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Macedonian Army | Армија на Република Македонија | Streitkräfte Mazedoniens

Conference "ARM 1992-2012: Establishment, Development, Challenges"
Skopje, 9 August 2012 (MIA) -
"ARM 1992-2012: Establishment, Development, Challenges" is the title of conference held in Skopje on Thursday, organized by the Association of Veterans and Reservists in Defense and Security Sectors, under the auspices of the Defense Ministry and the Macedonian Army (ARM) General Staff.
Defense Minister Fatmir Besimi will deliver an address at the conference, held within the observances of the 20. ARM jubilee.
среда, 08 август 2012
Одбележување на годишнината од загинувањето на резервистите кај Карпалак
Карпалак, Македонија

Shënim i përvjetorit nga humbja e jetëve të rezervistëve të armatës afër Karpallakut
Shkup, Maqedoni





Observance of Ljubotenski Bacila 11. anniversary
Skopje, 10 August 2012 (MIA) -
The 11. anniversary from the death of eight Macedonian Army (ARM) reservists near area Ljubotenski Bacila will be observed at commemorative traits in village Ljubanci, army barracks "Ilinden" and village Volkovo on Friday.
Delegations from the Government and ARM General Staff will lay flowers at the traits.
On 10 August 2001 an ARM military cargo vehicle hit two planted mines at a road near Ljubotenski Bacila. Skopje garrison reservists Tome Badarovski, Goce Cankulovski, Branko Janev, Tomislav Nastevski, Marjanco Boskovski, Ivica Zlatevski, Tome Dimovski and Rade Jankovski were killed in the incident.
Wer von euch Mazedoniern (und Albanern) hat eigentlich bei der Armee gedient? Ich wurde nicht eingezogen.

Wie lang ging der Wehrdienst damals noch?
Als mein Vater in der ARM war 1991 musste er damals 9 Monate dienen. Ich gehe davon aus das es heute immernoch so ist.

Anfang der 2000er wurde doch die Wehrpflicht abgeschafft, wenn ich mich nicht irre. Jetzt gibt es nur noch eine Berufsarmee (was ich sehr gut finde, weil ich sonst hätte dienen müssen :D )
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Drama in Kabul, Croatian pilots save Macedonian soldiers
Thursday, 20 September 2012

Afghanistan has become increasingly dangerous for Macedonian soldiers, due to an increased anti-US sentiment after the release of the film "Innocence of Muslims". As a result there the US and NATO have lost numerous soldiers killed by Afghan police, at the same time the Taliban has launched multiple brave attacks on NATO bases in and out of Kabul.

As a result the situation for Macedonian soldiers in one of those bases became life threatening after coming under a sustained attack by Taliban soldiers from all sides.
On Tuesday one of these bases housing Macedonian instructors came under attack, so much so US pilots were not allowed to fly in or out of the base fearing the aircraft would be easily downed.

The dire situation didn't stop a group of Croatian pilots to borrow an Afghan helicopter. They were determined to leave the base and transport soldiers to the Bagram base outside of Kabul.

Despite the dangers of having their helicopter downed, the Croats managed to transport all Macedonian soldiers to Bagram as well as group of soldiers from Montenegro, Bosnia and Albania.
After arriving in Bagram, all Macedonian soldiers boarded a transport plane and landed in Kyrgistan where they are awaiting their flight to Macedonia.