halt freiwillig. Wer will geht und wer nicht, der geht halt nicht. Ob die jetzt wollen oder nicht genommen werden kp aber ich denke mal nicht das die einen ablehnen der freiwillig dort dienen will es sei denn er ist ein richtiger Lappen.
Besimi: Macedonia contributes to regional and global security
Sarajevo, 3 October 2012 (MIA) -
Republic of Macedonia represents a serious, credible factor of regional stability, a country contributing to global security and peace, said Defense Minister Fatmir Besimi at the Southeastern Europe Defence Ministerial (SEDM) initiative meeting in Sarajevo on Wednesday.
"That is why we give high priority to regional cooperation, strongly supporting regional initiatives and actively engaging in maintenance of good neighborly relations and enhancement of defense cooperation", said Besimi.
According to him, prior successful operations within the SEDM process has shown that the initiative is a successful model of cooperation by regional states, having a crucial role in the establishment and enhancement of dialogue in the field of defense and beyond.
"With regards to additional strengthening of regional security cooperation, I believe the current 'smart defense' concept can be implemented within the SEDM process. In this context, I want to stress that the development of the SEDM Strategic Review is of crucial significance and a true step forward, taking into consideration the continual changes and complexity of modern security challenges", emphasized Besimi.
The Defense Minister assessed that the South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) represents an important part of the SEDM process, adding that Macedonia expresses strong political will over the brigade's proper engagement through the selection of the most functional ways of deployment.
"Macedonia is committed to enhancement of regional cooperation. We can build trust only through sincere cooperation with neighbors, dialogue and mutual understanding, thus demonstrating our democratic capacity and feeling of responsibility towards the region", underlined Besimi.
Bumar Group Promotes Offer in Macedonia

12 October 2012

President Krzysztof Krystowski, along with Vice-President Marcin Idzik, Under-Secretary of State in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Bogusław Winid and Under-Secretary of State in Ministry of National Defence, Gen. Waldemar Skrzypczak, participated in the official visit in Macedonia, which purpose was to promote Polish defence industry.

During the meetings with representatives of Macedonian Armed Forces, one of the main topics was Rosomak Wheeled Armoured Vehicle.
The offer of Bumar Group, along with Rosomak Wheeled Armoured Vehicle, which is produced in Wojskowe Zakłady Mechaniczne S.A. in cooperation with Bumar Group, met with great interest of the representatives of the Armed Forces of Macedonia.




Quelle: Bumar Group Promotes Offer in Macedonia
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