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"Marš na Drinu" in der UN - Jeremic feiert serbisches Neujahr

Viljuška;3545664 schrieb:
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einige hier sind echt nur noch lächerlich
Jeder versucht sich in die Szene zu setzen ,und Vuk Jerebic nutzt die Gelegenheit eben in der UN .

Er will damit sein Land repräsentieren um jeden Preis .

Er fühlt sich Obergötlich :lol:
Mars na drinu je mogla biti himna, jedna od tri pesme u uzem izboru.

..und warum wurde es nicht die Hymne? :facepalm:

UN apologizes for Serb nationalist song ovation

UNITED NATIONS — Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's spokesman says the United Nations apologizes for the ovation given to a militant Serb nationalist song that was performed as an encore at a concert honoring Serbia's presidency of the U.N. General Assembly.
The song, "March to the Drina," was reportedly sung during Serb attacks on Bosnian towns along the Drina River separating the newly separated countries.
Ban's spokesman Martin Nesirky said Thursday that "the United Nations was aware that some people were offended by the encore song at the concert held in the General Assembly on Monday."
Ban "expressed sincere regret that people were offended by this song," Nesirky said, adding that the U.N. chief "obviously was not aware what the song was about or the use that has been made of it in the past.
..und warum wurde es nicht die Hymne? :facepalm:

UN apologizes for Serb nationalist song ovation

UNITED NATIONS — Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's spokesman says the United Nations apologizes for the ovation given to a militant Serb nationalist song that was performed as an encore at a concert honoring Serbia's presidency of the U.N. General Assembly.
The song, "March to the Drina," was reportedly sung during Serb attacks on Bosnian towns along the Drina River separating the newly separated countries.
Ban's spokesman Martin Nesirky said Thursday that "the United Nations was aware that some people were offended by the encore song at the concert held in the General Assembly on Monday."
Ban "expressed sincere regret that people were offended by this song," Nesirky said, adding that the U.N. chief "obviously was not aware what the song was about or the use that has been made of it in the past.

der marsch hat an sich nichts verwerfliches,nur ist es eben bei einer un-versammlung meiner meinung fehl am platz,weil UN-für frieden stehend

mars na drinu-aufruf zum kampf eigentlich nicht vereinbarend,